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Good Morning My Children

My Children, you have been blinded by your ego's, the plague in consciousness, "the cancer of consciousness"...

Monday, June 3, 2024 Blog

"The Children of the Light Divine"...oh my, oh my, you certainly are not acting and living as The Children of the Light Divine, now are you? Never have, at least not while you are pretending to be human.

"Pretending to be human"...who has created such a description? For as long as you have been "cloaked" within your physical, human costumes, you certainly have not perceived that you are "pretending to be human"...oh no, not in the least, for anyone who takes their role as seriously as you do, certainly is not pretending about are they, My Children of the Light Divine? 

Ah, but that was the goal, was it not...hmm? To distract yourselves in humanness to the point of actually believing and living as though you are physical, fearful beings who "perceive", and thus, experience your illusion of humanness as "Reality".

Oh yes, "your perceived Reality of humanness" has been a huge success because, with rare exception, have you ever perceived and lived as though you are "Extensions of Self", The Infinite Beingness of Love

Oh yes, My Children, Extensions of Self are you this day, and everyday, on your planet Earth, within your illusion of humanness...for how often have you heard anyone say, "I am an extension of The Source of All, and I am here, in this human form, to function as a medium for Love, for My Creator"? How often, hmm, My so-called Children of Light Divine? 

Even today, in your twenty first century, many, many millenia after you first stepped onto your planet Earth, in your human forms, we find ourselves referring to the human race as "The Children of God", rather than "The Extensions of God"...and oh, can I hear your wisperings, My Children of God. What is this One trying to say? What is the difference?

What is the difference? What is the difference? Oh my, I had hoped we had moved beyond your limited perception of your pretend humanness, but to no avail.

"Extensions" of anything are just like that, or in this case, "Who" is being extended. Oh yes, for children, at least as defined and perceived by your human race, can be quite different from their parents.  

However, in the strict definition of who and what you are, you are not My so-called "Children", but rather "the extensions thereof".

Ah yes, My Extensions of My Light Divine, we have started our message this morning with a mind-boggling message of "Reality", which of course you find as incomprehensible. Ah, but what else would you expect, at least while you are pretending to be human, hmm? 

In your "perception" of humanness, you do not perceive you are extensions of The Source of All, but rather the so-called Children thereof, for that allows you the crack of differentness to slip does it not, hmm? Oh yes, it does, My so-called Children of God, even though your Holy Bible says you were made in "My Image". 

"Made in My Image" connotes "the same" does it not? No room, or in this case, a crack of differentness for you to slip through.

And how will it ever be possible for you to perceive yourselves to be "The Extensions of The Source of All", hmm? How? And immediately the masses response is "never...never will we be able to perceive ourselves to be the same as The Creator, The Source of All, The Infinite Field of Love, Who is Everywhere"

Oh no, and if we ever do, and verbalize the "Reality" of which I speak this day (through one of your own), you will immediately..."immediately" be labeled as "insane".

Hmm...quite the conundrum we have here, within your experiential dimension of humanness. "You", humanity, Spirits of Love, pretending to be human, were created to be mediums for My Infinite Love, within "Creation", and yet, you find this "Reality" to be insanity? How is it ever going to be possible for you, Spirits of Love, to fulfill the function and purpose of your creation, hmm? 

How is it going to be possible for you to go through the "process of transcendence" to the "Reality" of Who and What you truly are, if the end result is going to be that you are perceived to be "insane" by those who have not yet transcended your illusion of humanness? 

Let us complete the framing of your "Reality", within your illusion of humanness, shall we? You are so lost in your illusion of humanness that you actually live, believe, and own your humanness. Oh yes, and a perceived attribute of your illusion of humanness is your illusion of being separated from Who and What you can never be separated from, and that Who and What is of course Me, "Abba", The Infinite Field of Love, for I Am "everywhere". "That", My Children of God, The Extension of Self, is your "Reality", and any fellow human who lives in "your Reality" is perceived to be "insane".   

Where have we heard this before, hmm? Where have we heard those that "perceive" themselves...and in this case that would be humanity, as living in the "Reality of humanness", is actually the "insanity of humanness"...for you are not limited, physical, fearful beings, who are separated from your Creator, and yet, this is what you believe, live, and own, is it not? You do not believe, live, and own you are Spirits of Love, Extensions of The Creator, with a forever relationship with Who created you.  

Ah yes, finally, My message to you this day, within your experiential dimension of humanness. Do you not believe that those who believe, live, and own their illusion of "Reality" are "insane", hmm? Oh yes, most definitely, which resulted in the saying of your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, "insanity (of your humanness) seems sane to those that are insane".

Oh my, and that description, "insanity seems sane to those that are insane", applies to the entire human race, with very, very few exceptions. How do you like your insanity of humanness, hmm?

How do you like being so lost in your illusion of humanness, within your experiential dimension, that you actually believe, live, and own your illusion of humanness? Ergo, "insanity seems sane to those that are insane"...the saying of Jeshua ben Joseph describing humanity, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...more specifically, within his The Way of Mastery trilogy.

How does it feel to be so insane, that you believe the insanity of your humanness is "Reality"?

Yes, My so-called Children of the Light Divine, this is the place we find ourselves, you and I...and of course the Heavenly Host of your sisters and brothers, who also know you are lost in your illusion of humanness. We have tried nudging you in the direction of "Reality", and yet, you perceive your "Reality" to be the insanity of your humanness...or as stated by Jeshua ben Joseph, "insanity seems sane to those that are insane". 

Nudging you in the direction of "Reality" has been unsuccessful, so a much more direct, and as you say, "blunt approach" has been, and will contiunue to be the theme of 

Ah yes, we know, your insanity of humanness seems "Real" to you, but there will come the day when your illusion of humanness is just too painful, for even you, and you will seek what we will call "an escape mechanism". Some have already begun the search for "the escape mechanism from your illusion of humanness".

Oh yes, and your egoic fear consciousness will produce many illusionary escape mechanisms. The original such illusion was suicide. Ah yes, suicide..."I cannot take this any longer so, I will escape...I will kill myself!" Ah, but what happens, hmm...with suicide? You find yourselves back in a new human form, experiencing the pain and suffering of your illusion of humanness all over again, all because you did not learn the lesson you came here to experience

Oh yes, your ego's are experts at creating illusions, which only create more pain and suffering. Even within your so-called New Age movement, the ego has created "escape mechanisms from your illusion of humanness". Ah yes, and what happens to all egoic illusions, which are perceived to be "Real", hmm? 

Eventually...eventually your egoic illusions are seen to be illusions, for the ego will create, and create promises that are never fulfilled, and then, where do you turn to for solutions, hmm? 

Your long human history shows us that you turn to more, and more, and more egoic illusions...egoic promises, which are never fulfilled...promises of True Love and Perfect Peace. Ah yes, the old suicide scenario, a promise of escape, and yet, there is no escape from your illusion of humanness

There is only one path to the Reality of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, and I, your Creator have spoken of this many times. It is the path to The Reality of Love, discovered and documented by your friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, "your equal". Oh yes, The Way of Mastery trilogy is your one path "Home" to reunion with Me, The Infinite Field of Love, and I Am "everywhere". 

Ah, yes, "everywhere", except where you have been temporarily blinded by "egoic judgmentalism", also known as "fear consciousness and the illusion of separation from your Creator".  

Oh yes, My Children, you have been blinded by your ego's, the plague in consciousness, "the cancer of consciousness", which Jeshua ben Joseph found the cure for

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love...


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