Denial, denial, have perfected "denial"...
"The Children of God", what a topic! The topic that most of these articles are devoted to in one way or another, and you would think that humanity would be clamoring for more, and more information, about themselves...but, not so much...not so much because in some respects, the story of humanity is a bit "tragic".
Oh yes, tragic indeed, for some of the Children of God, the ones who have "chosen" humanity to experience, have gotten themselves so lost in their humanness, in their physical, collage of emotional experiences, many of which are quite dark, that they do not even think of themselves (yourselves) as "The Children of God"...and even when they do, conceptualize themselves as the lofty descendants of The Source of All, they (you) somehow paint yourselves in the corner of Creation overflowing with "millenia of darkness".
Oh yes, death and destruction, saturated with a seemingly endless list of dark emotions, which just go on, and on, and on.
How, oh how, do you do "it" for century, after century...after century? Look at your history, My Children of the Light is a description of one chapter of death and destruction...followed by a new version of the same old thing...more death, destruction, and despair. Or...or, if you want a bit of the current edition of the darkness of humanness, simply watch your daily international news.
Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, watch your nightly news, which is a story of the daily tragedies, disagreements, arguments, wars, fires, natural disasters, death, human atrocities, and on, and on, and on...
Oh yes, and you (humanity), have conditioned yourselves to just think "it" is all normal..."your daily dose of humanness", and you simply get up each morning and experience "it" all over again, and again, and again...millenia, after millenia, after millenia...
My, my, don't you ever get so, as you say, "fed up" with your status quo, that you decide, once and for all, to attempt to figure out how you have declined to such a tragic state of you can begin to live and experience "a new chapter of your humanness", a new chapter that "excludes" wars, hatred, revenge, anger, fear, depression, despair, and on, and on, and on...hmm, My Children of God, and that of course would be "Me", your so-called God or Creator, who you blame for your dark history of humanness.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, your ego's refuse to take responsibility for your, even if your don't blame Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everyhwere", you find...rationalize some other cause for your fate of humanness.
Ah yes, and then, we find another version of your "denial game" of someone or something "put us here", on planet Earth, in your human bodies, struggling to survive, struggling to make a better life for yourselves, and yet...thousands of years are still struggling...
Don't you ever become tired of all of your struggles, My Spiritual Children of Light tired you become obsessed with the so-called "Big Questions", so you can put a stop to your current version of "the struggling human race"...hmm? Around and around you go, and as you live out your current version, you simply start a new version, the next version of "the struggles of humanity", where you find yourselves struggling all over again, and again, and again...
Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, who are pretending to be human, you have gotten yourselves so, so lost in your illusion of humanness, the current version of your struggling through the never ending versions of darkness and death, that you have lost complete touch with "Reality", and have claimed your humannness as your "substitute for Reality".
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, you decided to own your humanness as a "substitute for Reality" thousands of years ago, and have chosen to continue to condition yourselves into thinking and living your substitute for Reality is in fact, your "Real Reality".
Oh my, oh my, and even when Jeshua ben Joseph (aka your only Son of God savior), once known as Jesus Christ, returns to your substitute for Reality, called "your illusion of humanness"...your "experiential dimension of humanness"...your physical, fear-based state of consciousness, with your illusion of separation from your Creator, Who is "everyhwere" to provide you with the answers to all of your "Big Questions", inclusive of how to put "an end" to all of your do what, hmm?
What does humanity do with such information, hmm? Oh, let us make this article a bit more, as you say, "personal". What have "you" done with The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm? What have "you" done with the techniques, exercises, and strategies for putting an end to all of the struggles of humanity, contained within Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy? What have "you" done with this knowledge, this gift, this doorway to the end of all of your struggles, hmm?
Do "you" study and practice, and study and practice, until "you" begin to experience "Reality", versus your ongoing "illusion of Reality"...your "substitute Reality"...which "you" have been perpetuating for your history of humanness, on Mother Earth?
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, within your history of ongoing humanness, you have, and continue to live and own, that "you" have done this all to is "you" who have created and perpetuated your illusion of humanness, your millenia of struggles, death, and destruction, but...but, "you" deny that such a "Reality" is your "Reality".
Ah yes, "denial", My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, how often have we discussed how "you", humanity, have "perfected denial". I could devote endless pages on your internet, within My Blog, God's Blog, on, providing example, after example, after example of how "you", the human race, have perfected the characteristic known as "denial"...and do you know what "you" would do, and have done, hmm?
"You" would "deny" that your Creator is describing "Reality". Oh yes, you even "deny" I Am routinely communicating to the human race, on your world-wide internet.
And why, oh why, do you "deny Reality", My Spiritual Children of Light Devine, who are pretending to be human, hmm? Do at least a few of you want to hear the answer I, your Creator, and Jeshua ben Joseph, have delivered to you over, and over, and over again, hmm?
Because "that" is what your ego's are telling you to do. Oh yes, My Spititual Children of Light Divine, "you" created "egoic consciousness", as a "substitute for Reality", and now, "your ego's are in control", as they have been, ever since you incarnated into into your human costumes on planet Earth.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, it is just as your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes in The Way of Mastery...but, your ego's...your judgmental, fear-based, state of consciousness, your "substitute for Reality" is telling you to "deny" Jeshua ben Joseph and your Creator, "Me", know what we are talking about!
Please allow Me, your Creator, to put this into perspective for your ego's. "You", in your illusion of humanness, have endured thousands of years of pain and suffering, because "your creation" has been in is called egoic, judgmental, fear consciousness, with its illusion of separation from your Creator, "Me". Oh yes, and because your massive ego's deny this "Reality", deny taking responsibility for all of your pain and suffering, they (your ego's) are denying, at this very moment, that your "All-knowing Creator" is "All-Knowing".
Ah yes, humanity has been following your self-created, egoic consciousness, for the duration of "your" venture into humanness on planet Earth. What has that produced for you, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, hmm? Look at your long history...look at your nightly news broadcasts...look in the you see True Peace? Do you see Pure Love, anywhere...hmm?
More "denial" My Immortal, Multidimensional, Limitless, Spirits of Love?
That is all...
Abba...your Creator, The Infinite Spirit of Love