Your Religious Leader's and University Professors are Lost in Egoic Illusions, With an Occupation of "the Blind Leading the Blind"...
It is a day and time for a new message to humanity. Oh the offsprings of the Great Mystery humanity has been pondering and defining...almost as long as breath has been sustaining human Life on your planet long as you have been projecting false ideas and characteristics onto yours truly, your Creator, The Great Mystery of Incomprehensible Love, Who is "everywhere".
Oh yes, and most of your "fantasy Creators" can still be found...located in the various corners of your long history of pain and suffering, which you, humanity, so often view through rose colored lenses. Oh yes, humanity fantasizes, imagines, and formulates a history so often at odds with "Reality". In fact, "Reality" generally has little to do with what is communicated in your books of human history...oh yes, indeed.
"How can this be", you say, "how can our history books be so mistaken about all that has occurred on planet Earth"?
How often do your history books describe humanity as a temporary experience of fearful consciousness and physicality, for a race of Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine? How often My Children...My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human? As you sometimes say, within your current era..."zero"..."nada"...and "never".
Quite amazing is it not, for an entire race of Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love to so habitually fail at even identifying who and what you truly are? Of yes...amazing...considering you so often frame yourselves as an advanced species of superior knowledge and intellect. You may describe yourselves in such bold terms, but your ego's...oh yes, your ego's fantasize such an identity for humanity. How can your ego's be very wrong, about even knowing and communicating who and what you truly are, much less have a modicum of knowledge about "why you are here", on your planet Earth? Oh yes, your ego's...your inflated conceptualizations of false identity.
A humorous aspect of who and what you project upon yourselves is so often projected by some of your biggest ego's, who label themselves as the most educated and wise on your planet. And who could these inflated, perceptions of themselves be, who have the identity, source, and purpose of humanity so, so, very wrong?
There are so many...oh yes, so very many striving to educate the population on various aspects of your identity, source, and purpose...including the ideals of human behavior. But...for our conversation this morning...our one-sided discussion of "Reality", I, your Creator, The Great Mystery of Infinite Love, will categorize your biggest ego's into your religious leaders and the teachers at your most revered universities. Oh yes, your religious leaders and university teachers are lost in the egoic illusions of human intellect. An odd description of sorts, but then would you label two groups of teachers teaching illusion?
Do you get My message? Of course you do not, for your ego's are going to defend your biggest ego's. Hmm...and you, humanity, do not perceive yourselves as being so lost in illusion, that you do not appreciate how very lost you are. Oh my, now that is what I will describe as being "truly lost in egoic consciousness...fearful, egoic consciousness". What do your religious leaders and university professors teach you about "that" aspect of human existence..."fearful, egoic consciousness"...not much...not very much at least not very much that can be considered "Reality", not really, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine.
Oh my, who is humanity going to learn "Reality" from, My Spiritual Children? Who? Who is going to remove egoic illusions and delusions about who you are and why you are "here"...and who created you...hmm?
Oh my, My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human...why such a long pause? Why no response to such basic questions? You truly are lost...for most of you, My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human, do not even know where to find the answers to the most basic of questions...who you are, why you are here, and who created you?
Oh...some of you are suggesting you seek out some of your so-called wisest religious leaders and university professors? You mean your biggest ego's, the ones more lost in egoic, fearful consciousness, than much of the human population? That is who you are going to rely on for educating you on who you are, why you are "here", and who created you..."really" are going to rely on "the most lost of the lost" for your answers to such important questions?
You know what "that" means don't you...My Spiritual Children, pretending to be human? Oh my, many of you don't...who have I pointed to, article after article, month after month, to educate yourselves on egoic, fearful consciousness, hmm? Most have forgotten already. Ah, lucky for humanity, with the understanding there is no such thing as "luck", or "accidents"...oh no, and I know, for I Am your All Knowing Creator, The Great Mystery of Love.
Ah...I have an idea for your biggest ego' know, your religious leaders and university professors, who profess to be so wise they can educate humanity about the "Realities" of Life on Earth. about some seminars and courses on "the Big Questions of Humanity"...who are you, why are you "here", and who created you? Oh yes, let us see if they can deflate their ego's long enough to actually develop such a curriculum of education...whereby they actually reverse their occupation to date. And what occupation would that be you ask? How about...the blind leading the blind...
That is all...
Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...