Separation From Me, Your Creator, Is Impossible

The Education and Reconditioning of Humanity

Your awareness of Me, your Creator, is overwhelming...and yet, natural. 

You Dreamers and Your Dream of Separation From Me, and I Am but Love

Three Types of Dreamers...Which Type of Dreamer Are You?

From The Source of All

Why "You Chose" the 3rd Dimension of Earth...Your Metaverse of Fear Consciousness

Your Split Personality...Fear-Based Ego & Spiritual Being of Love

From your Divine Parent - Message for Psychologists & My Children of the Light

Game Changer - Behavioral Genetics

Information on your path to enlightenment, also referred to as awakening from your Dream of Separation from Me, your Creator


A message from your Creator, and I Am but Love...

What you call centuries ago, I was do we pray to You...our Creator? In this contemprary era, a similar question has been asked, and an answer has been given.  

From your Divine Parent – I’m talking to you…

My Only Desire is to Extend Self-Pure Love, "Through You"

I assure "you", all are worthy of a relationship with "Me", your Creator

Greetings from your Divine Parent

Why You Were Created

It is a joyous day indeed!...for what you call an internet site has been created to facilitate your return “Home”. And what is Home you ask?
