No More Blaming Me, Your Creator...Oh No, Those Days Are Over. Dissolve Your Ego's Or Endure More Pain and Suffering
Yes, indeed...a "good morning" to you all on Mother Earth, for you will awake this day in the wonder of Life in a human form...a human body-brain, a true wonder in all Creation, which is infinite..."infinite" My Christed Children of Love and Light Divine.
Ah...a wonder, indeed...and yet, as is normal in your experiential dimension of choice, for there is much darkness. Oh yes...wars, death, destruction, and atrocities to the human forms, in which you temporarily have the perception of occupying. Oh yes, atrocities you have chosen to subject your fellow human forms some cases, equal to the most severe darkness ever to be experienced by human forms, we in the Spiritual Realm sometimes say, "that" is about as dark as any Soul in all of Creation experiences.
How does that make you "feel", to hear your Earthly experiential dimension is so dark...the "darkest of the dark" actually, in all of Creation, with the understanding you chose to experience your darkness? I trust it makes you begin to appreciate your perspective, prior to incarnation, prior to shifting from the Spiritual Realm to your third dimension of Earth, is a much, much different perspective. For how could you not, considering you are now of the perspective you are occupying a human body-brain.
Oh yes, you live, think, see, and feel you are a "human being", rather than a Christed Immortal, Multidimensional, Spriritual Being of Love and Light Divine. That is quite the shift in consciousness...quite the dramatic change, indeed...and you made this decision...this dramatic shift in consciousness...this apparent shift in "self-identification", and yet, you are still an Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Being of Love...oh yes, operating under the illusion, and "in" the illusion you are a mortal, physical, fearful human being, with no direct relationship with Me, your Creator..."alone"...or at least the perception of being alone and fearful.
It is called "egoic, fearful consciousness", the illusion of all illusions, for you can never be separated from Me, The Infinite Beingness of the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, Who is literally "everywhere".
Oh yes, your perceptions of aloneness and dark emotions, of every possible description, was all part of the "experiential agreement" your Soul's entered into before the shift into your humanness occurred. Hard to believe is it not? Impossible to believe for many of My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, for your ego's do not want to accept the responsibility for your presence in the Earthly, experiential dimension of fear, physicality, and aloneness. Oh no...your ego's want to blame someone else for your current, human experience, and most often, your ego's blame Me, The Creator...The Source of All.
Okay, My Children, My Spiritual Children, who have chosen to have a temporary human experience, "again"...and "again" you chose to make the big shift in consciousness...from the True Peace and Tranquility of the Spiritual Realm, to your experiential dimension of fear and physicality, within the illusion of occupying a temporary, human body-brain. Oh yes, again and again you make the same decision to enter your Earthly darkness of pain and suffering.
I have explained this all before on My Blog, within the many articles on, as has Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, and somehow, humans remain in the same level of "denial". Oh yes, "this can simply not be so", say your egoic voices of darkness within..."I would never make such a enter into such a dark dimension of pain and suffering", and yet, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, "that" is exactly the decision you have made...again, again, and again.
What does all of this tell you My Immortal, Spiritual Children...hmm? Let Me, your Divine Parent, as you say, spell it out for you. Either your Creator, and I Am an Infinite Beingness of Love, and Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, friend, and equal, are lying to you...or your ego is lying to you. interesting...who is lying to you My Immortal, Spiritual Children? It all seems quite obvious to us, in the Spiritual Realm, and yet, your ego's search for any explanation they can create to deny responsibility for your human fate.
And...if your ego's are lying to you about "this"...then, a question you may want to ask yourselves is...what else are your ego's lying to you about? What else have your ego's lied to you about? What else will your ego's lie to you about?, my...what have I and Jeshua ben Joseph told you about your ego's before My Children? Don't care to remember?
That's okay, if I was one of your ego's, I would not want to remember either. Oh no, for your ego's...your egoic fearful consciousness, is the cause of all the darkness...all of the pain and suffering you subject yourselves to My Children. Oh yes, and then, your ego's deny responsibility for any of your pain and suffering. Hmm...if I were you, I would think long and hard about how to rid yourselves of your ego's...rid yourselves of your egoic, fearful consciousness, and return to the True Peace and Bliss, which you decided to leave in the Spiritual Realm.
Oh yes, what have I and Jeshua ben Joseph discussed at lenght, either on My Blog or within The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph? We have discussed how Jeshua ben Joseph discovered how to completely dissolve your ego's...completely dissolve your egoic, fearful consciousness...the source of all the darkness within your Earth dimension.
Oh yes, many, many times have I reminded you of the great discovery of Jeshua ben Joseph, which when applied by the masses on planet Earth, will usher in a great shift in consciousness. Oh yes, a shift in consciousness unparalleled in all of Creation, and considering Creation is "infinite", that is quite the accomplishment, indeed. The shift from egoic, fearful consciousness, with its many illusions, inclusive of your illusion of that of the Spiritual Realm...Perfect Peace, Oneness, and Love Consciousness.
Oh my, what are you waiting for My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? What could possibly be keeping you from bringing the Bliss of the Spiritual Realm into your Earthly experiential dimension of pain and suffering? What? What are you deciding to hold onto, day after day, month after month, year after year...incarnation after incarnation?
You are have decided, to hold onto your ego's...your egoic, fearful consciousness, the cause of all your pain and suffering...the cause of your sense of aloneness, despair, and low self-worth. How does your ego accomplish such a mind-boggling goal..."how" My Children of Love and Light Divine?
By lying to you...everyday, every year, every incarnation...every time you make a decision! Oh yes, your egoic decision-making routine is based on "fear"..."fearful consciousness", and guess what a fear-based decision-making process produces...hmm, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? More fear, more darkness, more pain and suffering.
When are you going to "wake-up" to the darkness of your ego's, and dissolve them once and for all, by simply following the Path Home to Love Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago? "When" My's "your choice"..."your decision" more blaming Me, your Creator...oh no...those days are over.
Your ongoing pain and suffering, in the darkness of your experiential dimension of Earth...or a return to the Tranquillity of your Soul, by following Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery?
That is all...
Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...