Some Day You Will be Tired of Drowning in Your Illusion of Humanness...
Oh yes, My Children...the so-called Children of Abba, the Divine Parent...the Divine Creator of all. Oh yes, and you have chosen to have a very narrow perspective of a human being...a fearful, physical being, rather than that of the Unlimited, Immortal, Christed Being of Love and Light that you truly are...oh yes, a very narrow, limited perspective, indeed...
This message, in one way or another, has been, and will continue to be, the essence of My Message of Love to humanity. Oh yes, a message attempting to make you realize you are not who you perceive yourselves to be...not really, but rather, your humanness is simply a very temporary, conditional existence...conditioned by your own creative abilities to limit your perception of who and what you are, in place of the Wondrous Beings of Love that I initially created.
Oh yes, this has all been covered before, I know...however, My Message of Love and of Truth has had little effect to date, based largely on the depth of your delusional state of existence...your perception of your humanness...your perception of a false or mistaken identity.
Hmm...even after Jeshua ben Joseph returned and explained everything to you...even after I, Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love, manifested My Self in the form of these articles on after this one brother of yours attempts to unravel your confusion of mistaken humanness, still "you choose" to tarry in the darkness of your attempt to experience the very opposite of your true identity. Oh my, it is quite the mistaken truly is.
And "all is okay", as some of you say, in your delusional state of humanness, which I and Jeshua ben Joseph have explained to you all in a variety of contexts. Oh yes, and still you do not believe...not really, as you stumble through another human incarnation of fearful consciousness, and your illusion of being separated from yours truly, your Creator and Divine Parent.
Truly amazing, and a strange tribute of sorts, to your unlimited creativity, in that you deny who and what you truly are, and instead...have settled on an identity lost in your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, completely lost in your humanness of fear-based emotions and physicality. Who would have ever imagined you could create such a dark, mistaken identity, and chosen to perpetuate such an excruciating painful existence...oh yes, incarnation after incarnation...after incarnation. Who would have ever imagined? Oh, and that would be all of you of course...oh yes, all of humanity...all of the lost Souls, in the experiential dimension of Mother Earth...for your plan, your intention, was always to try and become lost in your illusion of humanness, and separation from your Creator and Divine Parent.
Oh yes, and you succeeded, for even now, as we in the Spiritual Realm explain your illusion of humanness to you...over and choose to "deny Reality", and continue to tarry in your darkness of humanness.
Oh yes, and your ego's, your chosen vehicle of delusion and confusion, remain firmly in control. Oh yes, firmly in control of your human, experiential dimension of dark emotions, dark dramas, and your self-created illusion of separation from the Reality of Love. Oh my, and as previously explained, it is not as if there is some magical switch to be flipped, to awaken you from your delusion of humanness...oh no...for I gave you all free-will. You remember "free-will" don't you? Well....of course you don't, not really, because this self-imposed forgetfulness is all part of your plan to remain lost in your humanness of darkness and non-love.
Oh yes, and in place of your God given free-will, your ego's have created "denial". Oh yes, "denail of Reality", denial of your true identities, denial of your birthright, denial you are who and what I created you to be...and are...Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, you are completely lost in your unending denials of "Reality".
And that's okay. I'm not going any where...for how could I, The Infinite Beingness of Love, because I'm already "everywhere", so there is literally nowhere for Me to go to. Ah, and your egoic reaction...your egoic, fearful response is? What...what do your ego's...your false, mistaken selves tell you My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...hmm? Your false sense of idenity tells you one of two things. Oh yes, your dark, egoic selves either change the subject or...your ego's do what, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? They "deny Reality" of course...they..."you" deny the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love.
Oh yes, let's place the proper labels on your fearful, egoic consciousness....your delusional, limited, self-imposed identities of Self...the experts of changing the subject, and deniers' of "Reality"...deniers' of the Everywhereness of My Love.
Oh...your egoic, fearful side proclaims..."this one is insane, this one who tries to describe Life on Earth in terms which would turn our lives upside down, for how can there be an Everywhereness of Love? How? I don't feel it. I have never felt it, an Everywhereness of Love that this One, pretending to be The Creator, says that there is."
"Pretending to be The Creator"..oh my, that's a good insane one...a crazy one...
Ah, My Spiritual Children of Love, we are back to where we started..."denial of Reality", for that is what you created, because that is what you wanted to experience, to test forget your identities as the Spiritual Children of experience being lost in the non-reality of separation from Love, and that would be the non-reality of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere", and some point in your pain, suffering, and fear...the darkest of the dark...magnified by the illusion of physical existence, to awaken to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love, which you rediscover in the last place you ego's would ever tell you to look..."within" your Selves..."within" your Soul's..."within" your Spirit's...for that is where you will find Me, and that is also where you will find your True Selves.
Ah...are you ready to make this discovery, My Spiritual Children of Love, and return to the Bliss of Reality...or...or, are you going to "buy in" to the lies of your ego's, your self-created ego's...that will continue to "drown you in". Oh yes, your ego's...your fearful consciousness, with your illusion of separation from the Eveywhereness of Love, have "drowned you in" the non-reality of human, fearful conscioiusness.
We...Jeshua ben Joseph and I, The Everywhereness of Love, continue to throw humanity "Life jackets of Love", but your ego's are in control, and continue to drown you in your delusions of limited humanness...
Ah...some day you will be tired of drowning in your illusion of humanness...and choose to return to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love....someday...
That is all...
Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...