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Good Morning My Children

Same Old Way of Living or the New, Jeshua Way?

Sunday, December 8, 2024 Blog

"Good morning, good morning" on this new day in your glorious Dream World of illusion and delusion, on your Mother Earth. Oh yes, another day for My Children of Light Divine to be completely and utterly lost in the illusion you are a physical, fearful, race of human beings...somehow, unexplainably, separated from their Divine Creator, Who just so happens to be an Infinite Field...Infinite Beingness..."incomprehensible" Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh my, and if such a description is not considered to be the illusion of all illusions, then, I do not know what is...indeed. Physical, fearful consciousness goes by many names, and has been described in a variety of contexts here, on God's Blog, and also within The Way of Mastery Trilogy, by Jeshua ben Joseph, the alleged Only Son of Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, "Abba"...but to no avail, for an illusion, a falsehood, a lie, about whatever...and then, when the dust settles (one of your human phrases), it remains "a lie", or if one prefers a more diplomatic description, "a gross misunderstanding of the Truth".  

Oh yes, because Jeshua ben Joseph looked like a human being, talked like a human being, and died, as all human beings eventually do, and yet...yet, he obtained such a label, such a description, such a title, for a combination of occurrences, events, and abilities, which you are all capable of, and yet, fail to be aware of and "live"

Oh yes, and he even told you so, your "mistaken" Only Son of God, and you chose, and typically still do, to not believe him! Now...consider such a combination, My Children of Light Divine, who are "pretending" to be limited, physical, fearful, human beings, separated from Whom you are "living within". Please..."please", consider what a sizable portion of your population considers to be "Reality" in that you call one of yourselves, "The Only Son of God", Who just so happens to be one of many individuated aspects of Me, The Source of All, Who is addressing humanity this morning, Who tells you over, and over, and over he is "just like yourselves", and yet, you do not believe him (Jeshua ben Joseph).  

Oh my, your Only Son of God is lying to you? Is that what you choose to perceive as your "Reality"..."really", your revered, one of a kind, Only Son of God, is lying to you all, and yet, you profess to emulate his lifestyle, his beliefs, values, and principles? Does that make any sense...does it? Shall I say this all again, or do you realize how "insane" it all sounds...and just by the way, "is"...hmm?...My Children of Light Divine.  

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph is The Only Son of Me alright, but you believed "he lied to you" about who and what you truly are...not only two thousand years ago, but also today, in this current era of your Dream World on Mother Earth.

Oh yes, indeed...and this "story", this never ending illusion of "Reality" just continues on, and on, in that his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings unquestionably describe yourselves as "his equal"..."his equal", and still, you don't believe him, as you continue to worship him, and the portions of his teachings that "you choose" to selectively, and quite illogically I might add, profess to be "the Truth"

Oh yes, for your ego's, your illusion of selves, which he, Jeshua ben Joseph, refers to as "your false and not-selves", profess to know more about Jeshua ben Joseph, than Jeshua ben Joseph that he tells you all who he is, and who you are, his equal, but you choose not to believe him, and then...then, formulate your own definitions for yourselves, and Jeshua ben Joseph.  

Does this insanity end with My last statement? Well, does it, My Children of Light Divine, who continue to choose to be lost in your Dream World of your not-selves, your false identities? Oh worship him, and the "portion" of his teachings you label as "the Truth", but then, fail to study, believe, practice, and live the entirety of his message to you. This is your chosen path today, just as it was two thousand years ago, when humanity compiled his "alleged story" of his Life and Teachings, known as the Gospels of your New Testament. "Alleged", My Children of Light know what the definition of such a word is, do you not, hmm?...combined with your word "story"..."alleged story", which can only be reconciled with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings "if" you admit that they "cannot be reconciled", unless of course, you agree they are, as you say, oil and vinegar...very, very, very different.   

How can this be so, My Children of Light Divine? How can humanity's version of his Life and Teachings be so very, very different from what he is teaching you within your current era, hmm? There is only one way, and that of course is one of the versions must not be true. Which one is it, My Children...Jeshua ben Joseph's version, or yours? Oh yes, and you, humanity, in your expected, inflated, egoic perspective, naturally label your version of his Life and Teachings as the authentic and truthful version...making Jeshua ben Joseph's contemporary version what?...what do your ego's make his version of his own Life and Teachings? 

My, my, your ego's are quite the creation, which My Children of Light Divine, you obtain all the credit for. Oh yes, your ego's will not admit it, but you, My Children, created your ego's...your lying, deceitful, ego's, for this is what your only Son of God tells you in your current era. He tells you, he teaches you, that in order to live in "Reality", versus your false, not-selves, you must dissolve your ego's, as he learned to, two thousand years ago.   

Shall I say that again, My Children of Light Divine...or did you comprehend My words to you, this morning, in your Dream World of Humanness?  "Dream World of Humanness", does not connotate "Reality", My Children of Light Divine. Do you understand these words, you?

Let us put these words together, for your ego's, and see what the meaning is...the message of your so-called Only Son of God, who he tells you is "not so" not his true identity, just as your true identities are "not" physical, fearful, mortal, limited, human beings, who have no eternal, and ongoing relationship with your Creator. 

Oh yes, let us return to combining aspects of Jeshua ben Joseph's contemporary teachings to you, which just so happens, were left out of your two thousand year old version. Jeshua ben Joseph teaches humanity that in order to live in "Reality", and end your Dream World of Humanness, you only have one alternative...and that is to dissolve your ego's...your lying, deceitful ego's, who have been lying to you from the beginning of your existence on Mother Earth

Oh yes, My Children, these are the options Jeshua ben Joseph, your Only Son of God, places in front of you. Let Me rephrase, to more accurately describe Jeshua ben Joseph's message to you...hmm? Do you want to live in the "Reality of Love"...My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love...or, remain as you are, within your Dream World of fear consciousness, also known as "egoic consciousness"? The "Reality of Love" or...your Dream World of fear and dark emotions? 

Which one My Children? Which one will you choose?...for it is your choice, not Mine. Oh no, not Mine, your Creator, for I gave you free-will. This choice, this decision, is your responsibility, which of course, your ego's will deny. Oh yes, indeed...and in so doing, lie to you "again". Don't believe Me, your Creator? about Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm? Will you believe him, and The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of your Only Son of God? 

Oh yes, for this is "your choice", My Children of Light Divine. Will you believe and follow your ego's or...your Creator and Only Son of God?, my, what an interesting choice. Follow the advice of your ego's, who you have followed for the millennia, ever since you arrived on planet Earth or...the proposed new path of your Only Son of God (who says he is not) and your Creator and Divine Parent? 

Let us step back, shall we, and look at what you often refer to as "the big picure". What has following your ego's produced, My Children, hmm? Look at the state of your human race, and has your ego's solved all of your problems, hmm? Does this represent the path that you choose to follow, hmm? Is this the path Jeshua ben Joseph followed two thousand years ago, which was "deleted" from your Gospels, but reintroduced in the current era? No, no..."not even close", for he teaches you how to dissolve your ego's, and put an end to your false, not-selves of fear consciousness and limitation.

Hmm...let Me see...more of the same, more of what you, humanity, have experienced since your arrived on planet Earth or...follow in the footsteps of your brother and equal, a "new way" of living, a journey in consciousness from fear to Love...from illusion to "Reality"?  

Hmm...seems pretty simple to Me, but then again, I Am All Knowing, and your ego's...well, maybe many things, but your history of humanness conveys something very, very different (than All Knowing)...for look at your planet....look at your this what you want more of? 

That is all...

Abba...The Source of All, The Source of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...

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