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Good Morning My Children

Sober Up From Your Addiction to Humanness

Thursday, November 2, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, today...another day for you all to "pretend" you are limited, physical, fearful, human beings, and you all do it so well, so very convincing. You should all receive "accademy awards"..."Oscars" they are called, for your acting abilities, because you even convince yourselves you are "human beings" on planet Earth. Amazing...truly amazing, how you all forget so quickly who and what you truly are, as you act out your pre-incarnation plan...your "pre-incarnation script" it is called.  

The drama, the display of emotions, all in unison...truly a sight to be seen in all of Creation, and that My Spiritual Children...My Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine is quite the statement indeed, for as I and Jeshua ben Joseph continue to tell you, Creation is Infinite, which means that your Creator, Who is Me, is Infinite, for we also continue to attempt to educate you on My Everywhereness of Love, for "that" is Who and What I Am...The Everywhereness of Love, Who is everywhere, as you say, "24/7"...a perpetual "Isness of Love" with no beginning, no end, no sides, no top, no bottom.

Just an Isness of Love Who you can never be where I Am not, and yet...yet, that is precisely where you think, you act, you pretend, you believe, you live as though you are...even though in the depths your Souls, dare I say, in the depths of "your Spirits", you know Who and What you truly are, but have what My Sprirutal Children of Love and Light Divine...what have I and Jeshua ben Joseph told you over, and over, and over again about yourselves...hmm? 

You have temporarily forgotten, on purpose, Who and What you truly are. Oh you say, you have "blocked out" your true identity's as part of your "incarnation agreements", because why My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Why have you entered into your pre-incanration agreements of illusion and delusion...hmm? What have I and your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, told you over, and over again, and you continue to stumble around in your human costumes, playing out your pre-incarnation scripts, which you developed so very meticulously before you took on your human costumes, your human fears and anxieties, your mistaken identities as fearful, physical, emotional, limited, human place of the "Reality" of your Immortal, Multidimensional, Limitless, Spiritual Selves

Oh...I know, Jeshua ben Joseph broke the news of all this to you so very gradually, so gently, so the shock of "Reality" would not be, what are your words or phrase, believable and yet, not overwhelming. He, and the Heavenly Host of your Sister and Brother Christed Beings, took decades to develop and deliver The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Yes, that is correct...decades to deliver the news of your true identity's and purpose for this charade of your humanness.

Really quite the amazing feat in retrospect, and yet, you...humanity, still don't "get it"...some of you say you say you understand and promote The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, and yet, you really don't.   

It is as though you drop an apple a million times, and say to yourselves, "yes, the law of gravity is real", because every time you drop an apple, it falls to the ground. However, the depth of your "SHOCK", the overwhelming effect of the Reality of your true indenity's, as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine is simply "too much for you", at least when you are embodied in your human costumes, subjecting yourselves to the "constant bombardment of your human conditioning".

Oh yes, the constant bombardment of your human conditioniung is relentless..."constant and relentless", for you are drowning in "your illusion of humanness"..."brainwashed" in your illusion of humanness, is one phrase that has been used to describe your status quo. 

And back to My original question, My Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, pretending to be human, which has been asked and answered over, and over, and over again. Why have you drowned yourselves in your illusion of humanness...why have you all brainwashed yourselves in your illusion of humanness...hmm? Because in your Spiritual Unlimitedness, you wanted to see if it was it possible to create "the experience of non-love" it possible to create the illusion (the iliusion My Children) of separation from Who and What it is impossible to be separated from, and that Who and What would be "Me", your Creator and Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love Who is everywhere..."everywhere", in all of Creation. 

Ah yes, I know, you have heard this all before...first, in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy, and now, in My Blog, your Creator's Blog, in you know what My Spiritual Children of Love and Light still don't believe us.   

Drowning in your illusion of humanness...brainwashed in your illusion of humanness...searching for Love, stumbling through all of your illusions of fears and anxieties, fearful of your own shadows, truly lost in your illusion of humanness on planet Earth, until your human costumes wear out and die, and you once again transition into the Light of My Infinite Love, your Spirit that is, not your physical, human costumes. It is as though you went to a costume party, it's over, and you return Home to the "Reality" of My Everywhereness of Love, in the Spiritual Dimension, where you...for lack of a better description, force yourselves to remember you were "pretending" to be fearful, physical, human beings, collectively within the experiential dimension of the illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, "force yourselves to remember" your true identity's as Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, with an eternal relationship with Me, The Everywhereness of Love, Who created you, for you are addicted to your humanness, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine a manner of speaking, you are all addicted to your illusion of humanness. When are you going to check yourselves into the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, and out of your addiction to your illusion of humanness...your illusion of pain and suffering, your illusion of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love, Who created you...hmm? When are you going to sober up from your addiction to humanness?

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...

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