Almost an Impossibility for Your Egos...
Good, good, good morning once again to all of My Children of Light Divine who have chosen to experience the illusion, the Dream World on planet Earth, called "humanity". Oh yes, illusion, Dream World of separation from that...from "Who" it is impossible to be separated from, which of course we, or rather I, your Creator and Divine Parent, continue to explain to you, humanity, over, and over, and over again.
Oh yes, around and around we go, describing "Reality" to you when you are so lost in your illusion of humanness that your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, depicts it as the illusionary Dream World that you have mistaken for "Reality". Illusionary Dream World, mistaken as "Reality"...oh my, you have truly stretched your imaginations, your creativity this time My Children, for who would have thought that such a creation was possible?
Well, the answer to that question appears to be abundantly obvious in that there has only been one human who has subscribed to such a possibility, and that one, the one Being of Light Divine, who uncovered such a dilemma, was none other than the one you know best as "Jesus Christ", who of course never used such a name as he walked among you, some two thousand years ago. Oh no, "Jesus Christ" is a Greek name, whereas Jeshua ben Joseph was an Essene Jew, born and raised by his Earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, also Essene Jews, who never referred to him as "Jesus Christ".
Very unusual chain of events really, even for humanity, on planet Earth, to label an Essene Jew with a Greek name, don't you think? But then again, planet Earth, along with the race of beings called "humanity", is a very unusual case, indeed...for who could ever imagine such a creation, such a mass mistaken identity, whereby billions of Souls, billions of My Spirits of Love, desire to purposely assume a mistaken identity to experience a world of dark emotions and Light emotions, all at the same time?
Really, who could imagine such an existence, even if it was only temporary..."a temporary" that turned into a millennium, after mellennium, after millennium of an ever deepening illusion of "Reality" to where it was, or rather "is" such a deep "illusion of Reality" that the possibility of discovering the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love is almost..."almost an impossibility", for who would believe such a story, such a description of mistaken identity?...hmm?...who?
Well, My Children of Light Divine, who "have chosen" to become lost in your self-created Dream World of Humanness, I continue to ask you obvious questions, on this fine new day on your planet Earth, do I not?...for where oh where is such an event described on your world-wide internet? Where?
Oh yes, I know, there are many, many internet sites devoted to your brother and equal, Jeshua ben Joseph, the so-called "Jesus Christ" of two thousand years ago, but how many include a section labeled as "God's Blog", where your Creator, Me, "Abba", proclaim openly, to all of humanity, that your Dream World of mistaken, human identity, is an exercise, an experience, "a game of non-reality", which of course you, the players of such a game, refuse to accept the "non-reality" of it all...that is, "lives lost" in your illusion of humanness.
Oh my, you did not believe Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, when he, your brother, attempted to tell you. Oh no..."inconceivable" at that time, so rather than establish a "truthful legacy", whereby all could benefit from his...what do you call them now, in your twenty-first century...such a "Life changing event" for your entire human race...oh yes, a "game changer"...a "game changing event"...quite apropos really, for you may attempt to describe your status quo in many ways...your status of mistaken human identity, would never refer to your perception of "Reality", as a temporary illusion of "Reality", that you believe is "Reality", now would you, hmm?
What would you call such a process...such a mistaken identity, hmm?...My Lost Children of Light Divine...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Fields of Consciousness with Choice...My Spirits of Love, Extensions of Self, who desired to play a game of mistaken identity...only you do not believe your game is a "game" any you? Oh no, for you created such an effective, such a Life-like substitute for the Reality of My Infinite Field of Beingness, My Infinite Field of Conscious, Living, Feeling, Thinking, "Love", that you are now convinced your creation, your Dream World of non-reality, is in fact your perception of "Reality", which is truly "non-reality", that you label as "Life" on planet Earth.
"Life on planet Earth"...Reality? Really? Oh my, if I had one of your tools of illusion, one of your egos, and I desired to make you all feel as though your inferior, mistaken identity, as human beings, was an embarrassing decision of immense proportion...oh my, I could make you feel as though you were...what shall I call them...oh yes, "lower life forms", but to what end, for you are only "playing" in your Game of Humanness, My Spirits of Love.
Yes, it's all just a temporary "game" that you decided to create and play "for the experience"...the experience of "not Me", "not Love", because I Am The Only "Reality", and you thought it would be exciting to experience "non-reality". Oh yes, My Children, My Spirits of Love, playing that you are limited, mortal, physical beings, who are separated from Me, your Creator, Who it is "literally impossible" to be separated from, for I Am "Everywhere"...Infinite, Incomprehensible, Conscious, Pure Love, Pure Intelligence, and on, and on, and on...
Oh yes, we could spend all morning, this morning, describing what has been described and reaffirmed, time after time, on this, God's Blog, but such an exercise will not return you to The Reality of My Love...oh no, My Children...My human children, lost in your "Dream World" of limited humanness, on your planet Earth.
Oh no, which is why Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother Spirit of Love, returned in your 1990s to once again convey what he had discovered two thousand years ago, your path back to The "Reality" of My Infinite Love, so you all could "awaken" from your Dream World, your mistaken identities...your temporary game of limited, fearful, painful, humanness.
Ah, it sounds so easy, does it not, My Children of Light Divine, hmm? Oh yes, just follow the path of Jeshua ben Joseph, the one he traveled two thousand years ago, to return to The Reality of My Love, from your mistaken identities as mere human beings. Oh yes, just follow your brother and equal..."no big deal", right?
Oh...not so for your egos, My Children of Light Divine...oh no, for to have your egos to assume responsibility for your status qou of non-reality in human, limited, fear consciousness, the proverbial "opposite" of My Kingdom of Love, is a very, very, very "Big Deal", indeed...for your "illusionary egos" are many, many things, My Children of Light Divine, but admitting they are entirely mistaken about your status quo, on your planet Earth of fearful, illusionary, "humanness", is bordering on "an impossibility".
Oh yes, your egos are going to have to have...what do you call it...oh yes, "humility", as defined as a quality or state of "being humble"...meek, modest, lowly...not proud, insignificant...oh my, "insignificant", do you realize the challenge ahead of you My Children...the challenge of your egos "admitting they made the mistake" of believing and living as human beings was in fact "non-reality"?...hmm?
As was stated a bit earlier, "almost an impossibility", which is why embracing your pathway "Home" to Love and Perfect Peace (Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Trilogy), will not, nor has it been, an overnight phenomenon. Oh no...this wisdom has been waiting for you, My Children, since your 1990s, and yet, you continue to "dream away" in your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, for you are truly lost within your non-reality, your illusion of human, fear consciousness, which you continue to choose, to subject yourselves to, rather than the alternative Reality. "Reality", My Children of Light Divine, which you will eventually recognize as infinitely more desirable than your Lost World of limited, mortal, fearful, humanness.
What "Reality" am I referring to My Children, hmm? The only "Reality", The Reality of Infinite Love...
That is all...
Aba, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love...