We All Love You and Are Waiting to Assist You
"Good Morning, Good Morning" to all on planet Earth, the planet of "human beings" who believe and live as though they are "human beings"...fear-based lifestyles in the illusion of physical costumes, when in "Reality" they are Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, "Spirits of Love" thinking and living as though they are physical, fearful, human beings.
Oh my, oh my, My Sprirtual Children of Love and Light Divine, how long are you going to play this game of "what is it like to be human"?
Oh, I know, many of you do not enjoy hearing My words of awakening...My words motivated by My Love for you, that hope to shock you out of your Dream State of thinking you are human beings, but how else do you suggest I motivate you to awaken to the "Reality" you are not human beings...not really, but rather Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine pretending...essentially dreaming you are human beings...fearful, physical Life forms, with conscious awareness and free-will and yet...and yet, you are so, so very much more, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine.
I will not force you to awaken to the "Reality" of your true identity's, for what kind of All-Loving Parent would I be...an Infinite Being of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and Perfect Intelligence Who gave My Spiritual Children conscious awareness and free-will, to experience anything you so desire...anything you wish to create, and then, force you to stop exercising your free-will...force you to give up your grand illusion of "pretending" to be fearful, physical, human beings, who live and exist within an experiential, pretend Dream World, inclusive of being separated from Me, your Divine Parent and Creator?
Oh my, what kind of Infinite Beingness of Infinite Love, Perfect Peace and All-Knowingness do you think I Am, hmm? It has been your choice to put on your human costumes time after time, after time to experience "non-love", which of course is what, My Spiritual Children of Love? What are you going to make Me say to you over and over, and over again...using a variety of your human words of expression to describe your delusional state of Life and "Reality"...your illusion of what Life is when you are separated from your Creator and Divine Parent, Whom you can never, ever, truly be separated from? Remember...remember My Spiritual Children of Love? Remember existing in "Bliss", before you chose to forget your true identity's, as My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...My Creations to share in the Bliss of Infinfite Love, Perfect Peace and All-Knowingness...hmm...do you remember?
Of course you don't, not really, for you are still lost in your Dream World of limited, fearful, physical, humanness. Oh yes, the race of Immortal, Multidimensional, Spritual Beings of Love and Light Divine who chose to see if you could experience...could create the experience of separation from Pure Love, Perfect Peace and All-Knowingness...and using your human words of expression...of communication, you chose to create and experience the illusion of separation from that which you can never, ever be separated from, for you live and breathe "within" My Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness...an Infinite Beingness, an Infinite Field, and Infinite Ocean, and Infinite Matrix of "Me", your Creator and Divine Parent.
Oh yes, even now, today, this moment, your Dream World of dark, fearful consciousness, in physicality, is within My Infinite Beingness and yet, you feel it not...you feel the opposite of My Infinite Beingness of "Bliss", the opposite of your Beingness of Bliss, for as your Bible says, as The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph says, as My Blog says, on jeshuabenjoseph.com, I created you in "My Image", and I Am a Beingness of Bliss, which simply means what My Sprirtual Children of Love and Light Divine...hmm? It means you are "Spirits of Bliss", Conscious Awareness, Free-Will, and Unlimited Creativity.
Shall I say that again...and again...and again? Will you awaken from your creation of fearful, physical, humanness on your planet Earth...awaken from your illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, which Jeshua ben Joseph describes as a "Dream World". Oh yes, your brother..."your brother", My Spiritual Children of Bliss, describes your lives within your experiential dimension of fearful physicality as a "Dream World". You know what a dream is, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...it is not "Real"...it seems "Real", it feels "Real", it looks "Real", and yet, what dreams have you ever had in your limited, fear-based, human state that were in fact "Real"...hmm?
When you wake-up from your dreams, you realize they were "only dreams"...illusions, which for a short period, seemed to be "Real". You created your Dream World of fearful, physical, humanness for the experience, which I and Jeshua ben Joseph have communicated to you many times, using many contexts.
And why have we done this? Why have we done this so many times? Why will we continue to describe your dream state and illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, using a variety of your human words...hmm? Because we Love you...because two thousand years ago, your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph...your fellow Spiritual Child of Bliss asked...and asked...and asked, "how do I return Home to that Who created Me?" Yes, yes, I know, I have made a very long story, very short, for he spent years traveling all over your planet Earth, asking question after question, which I have summarized in a few words.
However, the Message of Love I will give all of humanity again this day, this morning, in your year 2023, is that two thousand years ago, Jeshua ben Joseph made a discovery. Jeshua ben Joseph discovered how to wake-up from your Dream World of fear, physicality, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent.
Oh yes, he woke-up from your Dream World as fearful, physical, human beings, and remembered "Reality"...the "Reality"..."your Reality"...in place of your illusion of humanness. Oh yes, he remembered you are all My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. He searched for the words to explain your Reality of Blissfulness, and made many other discoveries in the process. Oh yes, he made many discoveries about your Dream World of Humanness.
One such discovery was "your plan", your intention, your desire to experience being lost in your Dream World of humanness, with its illusion...its Dream World of being separated from Me, your Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and All-Knowingness, Who is "everywhere"...and that is exactly where you are at this very moment...you are so lost, you do not recognize that you are lost in your Dream World of humanness, which I have described as your "meta-verse of fearful, physical, humanness".
Two thousand years ago, if Jeshua ben Joseph would have told you that "you were lost in a meta-verse of humanness", you would have not understaood what he was attempting to communicate to you. Ah...but today, in your 2023, humanity, at least portions thereof, have conceptualized what a meta-verse can be. If this term, "meta-verse" is new to you, go...look it up on your internet. Yes, yes, go google it. I'll wait.
Ah...you could spend considerable time educating yourselves on this meta-verse term and yet, it still would not explain the complexities that went into the creation of My preferred term, "experiential dimension". Yes, yes...the experiential dimension of humanness on planet Earth is what you chose to create and experience, which of course, included your illusion of separation from that...from Who you can never be separated from..."Me", your Divine Parent, and My Everywhereness of Love...
Yes, yes, I know...challenging to conceptualize and yet, in your year 2023, "possible"...possible for portions of your human population, experiencing your experiential dimension of humanness, with your illusion of separation from your Creator and Divine Parent..."Me".
Ah...but let us return to the journey of your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago. Your brother, and fellow Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, discovered how to wake-up to the "Reality" of your true identity's...wake-up from your Dream World of humanness...wake-up in the Reality of your eternal relationship with Me, your Divine Parent.
Oh yes, why else do you think he made the impression he did two thousand years ago? Why else was he able to do some of the things he did two thousand years ago? Why else to you think he has returned, in this current era, to tell you, his sisters and brothers, all about how he woke-up to the Reality of your true identity's as My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine? Why else did your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, spend some of your recent decades delivering his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings?
Why do you think he has done all of this? Why do you think I Am "here", this day, this morning, on your internet, on jeshuabenjoseph.com? Why do you think there is a Heavenly Host of your sisters and brothers, in the Spiritual Realm, waiting to assist you in your journey to the "Reality" of your eternal relationship with Me, so you will "once again" claim your birthright of Bliss Consciousness? Yes, My Children, your essence is "Bliss", you simply chose to temporarily forget, to experience the illusion of your humanness.
The answer to all of these questions is "LOVE", My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. We all Love you, and are waiting to assit you in your adventure back to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love.
That is all...
Abba...The Infinite Beingness of Love...