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Good Morning My Children

When Will You End Your Darkness?

Thursday, December 1, 2022 Blog

And a grand morning it is...for "Life" continues to unfold...the darkness of your Earth experiential dimension never fails to amaze Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...Love can you imagine...a Creator...a Source of All...witnessing all of the darkness that you, My Children, have approaches the incomprehensible, and yet...I created you with "unlimited creativity"...and you have chosen to apply that unlimited creativity to your darkness...your egoic experiences on your planet Earth... undoubtedly have noticed I Am distancing MySelf from your darkness...your starvation, your violence toward one another, your deceases, your sexual abuse, your various forms of torture (which are numerous), your mental and emotional anxieties and stresses...your drug and alchohol escapism...and let us not forget all of your fears...for you are a planet of fears...and on and on the darkness continues...and on and is if there is no end to it all...and in a manner of speaking...there is no end...particulalrly if it was up to your ego's...the aspect of Mind you have created to produce this grand illusion...this "Dream World" of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...   

Your Dream World of egoic, fear-based existence...what a creation...let us quickly look at your USA for environment of more freedom than any other on your planet...and look...just look what you have done with all of those freedoms...its almost as if you are trying to make your lives darker...with more conflicts and disagreements, rather than the perpetuation of a beautiful and free society where understanding, compassion, and forgiveness reign supreme...

Ah...but then again, we are discussing an ego-based society...and the ego is defined as a fear-based state of consciousness...that excels...excels at the creation and perpetuation of fear and judgmentalism, which of course is the source of all of your disagreements, lack of compassion, and lack of forgiveness.

Ah...what have you created? 

You have created a culture where appraoching a majority do not even believe, not really, in Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love.

There are those that say they believe there is a Creator...somewhere...however, they are so immersed in their Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, that as you say, "zero" time is spent cultivating and nurturing a relationship that has no end... 

What are the words to describe your status quo...a Dream World of darkness that is almost...almost unmatched in all of Creation...can you imagine? I guess you can...for you have created "it"...and to what avail...for what purpose?

Oh...that's right...I, the Source of All, have provided several answers to your current status quo in prior articles...and that your ego's...your fear-based ego's, utilize your Beingness to not only create more and never ending fearful experiences, but also perpetuate, and maintain all of your prior, fear-based creations...

Dark...darker...and darkest...and on you go...fear and more fear...and let's maintain all of the fear...its almost as if many of you have forgotten Me, and I Am but Love...Love...remember?

No...I guess many of you have chosen to temporarily forget...turn on your televisions...your radios...your live streaming "stuff", and how much time is devoted to Love, peacefulness, and compassion...many of your programs, including your morning and evening news programs, don't even mention the words Creator or Love...can "You" imagine...the Real You that is...the You that was created out of Love, with an essence of Love, to extend "that" Love... 

What are "we" going to do about all of this My Children...My Creations...well...I gave you all free will...a characteristic...a gift...that is untouchable...for I have no plans of revoking your freedom...for you can create anything you can imagine...and at this very moment in time, which is of course an element of your fear-based Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...your ego's run from the responsiblity for creating your Dream World. of your ego's favorite characteristics!

However...however...I will tell all...the entire planet of fear-based existence...a component of your plan...your intention...your fail-safe program...that will return all of you to your essence, which of course is My essence, since I created "You", an extension of Self, and I Am but Love...

For what does a Loving Parent do for any child that continues to choose darkness instead of The Light...the Light of Love..."Love" My Children...

The Loving Parent always leaves the door open...My door to Love is always open to You...and this internet site is simply one tangible example of the Light of Love has no end...that shines within your Souls...your Spirits...your Beingness...for "That Light"..."That Love" My Light and Love...

So...yes...I, and I Am but Love, will continue to create new paths back to Love, back to a Loving, conscious, feeling relationship with Me, when you tire of your egoic status quo...and although it may not appear to be so...some of you are reaching your so-called breaking point...for you have been here through the millenia of your human in since the beginning of humanity...and your Spirits will exist "after" most of You have chosen to experience the human experiental dimension no more...

Yes...that is correct...the time will come...and sooner than you may think...when You...your Spiritual Selves...will have accomplished your original goals...the original purpose for creating the "human experience'...and when that day arrives, you will turn to each other and say something took us a long time, but we finally did "it"...we (and our Beingness of Love) have lived through every fear-based experience we could possibly imagine...we have almost no recollection of our Divine Parent, Who is but Love...and we have searched for Love in all the wrong must be time to do whatever it takes, to place our Return Home to Love as our first priority. Where has our Creator left the bread crumbs on our path back "Home to Love" that we can now follow...follow back to Love...  

And when that day arrives, and it will...turn within My Children, turn within...for that is where you will find Me, your Loving Parent of All...look within to your feelings, look for pictures within to your Mind's eye, listen within for My Still Small Voice of Love...and I will guide you Home to Love...for My Love for You has no end...

That is All...

Your Loving Sourc of All...

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