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Good Morning...My Children

When Will You Live as I Created You to Be? That Is Entirely Up to You!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 Blog

Ah...a perfect day to, as you say..."chat" about a topic from the perspective of the witness rather than that of the maker and doer...and just by framing a discussion in this manner raises questions and comments that are rarely ever expressed within your Earth dimension...

Yes, that is a good description of the new role that you, the Christed Beings, will play within a dimension many of your Sisters and Brothers only observe from afar...for even they are challengd to comprehend what your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, is really like to experience...for one simple reason...they would never make such a decision...never even want to consider what such an extreme state of existence would be like...even if it was only the result of a temporary dimension to experience...for many of your Sisters and Brothers have not experienced "time" or "fear"...or "physicality"...or "an illusionary life of separation from conscious connection with Me, the so-called Creator, Who is but Love"...can you imagine?

And that description is undoubtedly one many within the Earth experiential dimension will find perplexing...for "that" is what you chose to be challenged assist you in temporarily forgeting what "Reality" is be eternally a witness to My Beingness of Love flowing through you...every inch of you...permeated by an Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, Perfect Intelligence, and a never ending Isness of Bliss that is everywhere...

For you see My Children, "that" is "Reality"..."that"..."That Isness of Bliss" makes all of the decisions...every last matter how small...while you simply observe, witness, and experience a state of Pure Love well beyond your temporary state of existence...your "temporary state of limited comprehension"...even though, deep...deep...deep down within your Beingness...within what you call your "Soul" know and remember what I, the Source of All, is like to know, "feel", and exist within...ah know...even though most of you are...what is it called...scratching your temporary physical heads, in a state of confusion, as you are challenged to comprehend what "Life eternal with Me, and I Am but Love, is like"... interesting word..."confusion"...and so is doubt, fear, anxiety, death, physical body, and on and on...because most...not all, experiential dimensions do not contain such terms...for there is no confusion, or fear, or physical bodies...and all of the rest...there is not even what you label as "time"...for the only purpose of time is to create a dimension of experience that provides a framework, a means, a dimension that allows for our reunion...our eternal relationship of Bliss that is never that has been temporarily forgotten and yet, it remains...remains temporarily lost within your Soul...within your "subconscious"...another interesting term..."sub...conscious"...or beneath your conscious living state...

You see? Our eternal relationship...our never-ending Isness of Love is something you can only think can perceive such a state...and yet, "it" is beyond your can look, and strive, and search for the millenia...and you will never remember what "Life" was like before you began to incarnate into the Earth dimension of physicality, fear, doubt, and confusion...not even those of you who use various methods and techniques to explore the subconscious...for even then, you maintain the role of the "maker and doer"...the decision maker...rather than that of the "witness of Love"...the Christed Consciousness, that is part of all of humanity...The Light...My Light...My very Isness of Love that is "everywhere" and yet...yet...temporarily blocked out...disconnected...from your "perception" of reality...your conscious perception of Life... 

Why you ask...why can you not bring My Isness of Love Consciousness into your temporary, limited, state of consciousness? Ah.."that" is the question, is it not...and you try to find seek, and you seek some more...searching for...what you have labeled with many terms..."Enlightenment" being one of them..."Christed Consciousness" being another...and yet, you never find what you are seeking for, do you...because "if" you knew how to find Me, and I Am the Isensss of Love that spands the universe, you would have found Me long, long ago...and yet, here We are...discussing "it"...discussing why you search and cannot find the True Peace...the Pure Love Consciousness that you desire... 

Oh...there are so many distractions from your search for enlightenment within your experiential dimension of Earth...many of which represent endless detours from your final destination...reunion with Me...a Beingness of Love forever beyond your human abilities to comprehend...

And so...your search is ongoing...seemingly never ending...for if you knew how to find Me, and I Am but Love...oh...that's would have already found Me, the Source of All, long, long ago...

Well...have you ever considered this long as you are making all of the decisions, you will never find all you like...but you do not know how to find Me...and stay in control at the same time...Ah...My Children..."that"..."that control thing" is what you refuse to give up...and that is as you say...keeps a barrier between you and Creator Consciousness...what could also be called Love Consciousness, Oneness Consciousness, God Consciousness, Bliss Consciousness...or Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness...for they are all the same thing...

When you are ready to surrender control...when you are ready to invite Me, and I Am but Love, to consciously flow through your Beingness, guiding you in all of your decisions...guiding you in the extension and manifestation of Self, and I Am but Love...from the formless and into your temporary forms, whereby you choose to be "the witness" to the extension of Pure Love into your Earth experiential dimension, please let Me know...please surrender to My Still Small Voice within you...and We...together...will transform your Earth dimension into Heaven on Earth...

For "that" is why you came "here" temporarily forget...and then, to be as I created You to be a be a medium for Me...the Beingness of Love that knows no end...that has no end...

Ah...but...but...such a transformation necessitates a big change in your priorities...a huge change in what you are "fully committed to"...and it does not appear that "you" or the masses are ready to become "fully committed" to reunion with Me, and I Am but least not just yet..."you" may talk about such a change...but that only placates your ego into thinking...into perceiving that you are actually doing something of substance about it...  

All in due time...all in due time My Children...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 


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