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Good Morning My Children

Can You Imagine Being Too Busy for Love, Perfect Peace, and Bliss?

Monday, October 9, 2023 Blog

Yes, of course...another day has begun in the third dimension of Mother Earth. So, "Good Morning" to you all, as Life is about to throw you another twist and turn in your ever unpredictable journey through your Dream World of fear and physicality.  

Oh yes, unpredictable is your life on planet Earth, for you are never quite prepared for the events as they unfold, now are you? Oh no, a never-ending series of surprises has been the "order of the day" ever since you decided to experience the experiential dimension so different and so very dark, in all of Creation. Oh yes, "different and dark"...both excellent adjectives for your experiential dimension of Earth, in your human forms...your physical, human forms. Quite the change indeed, given you are all Sprirtual Beings of Love and Light Divine, pretending to be "human".

"Pretending to be human", a phrase I, your Creator, The Infinite Field of Love and Life have used many times before, on this, God's Blog...only you do not truly comprehend you are "pretending", just for the experience of seeing and feeling what it is like to be a "human being". Oh no, for all of humanity believes you are in fact "living human forms", on your tiny planet Earth, immersed in your field of dark emotions...and all of "this" is your perception of "Reality".  

"Perception of Reality", an interesting phrase...a phrase that changes dramatically, depending on what small part of Creation you have chosen to experience, for you have free-will and the ability to create whatever you wish...whatever you desire to experience.   

Oh yes, this is the theme of the first Lesson in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy. "Jeshua ben Joseph", you remember him don't you...the most famous of all of your human forms. Oh yes, the most famous, and most influential, indeed. And yet, his influence is waning...fading as it were, for he has returned to your experiential dimension of fear and physicality to deliver his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Oh yes, quite the extensive body of information for humanity to study and ponder, and yet, few...relatively few, take his Contemporary Teachings to heart. Quite odd is it not, that billions would take a convoluted blend of his authentic teachings, of two thousand years ago, polluted by human projections, creations, and misconceptions so seriously, and yet, "ignore" a much more comprehensive, accurate, and contemporary channeled by none other than Jeshua ben Joseph himself

Outside looking in, this is quite...what is one of your human sayings...oh yes, this is quite the "head scratcher", quite the conundrum, indeed. On one hand, you would think this new, complete, contemporary version of his teachings would be "Big News", the subject of ongoing discussions and yet...yet, most of the population have never heard of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...for numerous reasons, including the population remains largely unaware of his authentic Jewish name. 

Quite odd is this not...but then again, we are talking about the third dimension of planet experiential dimension peppered with non-realities, which are assumed to be "Reality". Indeed, an experiential dimension of illusions humans have been conditioned to think are parts of "Reality". We cannot have, what is your term, a more "upside down" experiential dimension than your planet Earth can we...can we? Upside down in that what humanity perceives as "Reality", could not be any more non-reality than it is.  

Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph has returned in your current era to, as you say, "set the record straight"...once and for all, because he tried to do so two thousand years ago, but humanity was not ready. Oh no...humanity was not ready...not prepared for the Truth about your Earthly dimension of dark emotions. It is called "egoic, fear consciousness"...a state, an environment, an experiential dimension where fear, and all the dark emotions, are perceived to be part of "Reality". Oh yes..."part of Reality", or at least that is what humanity has accepted as part of "Reality"...and why My Children...why have you chosen to accept non-reality to masquerade as "Reality"? 

I, your Divine Parent, have told you the answer countless times on this, My Blog, as has Jeshua ben Joseph, within his The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, and it is an answer, a part of "Reality", humanity struggles to comprehend. Well...maybe comprehend is not a complete description of your typical reaction to the Truth of your existence within your make-believe, human Dream World of fear and physicality.  

How does that sound My Children...your make-believe, human Dream World of fear and physicality? Care to comment on the experiential dimension "you created", just for the experience? Ah...and there you have the answer to My question...the answer to why you have chosen to accept the non-reality of fear and dark emotions as "Reality". A bit difficult to both comprend and accept, is it not My Children...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? 

"My Spritual Children"...a very basic description of Who and What you are...the Spiritual Children, or offsprings of the Creator of All, in one way or another...the product, the Beings of the Infinite Field of Love, Who is "everywhere". Yes, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine..."that" is Who and What you are, equiped with Conscious Awareness and free-will. Conscious Awareness and free-will My Children of Love and Light Divine, quite the combination. Do you know who else in all of Creation has this combination of Divine qualities...hmm? Unless you are a Christed, Spriritual Being of Love and Light Divine, the answer is no one..."no one"

Can you begin to comprehend how very special this makes you My Children? Do you understand the abilities you have...the unlimited abilities to create whatever you desire to experience? Of course not, for you have chosen, by exercising your free-will, to experience the non-reality of the limited, dark, physical dimension of the third dimension of fear-based, human beings. "This" is your illusion of "Reality", which you accept as your "Reality".  

Do you know how to escape your self-created illusion of "Reality"? Do you? However insane as this will sound, at least to some of you, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, do you even want to escape the non-reality of your dark emotions, and live within your human forms in the "Reality" of your true Immortal, Spriritual Beings of Love and Light Divine? Do you?

The obvious answer, at least to those of us in the Spiritual Realm, looking in on your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, is not so obvious to most of you. Oh no...for most of humanity is too busy being fear-based humans...too busy with the illusions and non-realities of fearful, egoic consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent

Hmm...can you imagine being too busy for Love, Perfect Peace, and Bliss? It appears the human population of Earth answers this question with a simple "yes, we are too busy being human...too busy having the experience of being human"...simply too busy for Love, Perfect Peace, Bliss, and of course, a re-establishment of your relationship with Me, Abba, your Creator

How could I say such a thing? How could such a thing be possible? How could such a thing represent "Reality" for humanity on planet Earth? This is not, as you say, "rocket science" My Children...oh no...far from it. Jeshua ben Joseph began delivering his Contemporary and Channled Teachings decades ago..."decades" My Children, not last week. Do you understand what is contained in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings My Children? Obviously not, or I would not be communicating directly to all of humanity on, with My Blog...God's Blog. 

"Hello humanity"'s Me, your Creator, trying to get your attention, to communicate to you Jeshua ben Joseph discovered the way out of your egoic, fear consciousness...the way out of your never-ending dramas of dark emotions, pain, and suffering...The Way Home to Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, The Way back to Perfect Union with Me, your Creator, the Infinite Beingness of Love. You can even remain in your temporary, human forms, just as Jeshua ben Joseph did two thousand years ago. Does this not sound like something you would like to experience?

You can either continue to stumble along, through your fears, your pains, your suffering...or you can follow the path to Love and Perfect Peace Jeshua ben Joseph educates all of humanity on, in his The Way of Mastery trilogy. 

Do you want to make your trip Home to Love and Perfect Peace in this current incarnation...or endure more darkness, more pain, and suffering...over many more incarnations? 

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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