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Good Morning My Children

A "Mystery" Topic This Day...

Saturday, November 26, 2022 Blog

What do you think I will be discussing this morning...a topic long misunderstood...the "divorce"...two souls fall in Love, and then, to everyone's surprise...the same two fall out of Love...and they cannot waite to be separated legally, so...they can go their separate ways...why? How can such a thing is a it not?

Mystery in deed...but not Our topic this morning...

Once is approximately 2 AM...and Michael is trying to keep up, as My words flow into his Mind...the Still Small Voice...My Still Smal Voice within "all" Souls...for there is a permanent connection between us...your Divine Parent, and the extension there of...called "Souls"..."Christed Beings of Love"...of which Christians have been conditioned...mislead...into thinking there was only one...this one called Jesus Christ...this name never used by his Loved and close friends...for the name his parents gave him...Joseph and Mary...was Jeshua ben Joseph...a good Jewish name for the era...a good Essene name for the era...

And the Essenes are an interesting topic...for this segment of the Jewish culture was prominent indeed...and both Joseph and Mary were active participants in the Essene much so that even little Jeshua was sent to be educated by the Essene Masters...yes...he was educated by the Essene Masters, at a place called Essene community (location of the Dead Sea Scrolls) of the many that were completely destroyed by the Roman legions during the Roman Jewish war...that broke out in the 60s AD...only decades after the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph...which is another topic...much like Christianity in some ways, that was portrayed in your Bible in a completely erroneous context...yes...yes...that is correct...the crucifixion of Jeshua ben Joseph occurred for reasons not accurately depicted in your Gosepls of the New Testament... 

"Shocking?" I, The Source of All, hope not...and yet, some reading this, My Blog, will undoubtedly find such a statement shocking...for those interested in the "real" reason for Jeshua ben Joseph's crucifixion will have to read the book...Jesus vs Christianity - The Myth of Heaven and the one who is writing these words, as I speak to him...with My Still Small Voice...

A Voice within that he has spent so very much time educating him Self on...reading Jeshua's Channeled and Contemporary Teachings...a topic everyone reads about in this current era..."if" they avail themselves to the message of Jeshua...on such a wide range of topics...much, much you say...on a wider spectrum of topics and subject matter than that of the Gospels...

Yes...yes...My Still Small Voice within all souls...for I never yell or shout to you do I...Oh...that's right...I almost forgot (a little humor there)...from One...Me...The Creator of All...Who is perceived to not have a sense of humor...and yet, I assure you that I do... 

There have been many occasions where Michael and I are conversing and I, as you say, catch him by surprise, with a humorous comment, which is followed by a reaction of unavoidable laughter...

The first time I displayed My humor with Michael there was an understandable pause from him...for he...initially...for a second or two...was not positive I was being "humorous"...but the nature of the comment was unavoidable...and much laughter ensued...

And you too...humanity that is...My incarnated, but unconscious Christed Beings of Light should know...that seriousness is not an accurate description of you say...personality...for I Am but Loving...and "Loving" is not sad and serious...not at all...but rather playful and joyous...qualities that all of humanity could practice more often than you do...and that I a bit shocking to most of you...a joyous and playful Creator...that is something that most of you had not considered...why...because you are dominated, temporarily, by "the ego" know...the label that has been created for that aspect of your temporary personality that "perceives" itself as being separated from Me, your Divine Parent... 

All of your so-called ego's are very serious in nature...very, very serious indeed...and consistent with your ego's, you project aspects of your ego's out and into your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...with a most joyous and playful element to My Beingness, which of course is everywhere and every when...even within the depths of your very this, and every other moment of your existence...which is forever..."forever" My Children... 

And let Me, your Divine Parent, make one thing unquestionably clear...once again...for your temporary ego's have you...most of you that is, closed to your true "Reality of existence"...the ego...your ego...dominates you in so many ways, that you live within so many types and forms of of which is that you perceive...perceive your Selves to be your body-brains...for you identify your Selves with your temporary "physical costumes"...that you selected...for your current incarnation...your current "Life" on planet of the endless dimensions of experience that "you have choose" from...when you were in the Spiritual Realm that is...when you are "Home" My Side...conscioiusly that is...for that is My definition of "Home"...when you are consciously aware of Our eternal relationship, which humanity strains to understand and define...rather than experience in your moment to moment lives...your moment to moment incarnations, in your temporary human vehicles...what I refer to as "body-brains"... I, your Divine Parent and Creator, and Jeshua ben Joseph, continue to communicate to can come Home anytime you so choose...even while you complete your current adventure...your journey into and through the human you falsely identify your Selves as human beings...human body-brains...when you are Living Spirits...Fields of Conscious Awareness, with Free-will...Beingnesses of Bliss...that chose to, as you say..."check-out" what Life on Earth would be like with an ego...a small part of your Mind...that you created to experience "non-Love"...which I and Jeshua ben Joseph have elaborated on...on many occasions...most prominently within The Way of Mastery...for you are so much more than your egoic illusions of existence...shall I say that again? 

If I say that "you are so much more than your temporary body-brains...your egoic manifestations, within the Earth dimension...that is merely a single, optional, experiential dimension, which you have choosen from a limitless number of experiential dimensions"...will that nudge you...motivate study and practice aspects of Who and What you really a means to put an end to all of your egoic seriousness...your seriousnesses...all of which are produced by your ego's...your very judgmental ego's...for you cannot be serious without judgment...which is why I, and I Am but Love, never judge...I, your Divine Parent, NEVER JUDGE... 

And if I may be so might consider try being non-judgmental sometimes...if only for a few minutes each day...consider picking a time...say 2:35 PM...or whatever...and for five minutes practice...experience being non-judgmental...and I will tell you something that your temporary ego never will...being non-judgmental is being non-egoic...yes..."non-egoic"...and you probably have never heard of such a term...such a mode of behavior...and yet, there is "non-egoic" or acting as I exist...without judgment...but rather with unconditional and limitless acceptance, and forgiveness..."perpetual acceptance of what is"... 

In fact, Jeshus ben Joseph discusses this same topic in The Way of Mastery...limitless acceptance of "what is"...which humanity describes as an attitude of "it is what it is" reason to need to judge...just aware of and accept...even if what you are being aware of, and accepting, is quite different from any of your beliefs, perceptions or values...which of course, ego's have big...BIG problems with...because your ego' you say..."live on" being fact, if you live from a non-judgmental perspective...of being aware and accepting of all (without judgment of good or bad) you would know "LIFE" as it was "before" you created your ego...when you were Home, as you say, 24/7...

Hmm..."before" your ego..."before" being judgmental..."before" labeling "stuff", including other Souls (other Sisters and Brothers...other Christed Beings of Light) as being good or bad...right or wrong... you "get it" it registering in your Mind...can you "remember" what it was like "before" you were judgmental? place of judging everything and everybody, within various degrees of right or wrong...good or bad...just observe, be aware of whatever or whomever...and say...mentally and emotionally..."it is what it is"...and that's okay...that's right..."it is what it is, and that's okay"...just be aware of what is, and then, just let it go...move on...  

And I know, because I Am All Knowing...yuk, yuk, yuk...which has created some laughter for Michael...this will bring a sizable challenge for all of you, My Children of Love, as you say...front and center...because your ego's have conditioned you to live in perpetual one degree or another...which simply means that you will not return Home to Bliss, with Me, your Loving Parent, until you make the shift back to how you were prior to deciding to experience Life with an ego...

Yes, you may get glimpses into My Kingdom...but they will be short...for as soon as you judge something...or a Brother or Sister Christed will find yourself, consciously or subconsciously, experiencing a negative emotion...and I Am but Love..."LOVE" My"if" you want to come Home to must dissolve your egos...for unitl you will be judgmental...which simply means that you cannot "see all with the Loving Eyes of your Christed Self", your cannot "think about all with the Loving Mind of your Christed Self"...and most importantly...your cannot "feel all with the Love deep within your Heart"...deep within your Soul...the very essence of your Christed Beingness...for that is where I see, and think, and feel I reside "within" the depth of your Beingness...always...  

So...My Children...I have once again tried to convey a context that will nudge you...that will motivate you to come Home to Love...for "That is What I Am"... 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...

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