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Good Morning My Children

Game of Humanness and Searching for Love

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 Blog

"Good day" to you all on Mother Earth on this new day, twenty four of your hours, to once again experience your "perception of Reality"...when in "Reality", all you have done is create an "illusion of Reality", which you perceive to be no illusion.

Oh no, and how many times now have I, your Creator and Divine Parent, covered...conveyed the same message...hmm, My Spriritual Children of Light Divine? How many? I have been at this educational endeavor now for over two years, through this one, who has come forth to fulfill the purpose for which I created you, just as Jeshua ben Joseph did, some two thousand years ago. 

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, was quite comfortable in our relationship, in the area known as Kashmir, a beautiful land, which is now part of what you call "northern India". 

He, Jeshua ben Joseph, had absolutely no idea what I was about to ask him, other than the occasional premonition, which of course made absolutely no sense to one so new to our conscious, living relationship, while still within your "illusion of Reality"...your illusion of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Creator, Who it is "impossble" to be separated from...for how on Earth, or within any other experiential dimension, is it possible to be separated from that which you, or anyone else, exist "within"...hmm, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? 

Oh yes, let us see if we can...what you call...beat your perception of Reality into the ground of your illusion of Reality, which I continualy describe as "your illusion of humanness".

Oh yes, let's...let us see if we can find a new variation, a new context, that will "ring your bell", the bell of "Reality" versus your egoic illusion...the bell of your eternal, everlasting, impossible to end, relationship with Me, your Creator, hmm? Do you think we can accomplish such a feat, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine?

Oh no, your ego's say. Your ego's, that is as you say, "a rich one"..."your illusion" of Conscious Reality, within your experiential dimension of humanness, once again refusing to allow The Light of Love to pierce the darkness of "your illusion" of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love...The Infinite Field of Love which of course All of Creation exists "within". So, just as described, it is literally "impossible" for humanity, on your Mother Earth, to be separated from that which it is "impossible" for you to be separated from, hmm, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine..."IMPOSSIBLE" and still, your ego's deny "REALTIY"

Ah yes, your ego's, "fear consciousness", within your illusion of separation from Me, "Love Consciousness", also referred to as "Oneness Consciousness", and also "Creator Consciousness" is that for a new context, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine? Once upon a time, you existed as Spirits, Consciousness with Choice (commonly called free-will on your planet Earth), within The Field of My Infinite Everywhereness of Love Consciousness, and you had the thought: Is it possible to experience something other than Creator Consciousness? Is it possible to do the impossible?

Hmm...I Am going to let My last concept, as you say, "sink in", before I proceed...

Is it possible for us, Extensions of The Creator, Spirits of Love, to somehow escape that which is "everywhere"? We are unlimited, just as is our Creator, so we should be able to do anything, for if we cannot, then we would not be unlimited...and that would be impossible.

A yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, and "that" was the initial thought, the initial concept, the initial desire, which manifested forth from your aspect of "Mind", let us do the impossible, let us create an illusion of separation from our Creator. What shall we call it? How can we make such an "illusion of Reality", seem to be "Reality"? Oh yes, let us accomplish the impossible, accomplish "non-reality", and experience it as "Reality". What shall we call "separation from our Creator", The Great Infinite Field of Love...and what characteristics will our "illusion of Reality" have?

Oh my, do you see where we are going this fine morning, in your humanness, on beautiful Mother Earth, hmm? Oh yes, we are once again in the non-reality of your perception, your desire, your creation of the impossible, which of course is an "illusion of Reality", which you have "conditioned yourselves", brainwashed yourselves, to perceive and experience as "Reality"!

Oh yes, a new context of "Reality", within your "illusion of Reality". It is called "humanity, on planet Earth". 

Oh yes, let us celebrate, for My Spiritual Children of Light Divine have succeeded at creating the impossible, or at least the illusion thereof, and what oh what can it be other than the "illusion of separaration" from Me, The Source of All, The Infinite Field of Love. It is called "humanity", "egoic fear consciousness", "anti-bliss", "pain and suffering". 

Oh my, how do you like "your creation", My Spiritual Chldren of Light Divine? Are you enjoying your game of "Let Us Create the Impossible", hmm? Oh yes, for is this not what children do...hmm? Create games, create fantasies, to entertain themselves? How do you like your game of physicality, fear consciousness, and separation from Me, your Divine Parent and Infinite Matrix of Love, hmm? 

How do you win your game of "Let Us Create the Impossible"? How do you win your game of humanness? How do you return to the "Bliss" of your eternal, without end, relationship with that which created you, and of course, that would be Me, Infinite Love Consciousness, and I Am "everywhere" My Children...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirits of Love?  

Have you stumbled through your game of humanness long enough, searching, searching, for the end of your game...hmm? How is your level of pain and suffering My Children?

Ah yes, you did create your ego's, fear consciousness and illusion of separation from Me, to be "quite stubborn". Oh yes, indeed...for even now, this very moment, your ego's are refusing to recognize this description of "Reality" to be "Reality".

Ah yes, "denial", a quality...a technique you have perfected in your extreme conditioning of "non-reality". The only way we can experience the impossible, experience the illusion of separation from our Creator, The Infinite Matrix of Love, is if we "deny the Reality" of our eternal relationship with the Everywhereness of Love

Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Light Divine, just keep denying Me and My Everywhereness of Love...that is, "if" you desire your game of humanness, your game of fear consciousness, your game of pain and suffering, your game of searching for Love to continue...

That is all...

Abba...The Everywhereness of Love...


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