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Good Morning My Children

Ego or Christ Consciousness...Fear or Love Consciousness?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 Blog

And here We are again...the physicality of the planet Earth...and you still think...perceive...that you have no in a conscious relationship with Me, your Creator...

Hmm...what will I, and I Am but Love, convey to you, My Christed Children, who are dreaming away in fear consciousness...illusion after illusion...the illusion of not Being at One with all all matter what dimension of experience that "you choose"...

What will, as you say, get your attention in a manner that will nudge you, and motivate you, to re-establish an open mode of communication with Me, and I Am but Love, when all you have to any to think that you want to communicate with Me, and Our "conversation" would begin... is that simple...but the thought of communicating with Me, the Source of All, seems to be such an impossibility that you never waite for My may pray to may ask Me one of your endless "why me" questions, and then you "hang up the phone" as though a response from Me, your Creator, is an impossibility...

Jeshua ben Joseph speaks of this same The Way of Mastery...where you will pray to him...asking for answers and many other things...and then, you terminate the communication...the conversation...because your Beingness...your conscious awareness (with free will)...your Christedness...does not believe that he will answer you...

You should all try to be better listeners...much better listeners than you perceive yourselves to be this day...and every day for that matter...

Can you imagine, even for a few minutes, of being able to have a conversation with anyone you desire...even your departed Loved Ones...Hmm...what would you say to are you? How have you been? Or...what is it like to "Live" without a physical know...what is it like to be "alive" and not yet within the confines of a physical body-brain?"

Jeshua ben Joseph speaks of this very thing in The Way of being quite liberating...not to have to deal with the many aspects of "Life" within a physical body. 

And yet...that is only a perception of being "in" a physical body...for your Beingness...what we will call your "energetic, conscious field" is far bigger than your physical body...all you have to do to "see" this, is to have one of your aura photographs taken...and even such examples...such proof of your Energetic Beingness does not depict how big your truly are...or motivate you to incorporate routines and habits that are consistent with the health of your field of energetic Beingness...for most of humanity does not concern themselves...not in any way...with such techniques or concerns...for you tend to concentrate on the health of your temporary, physical apparatus...the vehicle that you use to navigate your dimension of physicality...  

And...if you think about this phenomenon for just a few minutes...just a few please...don't you have your priorities backwards...for you spend all of your time and resources on the health of your physical apparatus when it is simply part of your temporary experience in fear-based physicality...rather than being more concerned with your immortal Self, your Soul, your Spirit that is more closely tied to your field of energetic Beingness...your field of awareness with free will...what you also call your aura...which is forever...

Why is that? I Am here this morning to convey to you that you may want to reconsider your priorities...because what ever you choose..."you choose" be aware of, is what you experience...

Oh...that's do not perceive that that is what creates your "Life"...your many and varied Life experiences...for your know...your perception of being an individual...that relies on itself to make all of the controlled and influenced by all of the things occurring"outside" of your Beingness...and depending on what is occurring"outside", your ego reacts...reacts in ways that strive to insure the health, pleasure, and continuance of the physical form...the physical apparatus...your temporary body-brain...

What does that tell you about your ego? Think about that for a few you think it would be a good idea to educate your Self about your ego...particulalry in relation to your eternal field of energetic Beingness, which could also be described as "your Soul"...

I wonder why more of you...My Children...are not more interested in availing yourselves to an expert in this particular area of your you could garner a much better, and more accurate understanding of who and what you are...from both perspectives that is...your fear-based egoic side and your Loved-based Spiritual side...for this is a subject worthy of at least a portion of your it not?  

You spend much of your precious time on the care and continuance of your physical form, and yet...a fraction of your time...if any at all...on your Spirirutl Beingness...

Why is that...oh...that's right...because you are dominated by your egoic side...that is generally focused on your temporary physical apparatus...your temporary body-brain...

Well My Children if..."if" ever decide to focus your attention on your eternal Beingness...your Soul...your Spirit...your Christed order to educate yourselves on the differences between your temporary, fear-based ego and your eternal, Love-based Christed Beingness...your Spiritual Self...with the overall goal of living in a happier, more peaceful, and Loving state of consciousness...than you are currently may want to consider seeking out an expert on both your ego and your Spiritual Self.

And after you have taken the time, and expended the effort, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the differences that I Am only a very "broad brush" approach...I suggest that you may one day...when you are happier, more peacefull and more Loving...say "thank you Abba, for I did not know such an education and related life-style was available to me"...

And you may scour the ciriculums of all of your may search for documents and books within your religious may even be open-minded enough to investigate the types of education that are offered by your more spiritual, New Age organizations and know...some of your so-called old souls that travel and offer seminars on how to "live a better life"...on how to be happier, more peaceful, and develop more Loving find experts on the differences between your fear-based ego and your Love-based Soul...

Or...or, you could simply take My advice...My suggestion...My guidance...for I know the expert that you educate yourselves on obtaining a happier, more peaceful and Loving life-style...a more truly joyous, peaceful and Loving state of consciousness...that has completed the process of untangling and retraining the mind from the dark emotions that are produced by the ego...yes My Children...that is what the ego creates "all" of your dark emotions...all of your fears, anxieties, stresses, and all of the related dark emotions...the anger, the hatred, the greed, and on and on the list do you like your life of the ego's creations? For any moment, any period of time...that you are living and experiencing any of the fear-based dark emotions, you are living and experiencing the creation of the ego.  

Look at your planet Earth....listen to your nightly your "top stories" on your internet...listen to the speeches of your politial leaders...and if you take a step back...and observe what permeates many aspects of Life on planet Earth, you will see that it is fear...fear of not having enough food...fear of the appraoching hurricane...fear of pollution...fear of not having enough money...fear of the opposing polital party...fear of not having a Loving partner and relationship...fear, fear, is never-ending...for you are immersed in is a cultural phenomenon that has permeated humanity from the beginning... 

How long will you allow the ego to have, as you say, a free reign over your planet Earth? Over your Life? That is a question only you can answer...for I gave you free choose what you want to be aware of...and it is your awareness that creates what you experience...even this very moment...and every moment...

You have chosen to be aware of this artilce in God's Blog (My Blog), and this is what you are currently experiencing...and you will call what is "tinting" My message with your perceptions, beliefs, and values...and those internal influences will be conditioned by some aspect of the ego...

My message to humanity...the message of your Loving Creator to humanity...which will be "tinted and influenced" by the fear-based ego...Hmm...let Us pause for a moment...what is untruthful about this picture...for I Am but Love...and the ego is fear-based...My message of Love will be titnted by the fear-based ego...quite the conundrum is it not...quite the conundrum in part of your I might add that has been previously discussed within this God's Blog... 

So...My Children...let us return to the expert on egoic, fear-consciousness and Love Consciousness, which I eluded to earlier...the one who made the shift from fear consciousness to Love Consciousness...while still in a human form...and there are very few who have completed this joiurney in consciousness (while still in a human form)...and you know of Whom I speak...Jeshua ben Joseph...

Within The Way of Mastery, Jeshua ben Joseph provides the most comprehensive education on the differences between egoic-fear consciousness and Love Consciousness, available on your planet...with the understanding that Love Consciousness is sometimes referred to as Christ Consciousness...

And I, your Divine Parent, desire to emphasize a few critical bits of information...

First...there is much confusion regarding the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...there is the ancient, Christian version of his Life and teachings...and there is the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...the version delivered directly by Jeshua ben Joseph in the current era, a process that is ongoing...with the understanding that the Christian version has been tinted and conditioned by two thousand years of egoic influences. As simply one example...where do you think this thing called "hell" came from..."hell" My Children is an egoic creation...a fear-based illusion...because there is no hell...except of course for the ones that the ego creates...all of which are illusions...non-realities...or "dreams"...what you could also call "nightmares"... you want to learn about the differences between your ego and your Soul, your Christed Self, from someone who has "not" made the shift in consciousness from fear-based egoism to Love Consciousness (Christ Consciousness) you want to learn from an expert, who has made the shift, who has "been there and done that"...

If your answer is "yes" to learning from someone who has been there and done that...then you only have one documented path to Enlightenment...and that is Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...this My Children is a major undertaking...a huge shift in that is challenging for you to comprehend from your current vantage point (within egoic consciousness)...and that is why Jeshua communicates quite openly that making the shift from your staus qou to Christ Consciousness will require your "total commitment"

Here is the great news...the documented path to My Kingdom of now available to all incarnated you! This educational resource will be the foundation of the great shift to Love Consciousness on your planet Earth...which will be overseen by Jeshua ben Joseph, along with a Heavenly Host of other Conscious Christs, one well known example of which is Mother Mary...all of whom will provide you with all the gudance and assitance that you will accept... 

And this, The Way of Mastery (complete and unedited versions), will be the resource of future manuscripts on the differences between fear-based, egoic consciousness and Love-based, Christ Consciousness...for this is a subject...a focus of future educational endeavors, which will receive the attention that it deserves..for without an education on the differences between the ego and your Christed Self, the shift to Love Consciousness...the shift to REALITY...the shift out of your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, will be a more challenging path for most of you...My Children...  

And so...My Children...this day...I plant the seed...this idea of using the contents of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery to produce additional mediums of education on the differences between egoic consciousness and Love Consciousness...on your current fear-based way of life...and Life within My Kingdom...

It matters not whether the mediums of education of which I speak, and I Am but Love, take the form of books, booklets, outlines and exhibits used at seminars, audio recordings, etcetera...let this process begin...let the education of humanity be expanded...let the doors to My Kingdom be openned to all!

Rejoice...Rejoice My Children...the Light of Love is beginning to shine more brightly on your planet...a Light that will only become more bright with the passing of your time..."Rejoice"...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All



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