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Good Morning My Children

Study and Practice Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery Until His Teachings Are Not So Mindboggling...Until You Remember You Are Just Dreaming Your Impossible Dream...

Thursday, October 26, 2023 Blog

Today there is a bit of an unusual message for humanity. Ah yes, "humanity"...the Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love Divine, who are "pretending" to be fearful, human beings...only you have forgotten you are pretending to be human. Oh yes, forgotten who and what you are, why you are "here", in your dark, experiential dimension

Oh yes, lost are you in your limited, human, fearfulness, within the Impossible Dream, the impossible illusion, the impossible experiential dimension, the impossible corner of Creation, where you operate and live as though you have no conscious recollection of your relationship with "Who" and "What" created you. Oh yes, and that Who and What would be Me, The Infinite Beingness...The Infinite Field of Love, beyond your ability to grasp, to conceptualize, to accept the "Reality" it is impossible to be anywhere where I Am not, even though that Impossible Dream is exactly what you are imagining at this very test the limits of your experience, temporarily, what the impossible would be like...and that would be to exist and live anywhere you are not immersed "within" My Infinite Beingness of Love and Light Divine.

Oh yes, and all this means, for another of the endless reminders of "Reality", that who and what you temporarily perceive yourselves to be is an illusion...a delusional substitution for the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, which your friend...your very dear friend and brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes as your Impossible Dream World of separation from Me, your Divine Parent

Oh yes, another of the long, and getting longer, series of reminders you are the extensions of My Infinite Beingness of Love, for "that" is My only desire, to extend Self "in" an endless myriad of forms, so I can experience Self, extending Self, as though I Am "You", pretending not to be have the experience of remembering "I Am You" least an aspect of Self, with the perception of being and living as an individuation of Self, as what is called a "Soul", a perceived "individuation" of My Infinite Beingness of Love, and yet...yet...are you are always in Perfect Union with Me, your Creator

Ah yes, and the result...the "Creator" and the "Created"...the same, and yet, somehow not the same, The Great Mystery "within" which you exist and live, for all of eternity, inclusive of your illusion of humanness, which is described using a variety of your verbalizations within these articles, on God's Blog, within of the many attempts to communicate that your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, is extending to all of humanity, to all lost Souls, to all extensions of Self, your Creator, who perceive yourselves to be "individuals", separated from Who it is impossible to be separated from...the knowledge, the techniques, the information you could use to remember Who and What you truly are, and thereby bring an end to your Impossible Dream of being separated, and individuated from Me, The Infinite Field, The Infinite Ocean, The Infinite Matrix, The Infinite Beingness of Love, from Whom you have been begotten, and will always be "part of".

Oh yes, this is another context, another explanation, another description of Who and What you are, Who and What begot you, how you are currently having the experience, the illusion, the perception, the Impossible Dream of being separated from Me, your Divine Parent...oh yes, the Impossible Dream of being a limited, human being. 

Is this going to "wake you up" from your Dream World of humanness? Oh no, not yet, for you are still dreaming you are human. Is there a way for you to wake yourselves up from your dream of humanness? Oh yes, The Way Home to the "Reality I Am Love, and I Am Everywhere" was discovered two thousand years ago..."two thousand years ago" My Spiritual Children of Love, Spiritual Children of Self, Spiritual Extensions of your Divine Parent, and that would be Me, "Abba", as initially called by your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, the extension of Self, the first individuated Soul who discovered The Way to wake himself up from your Impossible Dream of separation from Me.  

Oh yes, your brother and equal, who was so misunderstood two thousand years ago, the one who confused, your "then versions" of lost Souls in the illusion of your humanness...oh yes, mindboggling did you find his descriptions of how to travel The Way back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love and Perfect Union with, Who you have never not been in Perfect Union with...not really, just temporarily forgotten, that's all. 

Oh yes, "you", humanity...the extensions of Self...the individuations of Self...the lost Souls, in your humanness, could not comprehend his teachings then, two thousand years ago, just as you do not "today". Oh no, for "you decide" each of your days to remain in your Impossible Dream of separation from the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love

Oh yes, you have decided not to study and practice The Way Jeshua ben Joseph traveled two thousand years ago, just as you decided back then. You did not believe him two thousand years ago because you were lost in your Impossible Dream...not much different than your status quo today, as you remain lost in your Imposssible Dream of separation from Me, The Everywhereness of Love Who begot you

Hmm...shall I try to wake you up from your Impossible Dream of humanness one more time this morning? Will anyone pay attention? Will anyone...any Spiritual Child of Love, pretending to be human, study and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's "The Way" of Mastery trilogy, however long it takes to awaken from your Dream World of being separated from My Everywhereness of Love?

Will anyone understand you are lost in your illusion of human, fearful consciousness...lost in your Impossible Dream of separation from My Everywhereness of Love...hmm? And that today, in your Dream World of humanness, you need to study and practice...and study and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's the Way of Mastery until his teachings are not so mindboggling? 

Ah...the brother, the one lost Soul, who is channeling this message for Me, The Everywhereness of Love, understands. Is he smarter than you? Is he better than you? Of course not, for you were created the same, with the same limitless abilities, just like Me, your Divine Parent, with free-will, to create and experience anything you so desire...even if you want to create the Impossible Dream of separation from My Everywhereness of Love

When do you think "you will create" the part of your Impossible Dream of humanness where you "wake-up" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, while you are still occupying your human costumes...hmm?

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...   

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