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Your Divine Parent Comes into Form Once Again...

The Holy Spirit or "Rightmindedness" Resides Within All Souls...

Sunday, September 4, 2022 Blog

Much information has been given in the articles thus this blog. I, The Infinite Field of Love, from which all things arise, has never used a blog to convey My Message of Love. However, the times, as a Soul once said...they are a such change is that the Message of Love will be expressed directly from Me, The Source of All, through a growing number of Incarnated Conscious Christed Beings of Love, such as Michael...for this fulfills the purpose for which all Souls were created, to provide channels or mediums for Me, The Source of All, to extend Self, and I Am but Love, into form...from the formless.  

Non-incarnate Conscious Christs, such as Jeshua ben Joseph, Mother Mary, and other Conscious Christed Sisters and Brothers will continue to deliver My Message of Love...however, this new phase of the direct extension of Love or the manifestation Self, The Source of All, from the formless and into the form, of incarnated Conscious Christed Beings, will gradually take on a much larger the "awakening" of the masses on Earth, from your Dream World...your illusion of fear consciousness and separation from Me, your Divine Parent.    

The direct line or channel of communication that we share, takes the form of the alignment of your mind with My Mind, your Divine Parent. Your ability to tap into My thoughts is always is always part of your essence, which can be called "Love Consciousness", for I Am but Love...and if I may be even more direct, Love Consciousness can also be called "God Consciousness"...your awareness of Me and My thoughts...within the very heart of your beingness or Soul.

It is from this direct channel for the manifestation of Self, of Love, into form, from which I speak to you this day...for Michael has agreed to fulfill the primary purpose of all Souls...including yourself, in functioning as mediums for the manifestion of Self, your Divine Parent, into human forms. This channel within you is the same one I used 2,000 years ago, within Jeshua ben Joseph, who many accepted then, and even today, as a vehicle of communication for The Great Mystery That I Am...The Infinite Field of Love...from which all things arise...your so-called which you exist within and are part a wave of Love is to My Ocean or Infinite Field of Love.

Then and now, Jeshua ben Joseph did not and does not always disclose that he is functioning as a medium of communication for Me, your Divine Parent...for as you can imagine, many would not believe him and label him as a "crazy man" many did 2,000 years ago, when he would say things like..."The Father does all things through me". However, in the third book of  The Way of Mastery, The Way of Knowing, we...Jeshua ben Joseph and I, your Divine Parent, make it clear that all Souls will eventually awaken from your Dream World and function as channels for The Source of All, in extending Self, and I Am but Love, thoughout Creation. And just as was so 2,000 years ago, many have and will find such a message as unfathomable...mind-boggling...and yet, it is REALITY

For now, I, The Infinite Field of Love that I Am, will speak My Message of Awakening (from your Dream World of fear and separation from your Creator) to the individuations of Self (incarnated but "unconscious" Christed Beings) that want to return "Home" to Love, Perfect Peace and the Perfect Awareness that I Am, within All and Part of All...including yourself...a Soul who lives with the perception...the illusion of being an individual and separate from Me, and I Am but Love. And thus, you live in a state of "non-reality"...for We are One...there is no can there be...for all exist and live "within" The Infinite Field of Love that I Am...

We are of One Mind, for there is no separation...and temporarily live within the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine your Dream World of fear consciousness...for deep within your Soul, there is what is called the Holy Spirit...the ability to align your Mind with My Mind...what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as "Rightmindedness"...the manifestation of My Thoughts within your very Beingness...your Christed Self...just as My thoughts are aligned with, are within, and are being expressed this very moment through the Rightmindedness of Michael.

The same Holy Spirit, the alignment of My Mind with yours...that is within Michael, is within you...and all Souls...for all Christed Beings have the ability to be mediums or as you say, "channel My thoughts". For all Christed Beings are created equal. The only difference, which has created the illusion that one may be more advanced or better than another, is that different experiences have been selected by each Soul...for as has been stated several times...the Sovereignty of the Soul is Sacred. That is as you say, "is it"...for there are no other abilities that I gave to one, and not to all.  

And so...for the Souls in form, such as yourself, who perceive...and there is that word again...who perceive yourself as separate from Me, The Source of All, who may initially perceive Michael as special, for functioning as a channel for Me, The Infinite Field of Love that I Am...are existing within a false perception of REALITY...for We are of One Mind...and One Desire...and that One Desire is to extend Self, and I Am but Love.

And now...please open your mind to the Holy Spirit within...the alignment of your Mind with My Mind...and The Infinite Field of Love that I Am, that is everywhere...are you ready? I Am is literally impossible to be anywhere where I Am not, from one perspevtive...the only way to extend Self, and I Am but Love, is to create an illusion, a Dream World, of being separated from Me, The Infinite Field of Love...and then, extend yourself, which is called incarnate, "into that illusion"...which is why the part of your Mind, that is aligned with My Mind...that has unlimited creativity, could create such an illusion...the Dream World of being separated from your Divine Parent, which you call the 3rd dimension of Earth, in which the illusion...the "perception" of the separated or egoic self...which is "fear consciousness", reigns supreme...temporarily. 

And to extend yourself, that has an essence of Love, into the illusion of separation from your Divine Parent, which is the experience of non-love or "fear consciousness"...requires the perception of being an individual and separated from Me, your Divine Parent. Such a perception of individualization and separation, by incarnated Souls, can never represent "REALITY"...for I Am everywhere...but such a Dream World can create a perception or illusion of reality. And such a perception of individuality and separation from your Divine Parent (The Infinite Field of Love), was initiated by Souls (Christed Beings) desirous of having the experience of individuality and fear consciousness...temporarily...followed by the experience of remembering their eternal relationship with Me, their Divine Parent.    

Are you still following this line of thinking? By creating the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love, you also created the illusion of individual or egoic consciousness, which by definition is "fear consciousness"...and all of the participating Souls, of which you are one, collectively created your Dream World of fear consciousness, which I, your Divine Parent, have recently referred to as the metaverse of fear consciousness.   

In order to extend Self, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love, there needs to be the awakening of the Souls (including yourself) that are now lost in the Dream World or metaverse of fear consciousness...which of course is an illusion of separation from Me, The Source of All. The path of awakening to the Reality of Love, the Reality of your Divine Parent, the Reality of the Infinite Field of Love that I Am, which is everywhere, is detailed by Jeshua ben Joseph, who channeled Me, and I Am but Love, in creating The Way of Mastery. This path of awakening is the "untangling and retraining of the mind" to once again function as a medium for Me, your Divine Parent, via the Holy Spirit within all souls... 

This internet site is simply one of the many tools that has been provided to manifest the awakening of all Souls to the "Reality" that I, The Source of All...The Infinite Field of Love, is "everywhere"...mind-boggling am I not? And because you are an aspect of Me, within Me, and part of Me, and I Am but Love...this "Reality" has many ramifications...which will be explored in future artilces, within this blog. 

This has been what some could call "the fast lane to enlightenment''...that is described in a much more methodical...more of a one step at a time approach, in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...which has been said, is the product of Jeshua ben Joseph fulfilling his primary function as a channel for Your Divine Parent, The Infinite Field of Love that I Am, from which all things arise...the Great Mystery of Love that is within you and part of you...and within and part of everything and every body...everywhere...and this is the totality of My message to you this day. For you are a wave of Love in the Infinite Ocean or Field of Love that I Am...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All   




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