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Good Morning My Children

You Say You Study and Practice Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary Teachings, But You Do Not Believe Anyone Who Confirms Those Teachings???

Monday, October 30, 2023 Blog

"The Children of God"...what a title...what a tradition...what a standard to live in and up to, and yet, to My Children on planet Earth, it sounds as an impossibility...something you do not believe, or believe will ever be part of the "Reality" of your lives on planet Earth, no matter how you evolve within your human costumes. Yes, this is "Reality" to your mistaken identity as human beings, so that even when I, your Creator and Divine Parent...or such a one as Jeshua ben Joseph, tell you the "Reality" of who and what you truly are, as extensions or the overflowing of My Beingness of Infinite, Pure Love, you do not perceive such a thing is possible.

Oh yes, we know..."mindboggling" are some of the things in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, as well as "incomprehensible". Oh yes, we "get it" I assure you, so when one of your of your current embodied brothers or sisters try to tell you they channel the Creator, in a format such as God's Blog, on, you do not do not comprehend, you flat out deny the possibility of such an occurrence, so humanity looks for another reason for why one of your fellow, embodied, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine would make such a statement as: "I channel the Creator as a matter of, as part of, my everyday Life as a human being on planet Earth"

Oh yes, we, in the Spiritual Realm, know how impossible it all sounds to have an internet site where I, your Creator and Divine Parent, deliver a bi-weekly message to all of humanity for month after month, and year after year. Oh yes, "year after year", My Children of Love and Light Divine, for we are approaching the second anniversary of this, God's Blog, on

The second anniversary will be followed by a third and a fourth, and on and on, for centuries, in one form or another, for the illusion of your humanness...the illusion of your fearful, egoic consciousness, with its illusion of separation from yours truly, has been shattered once again, just as it was two thousand years ago, when Jeshua ben Joseph walked among you. Oh yes, as he conveys in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, and as I, your Creator, confirm within this, My Blog, over and over...and over again, Jeshua ben Joseph discovered your true identity, and attempted to communicate the wonder of your true identity, as My Spiritual Children...My Christed Children of Love and Light Divine.  

You did not believe Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, no matter how he tried to verbalize your true identities, just as you have found his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings within this current era. You say you study and practice his Contemporary Teachings, which include the purpose for which I created function as mediums or channels for My Infinite Beingness of Love, and yet, when one shows up, and confirms your Divine Purpose, you don't believe him...which means you do not believe Jeshua ben Joseph, or My Self, your Creator and Divine Parent

Let us pause right here, and absorb this last statement. Humanity, even the portion of humanity who say they study and practice The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, where he is very clear about your Divine Purpose and Function, and repeats your purpose and function over and over, so there can be no mistake, no confusion, no misunderstanding, and still...still when a "fellow" Spiritual Being of Love and Light Divine arrives on the scene, temporarily embodied in a human form, on your planet Earth, and confirms the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, by channeling My Message to humanity, on your internet, you do not belive it is possible. say you study and practice Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, and yet, when an embodied, Christed brother, tells you he is living Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings, by channeling yours truly, your Creator, you don't believe him. Do you see the conflict My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Do you see "your conflict" My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, who are temporarily embodied in a human form?

Do you know why such an obvious conflict is the repeating pattern for the entire human population, hmm? Do you know why you deny "Reality"? Yes, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, temporarily embodied in human deny "Reality", you deny the truth of Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings. Oh yes, and you project your delusions onto this one channeling My Message of Love this day. Some of you have been quite aggressive with your delusional projections onto this one called Michael, which have manifested in the form of various verbal attacks, asserting the impossibility of such a thing as a fellow human being channeling the Creator, even though I repeatedly tell you that "you are mistaken".  

Oh yes, denial, projection, and attack...the three primary techniques of who and what My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Who uses these techniques over, and over, and over again to defend your self-created illusion of who and what you "think" you are...and you "think" you are these fearful, physical beings on planet Earth, called "human beings". Oh yes, this is the identity you have done what with...My Immortal, Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? What have you done with this mistaken identity of who and what you are? You have projected it upon have "projected" your mistaken identity of being fearful, physical, human beings upon yourselves. This illusion you have projected upon yourselves has created what My Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? not pretend you do not know, for Jeshua ben Joseph has told you over and over, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. You know, the teachings you say you study and practice...but do not believe, not really, because you deny them everyday by how you live your denying the "Reality" of My Blog, God's Blog, on this internet site, does it feel to call Jeshua ben Joseph and your Creator liars...hmm? How does it "feel"...because that is what you continue to do. Shall we focus on this blatant conflict humanity demonstrates in mass...over and over...or shall we return to My previous question...hmm? 

Ah...let us return to what your projection of your mistaken, fearful, physical, human beingness has done...has created. You know the answer, given to you by Jeshua ben Joseph, the brother and friend who tells you that you are his "equal". Your "projections" of your false and mistaken identity upon yourselves has created, in the words of Jeshua ben Joseph, your "false self", your "not self", your "egoic, fearful self", your "illusional self", and all of these labels are referring to your false, not, egoic, fearful, illusional, human self.   

Hmm...I think that is worth repeating...don't you? All of humanity has projected a false, not, egoic, fearful, illusional, human identity of self onto your True, Immortal, Mult-Dimensional, Spiritual Beingness of Love and Light Divine to create your "false identity", which you are living out on planet Earth as your "perception of Reality".

Ah yes, Jeshua ben Joseph, is not as direct as yours truly, now is he? Oh no...not even within The Way of Mastery trilogy does he use such a direct confrontation to your ongoing denials of "Reality". Ah, but you see My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, My Love for you knows no end, for I Am the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who created you...Who also gave you free-will, to create any experience you desire, no matter what it is...even if is the false, not, egoic, fearful, illusionary, human self you have chosen to experience. And I will confront your chosen false, not, egoic, fearful, illusionary, human selves until "you decide" to choose the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love.   

That is all...

Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...


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