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Good Morning My Children

Jeshua ben Joseph Has Written The Way to My Kingdom, and It Is Not Christianity.

Thursday, December 8, 2022 Blog

This morning we will address a subject long considered one humanity has repeatedly asked about...and it matters not who delivers the answer...or how the answer is framed...the same issue is continually inquired about. How many souls are there...and are new souls being created constantly?

This is a subject that will be discussed this day in a manner inconceivable to humanity...there is an infinite number of souls because there is an infinite number of experiential dimensions..."there" have your answer...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... have other questions...ones that I, and I Am but Love, have not already one way or another...or is it just you have not liked the, you continue to ask the same questions in hopes of answers your egos will find more appealing...more acceptable...even when the answers do not represent the Truth...for that is the "loop" the ego...your egos find themselves within...   

And it is all about responsibility...for responsibility is something your egos prefer to avoid...ignore...what are the on your Creator's side of the a means to continually obscure the responsibilities that are solely yours...why...because I, the Creator, gave you all free have whatever experiences you desire..."any experiences you desire"...along with unlimited creativity...and when you exercise your creative abilities, you, find yourselves in situations that your ego's refuse to take responsibility for...

Why, why, why...and then, some more why, why, why questions are has been a never-ending series of questions regarding decisions you have made and yet...refuse to take responsibility for...because of your egoic judgmentalism...and lack of know...Oh...I could not have done "this or that" must have been someone must have been God!

Do you know how many times I have heard a Soul say...okay Abba...I have done this to myself...I am lost in the dark emotions...and no matter what I do, I cannot find my way back Home to True Your Kingdom of Heavenly Bliss...I give up...I surrender to You, the Creator of do I get myself out of this mess...I will do anything that You ask of me...please help me...

Not very often have I, and I Am but Love, heard the words..."I have done this to myself...I surrender" words most often used by humanity are typically along the lines of..."why have You (God) done this to me...why have You done this to me"...over and over...incarnation after a state of confusion, void of accepting...what is the word...a modicum of responsibility for your status quo of confusion, and doubt, and despair, and low self-esteem...and fear...let us not forget all of the fear..."Oh, woe is me...woe is me...why have You (the Creator) done all of this to me"...

And My long as you maintain such an will remain lost in consciousness...or however you choose to describe yourselves...the offsprings of Self, the Source of All...and I Am but Love...for until you exercise your free will, take responsibility for your state of affairs, and surrender to My guidance...rather than continually search for Me, and I Am but Love, you will remain lost in lives of fear and darkness...even when you are playing a version of your lives of know it so well!

You know...the Souls that claim they know the way My Kingdom...and continue down the experiential path that, as you say...has zero chance of succeeding...and then, there are the souls that continually bounce from one path to another, because they discover they are not truly on their way Home...and then they hear another soul say...Oh...I know a better way...the real a state of consciousness that will end your search for a better life...yes...come follow me...come to my my my assistants...purchase your way out of your is all so easy... is all so easy..."come join us"..."we know a better way"...but they do not tell you...they do not say to you..."we are Home"..."we are in the Kingdom of the Source of All"..."we exist in eternal Bliss" do not...they may promise youth that is your destination, if you follow in their footsteps...and yet, they are not in My Kingdom...they are not "Home" how do your know? How do they know their recommended course of action can deliver the Love and True Peace all Souls yearn to reside within... careful My very careful...for your Earth has an abundance of lost Souls who claim...that pretend they know The Way Home to Love and True Peace...The Way to Me, and I Am but Love...

How many of your so-called spiritual leaders, religious leaders, and life-style experts say things like...The Father does all things through me...or...if you want to be a channel for Love...a medium of comunication for the Source of All...then follow these footsteps...for that is how I do it... do not heart those words do you...or do you? Oh, yes...there is one who makes such claims...that says things like...come follow me, for I reside in our Creators Kingdom of Love...come follow me to paradise...and few are fully committed to following the one called Jeshua ben Joseph...the one who has re-written The Way to My Kingdom in the current the Christian way is not "his way"...or The Way he used to return Home to Love and True Peace...

How can this be? Why do your Christians leaders say "their way" is the way of Jesus Christ, the so-called only Son of God? Denial, confusion, and projection...oh yes...the tools of egoic judgmentalism... about your so-called New Age movement...the one that embraces things like meditation and such...or your life-style coaches...or your endless line of professional therapists, with the Ph.Ds on the wall? Come follow me they all say...come follow one way or another... 

So...My do you know who to follow when so many are calling out to you..."come follow me"...

What many of in humanity...choose to do, is to spend just enough time and effort with one or a series of so-called experts, to satisfy your ego's search for True Peace. Look...see what I have done...I read a few books...look...I went to the seminars...look...I am doing better than many others...look...I have turned away from traditional religions that do not work...not really...I know...because I was raised in "this" or "that" religion, and it didn't get the job done...for it did not find True Peace... 

And on and on...and where are all of your efforts and energies devoted too? What do you devote most...most of your time and efforts too? To the continuance and pleasure of the physical apparatus...the continuance and pleasure of the human form...

Hmm...what you say..."wrong with this picture"...why do you spend so much time and effort on your temporary physical know...your clothes, your bank accounts, your automobiles, your physical appearance, and on and on...and on and on...'s almost as if you know your priorities are not going to deliver the Love and True Peace you so many you do just enough to placate your ego' convince yourselves you are not devoting too much time and energy to the continuance and pleasure of your temporary physical apparatus...oh no..."I am far to advanced to do such a thing" house, my career, my portfolio and such are essential for my continuance and pleasure...but, I am also concerned about becoming an enlightened Soul...I have not forgotten about that...

It is just that I don't have enough time to accomplish all of my spiritual goals because of all the "other worldly stuff"...the house, the career...OMG...of course, my career...for that is a big priority...what would I possibly do if I did not maintain my career...and my relationships with my family, friends, and professional acquaintances...there is so much to many priorities...they all take some of my precious time... 

"So many priorities"...that is what I hear so many of My Children many priorities that preclude you from becoming totally committed to your realtionship with Me, and I Am but Love...fully committed to Love and True Peace... be it...tarry in your physical dimension as long as you as many physical bodies as you like...for that is the path that you have been on for the millenia...and will remain on...until you change...change your priorities...not just a satisfy your ego's...but change that will satisfy your soul...the yearning deep within...that knows there is Pure Love and Perfect Peace...but has chosen to place other you the front of the line... 

Hmm...well...I Am "here" now...again...the Source of All...the Unlimited and Infinite Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace...communicating through one of your human forms...just as I did two thousand years ago, through the physical apparatus knows as Jeshua ben Joseph...for where do you think his famous words and teachings came from? you think he just made them the spur of the moment...No. We were then, and are in Creation...Co-Creators in the extension of Love...My Love...Our Love...that knows no end...for My Children, and I...have an essence of Love...for I placed part of Self, Pure Love, in your Soul' your your Spirit...

And it is time for many, many Souls, in human forms, to come be totally committed to your Spiritual priorities...your eternal, Spiritual Purpose and Function...rather than on all of the other Earthly "stuff"...and for now...this one called Michael will be My platform...the physical communication device...the human form for My Message of Love... 

For the new era has begun...quite different from two thousand years ago...when Jeshua ben Joseph first conveyed My message through his physical form...for many will come forth in this era...fully channel My Message of Love into and throughout the Earth dimension...for there is nothing that can stop My Love...there is nothing that can preclude a wave of Souls from awakening to My Love within their very Beingness...for nothing can stop Love from engulfing the Earth dimension...

Fear matter how dark things amy matter how desperate a Soul may be for Love and True Peace...My Light is here...within all...and a New Dawn of Light and Love has emmerged, from within My Children. Look within...for that is where you will find Me...and I Am but Love...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...




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