Good Morning My Children

Time To Correct Your Mistaken Identity?

Good Morning My Children

Jeshua ben Joseph Has Written The Way to My Kingdom, and It Is Not Christianity.

Good Morning My Children

You Hear Me Not...and That Is Okay

Good Morning My Children

When Will You End Your Darkness?



Good Morning My Children

Is It Time for You to Remember Love?

You "turned off" your Multidimensional Awareness... 

Good Morning My Children

A "Mystery" Topic This Day...

Are your curious...then let us begin...

Good Morning My Children

Ego or Christ Consciousness...Fear or Love Consciousness?

Are you ready to educate yourselves on the differences?


Good Morning My Children

Do You Want to Know Why I Created You? Do You Know Your Purpose?

Good Morning My Children

Look Within for All of Your Answers...Look Within...

Your religious and spiritual leaders..."the blind leading the blind"...

Good Morning My Children

Home, Light & Love or Ego, Darkness & Fear?

"reframe your identity"

Good Morning My Brothers & Sisters

Fear or Bliss, While You Are Still in a Physical Body? Which Will It Be?

A message from a brother & your Creator

Good Morning My Children

Human Projections onto Jeshua ben Joseph..."Fantasies"...

"I Am the ocean and you are the fish"...
