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Good Morning My Children

You Hear Me Not...and That Is Okay

Monday, December 5, 2022 Blog

Today we will venture you say...a new territory...a new subject...that few on your plant venture into...explore...consider...and that is unfortunate...for many related benefits await humanity...or at least the few who would consider using the techniques to alter the lifestyle...yes...the lifestyle...that has become so rigid...hard to believe really...given your capacity to be creative... 

And what is this mystery subject...Me...your Creator...for you all have...what is it called...a block...a restrictive internal mechanism that is on, as you say...24/7...that precludes you from having an active mode of communication with Me, and I Am but Love...

And what is this restrictive internal is fear, plain and are afraid of Me, and I Am but are afraid of Love...the Love that created unfortunate it is your ego's have conditioned you into thinking in the way you do...and this condition is planet wide, even though your purpose is to eliminate and dissolve any illusion of separation from Me, the Source of All...the Mystery of Misteries, the one called Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to introduce to you...yes...introduce to your daily lifestyles.

Thousands have either read or listened to his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, which have yet to have the inevitable effect they are destined to have...eventually...when you take Jeshua seriously...but not too seriously...for much of humanity is as you say...too serious most of the time. So, you should you lighten-up...relax a bit more...for having an open and ongoing relationship with Me, and I Am but Love, requires a certain innocence...that Jeshua ben Joseph has been conveying to humanity ever since he entered My Kingdom two thousand years ago...

Yes...he journeyed to where you are...experiencing all the "stuff" that could distract you from remembering Who and What you truly are...but rather than following in his footsteps...following his lifestyle Home to Me, your Loivng continue to reside in and experience your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...

Hmm...I wonder what will finally motivate humanity...My Children of take Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings a, more than a "bit"...much more literally, I believe is the phrase...yes...take his teachings literally...practice his teachings though they are fact...rather than what you have done to date My Children...and that is to either ignore Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...or...or read his teachings and not take them literally...yes...that's interpret..."you overlay his teachings with your egoic limitations"...and in so miss all of the benefits...or at least delay them... may alter the lifestyle a "bit" here and there...but you do not fully embrace the teachings and related lifestyle he has communicated so directly...

Hmm...I guess that is all for today My Children...for even I, your Creator, have tried to nudge motivate you to follow the model of Jeshua ben Joseph...but to no avail...and least not yet that is...

I, and I Am but Love...have you say...posting article after artilce on My Blog...with a heading of God's Blog...for almost a year, with little, if any effect...and yet, the energy is building...expanding...seeping  into every corner and crevasse of human consciousness...and there will come the day when some will say..."hey...look at this internet's amazing...The Creator is openly conversing with humanity about how we all can return Home to Heavenly Bliss"...

Ah...but that day has not yet arrived...and that is as you say..."okay"...for I Am a very patient Creator of All...and I desire to extend Self, which is to extend Love, into every corner and crevasse of Creation...and so, I, and I Am but Love, will continue to post articles on My Blog, about how to return Home to to return Home to Me, and your Sacred Family...your Sisters and Brothers, who already reside in My Light...My Mysterious Light that spands the entirety of Creation...and yet, as Jeshua ben Joseph says..."humanity sees It not"...  

Ah...this too shall day...and until that day arrives, you will tarry in your egoic darkness, living within "the illusion"...within your Dream World, that you are not worthy of a relationship with Me, and I Am but Love...quite the Dream World I might add...quite the illusion...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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