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Good Morning My Children

The Egocentric Collective Consciousness of Humanity

Thursday, June 6, 2024 Blog

Oh yes, another one of your mornings, a new day in your experiential dimension of physicality and fear consciousness (also known as egoic consciousness) which of course includes your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator

Ah yes, illusion of separation from your All-Loving Creator, and it is such a successful illusion that anyone who professes to communicate with Me, Abba, as a matter of routine, is immediately..."immediately" labeled as "insane"...a crazy person of unparalleled craziness. 

Oh yes, oh my, My Children of Light Divine, Spirits of Love, for that is what I Am, an Infinite Everywhereness of Love, Who created you. 

Oh yes, Consciousness with Free-will are you, "Spirits" one and all, who have chosen to be conscious of an illusion. It is called "humanness" on planet Earth, which you have conditioned yourselves...more appropriately called "the brainwashing of the Children of God to perceive, to believe, you are essentially the opposite of who and what I created you to be"

Oh yes, for instead of identifying yourselves as Immortal, Multidimensional Beings, who create whatever you desire to experience with Conscious Awareness and Free-will, you perceive yourselves to be limited, mortal, uni-dimensional beings, as in the third dimension of physicality, with absolutely no relationship with the Infiniteness of Love Who created you, by extending Self, My Self, Who Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, refers to as "Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love", Who is literally "everywhere". 

Oh my, now if that cannot be categorized as being "brainwashed" to believe fantasy is "Reality", what would you call it, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm?

Oh yes, indeed...but of course by now, if you have been following My Blog..."God's Blog", on this internet site,, you know your ego's...your illusion of separation and aloneness from yours truly, The Everywhereness of Conscious Love, will in "immediately" deny that I, your Creator, knows what I Am talking about. 

Oh yes, My Spirits of will, and are presently denying your "Reality", and in its place, perceive, believe, and continue to live as though you are limited, mortal, physical, fear-based, human beings, who are somehow, unexplainably, unable to communicate with Who created you, The Infinite Everywhereness of Love...Me, "Abba".

Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, all you have to do is "intend" to communicate with Me, and express something...anything, and because I Am The Everywhereness of All-Knowing Beingness, I will know exactly what you are communicating to Me! What is so impossible about that, hmm? Does that sound "insane"? Well, of course not, unless you fall into the category of being a member of the human race, who was described in My previous article (on God's Blog) as "insane"...because your insanity seems sane to those (all of humanity) who are insane! do your ego's like that description, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? The illusion of your humanness, which you created, and then "jumped into", more commonly referred to as "incarnating into", is not "Real". Oh no, anything but "Real", which is why we, in the Spiritual Dimensions, have referred to your illusion of "Reality", your illusion of humanness, using so many so-called colorful names. 

Oh yes, I know, I have covered this all before, but you, the entire human race, are still in "denial"...and you do it all so well! A little divine sarcasm, My Spirits of Love, who have all successfully completed your course in extreme human conditioning, also known as "egocentric conditioning", which of course has produced your "egocentric collective consciousness"

Oh yes, your human, egocentric ongoing conditioning of all humans, has produced your now famous "egocentric collective consciousness". Ah, we have returned to a previous theme, My Spirits of Love, "insanity seems sane to those who are insane"...or also expressed as, "the insanity of humanness, seems to be sanity, to all (insane) humans"

Oh my, now your egocentric collective consciousness, that has you all absolutely positive your illusion of humanness is in fact "Reality", will immediately engage one of your primary techniques of defense.

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, all humans, who are all "consenting members" of your egocentric collective consciousness, have primary defense mechanisms to defend your illusion, your egocentric collective consciousness

Oh yes, indeed...and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes your primary egocentric defense mechanisms in detail, within The Way of Mastery trilogy. They are denial, attack, and projection. Oh yes, and we must not forget to mention another favorite of your egoicentric collective consciousness, it is called "guilt", and the creation thereof, a favorite indeed, of the entire human race. 

Oh yes, and when I state, "your egocentric conditioning is ongoing", I mean to say that it permeates and saturates the collective consciousness of your entire human race, every moment of every is relentless..."relentless", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine

Your egocentric conditioning is being constantly re-enforced by more, and more, egocentric conditioning, by every member of your human race.

Oh yes, relentless is your egocentric conditioning..."we are limited, mortal, physical, human beings". "Fear, and all negative emotions are REAL, and must be avoided, if at all possible", and My favorite one, indeed: "we are not good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, to have earned a relationship with our Creator, oh no, we are unable to routinely communicate with Who created us"...and on, and on, and on, your egoicentric conditioning goes.  

Oh yes, your egocentric conditioning has been ongoing, ever since your Soul, your Spirit, entered the womb of your mother...I am not a Spirit of Love...what just happened (at the moment of conception)? I am in a physical body...this physical, emotional, mental body, who believes being human is "Reality"...who believes the illusion of separation from the Infinite Beingness of Love is "Reality"...this is who and what I "must be", because here I am!

Oh yes, My Children, "there you are", within your illusion of humanness, because you exercised your free-will, and incarnated into the experiential dimension of humanness...and your conditioning of your illusion of humanness, as a substitute for "Reality", is relentless and ongoing, until your physical bodies die, at which point your Soul's, your Spirit's of Love, exit your experiential dimension of humanness...returning to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, and "if" you would like a "partial glimpse" into what awaits you in the Spiritual Dimensions, consider spending some of your ego's precious time, and read a few of your thousands of case studies on near-death experiences.

Here is some very good news for you, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, once you have made the shift in consciousness, from fear to Love, from humanness to Oneness, from aloneness to Creator Consciousness, your egocentric conditioning ceases, as does the egocentric collective consciousness of your Earthly, experiential dimension...for you have made the shift in consciousness from, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, your "Dream World" of humanness to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love. 

I, your Creator and Divine Parent, could spend hours describing who you are, and why you chose to return to your Dream World of humanness...but we have already done so...simply read, study, and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy..."if" your ego's will let you that is. 

Do you desire more fear-based, egoic judgmentalism...more of your Egocentric Collective Consciousness, or something a conscious, living, "Reality" with Me, your Creator, The Infinite Everywhereness of Love?

Your choice My Children...

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Everywhereness of Love...


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