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Good Morning My Children

Is It Time for You to Remember Love?

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Blog

"My Children"...a human term...however...what other term would be better...creation...invention...extension of Self...

Extension of Self is probably the best of the bunch, for you are the result of what has been previously described as the overflowing of My Love...for that is My only desire...the extension or overflowing of Love, for that is the essence of what I Am...Pure Love...

Many other adjectives could be applied to My Beingness, as Jeshua ben Joseph has utilized throughout his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, which is quite the phenomenon...the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of the one labeled as the Savior of your World...and yet...these teachings...from at least one perspective...have only garnered a fraction of the attention and recognition that would be anticipated and expected, given the number of Christians on your planet... 

This state of afairs becomes even more curious when the Christians, at times, refer to his (Jeshua ben Joseph's) "second coming"...which in and of itself is a curious description of his future plans in that he has never left the Earth more ways than one...but I digress...

This mornings topic is one that will once again create a new context...that is simply another attempt to make a few of My extensions of Love turn from the dark illusion of your Dream World, and step towards the Light of My a very measured and definitive manner... 

Yes...a new description of your status quo and inevitable destination...that motivates some of My extensions of Love...the Christed Beings that have been turn from the temporary illusion of separation from their Creator...and once again embrace a relationship that "has no end"...

Has no end...let us discuss the ramifications of this aspect of Our Realtionship of Love...for it will possibly present you with a context...a perspective...that will create a new understanding you will appreciate...that will motivate you to evaluate and alter your current values... 

Let us combine "has no end" with another term...unlimited creativity...yes...Our relationship has no end and We are unlimited potentiality...which means that We would create new variations of Our realtionship...endlessly...for the status quo, however Blissful...would be subject to creative new manifestations of Love...for has been discussed often within these articles...Our essence is Love... the "Creator" and the "Created"...We would be mutually motivated to create new journeys into Love-based, conscious awareness, with free-will...for that is Who and What We are...and I should know, because I Am the Creator...and you are the Created... 

And because We have no end, such a creative process would, and does, have no end...ever...

I imagine all of what has been described thus far...this what you currently perceive as in fact possible. Let Me describe this "possibility" in more definitive parameters...would it not be possible for you, the Created, to create a new senerio, where you would choose to be temporarily distracted from experiencing the Reality of Our Relationship, as the Creator and the Created, as a a means to experience Our Realtionship of Love in a creative new way? 

Does "that" not seem a fact...does "that" not seem to be an inevitable characteristic of at least an "ongoing aspect" of Our Realtionship of Love? I have your attention? Are you willing to entertain the Reality and purpose of these articles...finally...from a perspective of..."I desire to remember, and once again, experience My Relationship with My Creator, Who is Love, Loving and Lovable".

However, Our collective goal is not to simply contemplate or ponder such a creative possibility...for Our goal...yours and in fact, the create a new aspect of Our innately Loving Realtionship...and then to do the same thing again...and again...and again...forever...

Forever My Children...and so now "We" have created a new context for Our Relationship of Love...for if you have considered Our "Our Reality"...We can move One...with the same goal...the same purpose...the same function...the same desire...the extension of Love...which of course is the extension of Bliss...because We both desire to experience Bliss, in a new, creative way...

Now My Children...for all of this to occur, you need do need do nothing...other than follow and implement the model for experiencing Bliss in a creative new has been experienced and documanted by one of your of the Created...

One who journeyed from the formless of the Spiritual Realms, and into the form...the human form of your experiential who journeyed from the Bliss of Our realtionship and into your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...and then back again to Our never-ending Relationship of Love...within your Dream World of separation, while in the physicality of the Earth dimension...while this one continued to occupy the human form, as simply one aspect of his...and your Multi-Dimensional Beingness...

For "that" My Children is a new topic for you to "remember"...for if I, your Creator, Am a Multi-Dimensional Beingness of Love, then so are You..."My Children"...the only difference being is that when you incarnated into a physical form...a human "turned off" your Multidimensional, conscious awareness...whereby your "perceived reality" was only the physicality of the Earth experiential dimension...

So...rather than being consciously aware of your multi-dimensional essence...your Multi-Dimensional Beingness of in essence "turned off" your Multidimensional experience your physical Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...

All the while knowing...knowing...deep down within your Soul...your Beingness...your essence of Love...that the day would come when your Soul...your Beingness...your essence of Love would rise to the surface of your now limited conscious awareness and say..."enough"...enough of this dimensional experience of fear and dark is time for me to do whatever is necessary to "turn on" my MultiDimensional Beingness of Love, once again...

Is it time My Children?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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