Good Morning My Children

"If" You Desire True, Lasting, "Peace", Your Egos Have to Go

Humanity on Earth, the planet infected with the "egoic plague", which is not recognized as the "plague in consciousness" that it truly is. 

Good Morning My Children

If He Can Do It, Anyone Can

Return to the "Reality" of My Love...or live in your illusion of fear?

Good Morning My Children

Impossible Dream of Humanness

I love you more than you can currently comprehend...

Good Morning My Children

Almost an Impossibility for Your Egos...

admitting they are "entirely mistaken" about your status quo, on your planet Earth... 

Good Morning My Children

And You Ask: "Isn't There Anything More to Life?"

Reverse your egoic, fearful conditioning

Good Morning My Children

The only "Reality", The Infinite Matrix of Love fail to comprehend your state of non-reality, your Dream World of Humanness, on planet Earth. 

Good Morning My Children

The Omitted Destruction of Jeshua ben Joseph's Authentic Movement and Teachings'

Your trifecta of illusion...

Good Morning My Children

Mistaken Identity of Humanness Script

Until you admit to your ignnorance, you will slumber in your Dream World of fears and anxieties. 

Good Morning My Children

Your "Dream World" of Humanness

Who can be punished for only dreaming a dream? Something for you to think about, My Children...

Good Morning My Children

Same Old Way of Living or the New, Jeshua Way?

Look at your planet...look at your history, is this what you want more of?

Good Morning My Children

Mistaken Human Identity

Your "Game of Humanness" long will you play My Children?

Good Morning My Children

More Fear or the "Reality of Love"?

Your choice is quite simple
