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I, Your Divine Parent, The Source of All, Comes Again with a Message of Hope

How You Got "Here" and How to Return Home to Love Consciousness

Thursday, August 18, 2022 Blog

Many of you will feel as though you are overwhelmed with Life in this dimension of physical know...what you call "daily living" on planet Earth. And yet, you fail to comprehend that all of your experiences...everything...even the most challenging  of experiences, could not occur unless you called them to yourself...yes...this is how "Life" works and functions...for as it has been said before within this God's Blog, the Sovereignty of the Soul is Sacred

What does this mean? It means exactly what the words communicate. No Christed Being...whether in form temporarily or in the spiritual dimensions, can experience anything without their consent. That is very difficult to believe is it not? I can hear some of your questions. As you say, why on Earth...or any other dimension for that matter, would I purposely experience...endure such awful experiences, as I have...we have...because it simply does not make any sense...what some would say...lacks any so-called "logic".  

That is an observation, in deed, that scores of Souls (Christed Beings of Light) have made throughout the history of the Earth dimension. For the gist of these feelings have also been directed at Me, The Great Mystery of Love...The Great Field as some would say, from whence all things come...and then...eventually...return to. You know...what Michael and your quantum physicists refer to as the Zero Point Field. Even though the Zero Point Field does not encompass all that I Am...and I Am but Love, it provides a starting point of understanding.   

Although your physicists, as you say, do not "connect all of the dots", with their theories and assumptions, often verified and substantiated by various experiments and observations...much progress has been made in understanding the inner workings of the physical aspects of Creation...but I digress.

Back to the Sovereignty of the Soul (your soul) and why you choose to subject yourself to what is often called horrendously painful experiences. And I, The Source of All, must admit, that even I Am sometimes in awe of your creativity, your limitless imagination...but then again, you all are the product...the result ...of what you fail to comprehend...even though I, The Creator, have been reduced to words, in black and white, quite eloquently in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery.

The formation of  words that describe the indescribable, your Divine Parent, has been an ongoing project for humanity...and yet, when you return, as you say, to the spiritual dimension...after incarnation...Who and What I Am, and I Am but Love, becomes mysteriously understandable...yes...understandable, to the point of instant acceptance of REALITY...the REALITY that I Am everywhere...yes, everywhere. There is not a place that you can go to, even within your imagination, and not find Me there...which...while we are on the subject of is the heart of the creative process that produces your experiences within the Earth dimension.         

As is also described in The Way of Mastery, the Earth dimension of fear-based, or as Jeshua ben Joseph refers to it as, egoic consciousness, was your..."your attempt" to create and experience the opposite of Me, and I Am but Love. Should I repeat that again? Okay...I will try another version. You existed in the Bliss of My Presence...the Bliss of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, and I Am everywhere...and you desired to attempt to create and experience the opposite...or a shift from Love to the opposite of Love...or what is called fear. can it be said any clearer than that? You must understand now...don't you...why you are experiencing what you are experiencing? Even though you understood that you existed in a state of eternal Bliss, you wanted to attempt to experience the opposite, or at least what you "imagined" as the oppostie, at least temporarily, just to see if you could do it. For deep down in your Soul...your heart...your know...that it is impossible to create what we will call "non-Love"...for I Am everywhere...and part of Me, and I Am but Love, is conscious awareness of what is...conscious awareness that Love, "Self", is everywhere.  

And if you think about it...if you use can conceive of a state of limited awareness are good words within the context of Life on Earth...for that is what you have chosen to experience during each of your awareness, which attempts to create the opposite of Love Consciousness, which of course is REALITY...the REALITY of awareness of Me, The Source of All, and I Am but Love! sought to create and experience "non-Love consciousness"...and this experiment in limited awareness ended up with what is called fear-based consciousness...."egoic consciousness"...the limited awareness of fear (rather than of Me, and I Am but Love) and all of the permutations of fear...what is called negative or dark emotions

The next step in your reasoning...or we could even use the word logic...of the progression in your imaginative process...was that fear could only be the product of the "illusion of separation from Me", and I Am but Love, because separation from Me is impossible...because I Am everywhere...but this is the path of illusion that your imagination proceeded down...and quite frankly...this is how you ended up where you are at this very the the your Dream World of separation from Me, The Source of All, and I Am but Love

This is My message to you this day. In order to try to experience the oppossite of REALITY, and REALITY is I AM everywhere, and I Am but Love, you had to create non-reality or the illusion of non-love...or what is called the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, for I Am Love and everywhere. This fear-based illusion is what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as the Impossible Dream of Separation from Me, for I Am "everywhere" used your unlimited imagination...your unlimited creative abilities...because let us not forget, you have a Divine Spark...Part of Me...and I Am but Love, as your essence, for all of eternity. And so...because you created this illusion...the illusion of non-love...the illusion or Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...which is what I have recently referred to as the metaverse of fear-based consciousness...there had to be mechanisms or pathways Back to Reality...a remembrance of "Perfect Union" with your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love...which takes us to what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as the retraining of the mind...the untangling of the be aware remember your relationship with Me, and I Am but Love.  

The retraining of your mind...that is an interesting description and yet apropos. This implies effort to think differently than you do effort to awaken from your Dream World...Hmm...a decision that only you can make...because when you were created, I, your Divine and Loving Parent, gave you free will...which created the Sovereignty of All Souls

So...My Children of Light and Love..."if" you are ready to use your free will to awaken to retrain your reverse the fear-based state of consciousness that you created...and then, to experience reunion with your Creator, and I Am but Love...then consider the pathway that has been made available to you.    

It was first introduced to humanity two thousand years ago by Jeshua ben Joseph, who simply assembled the information that was already available on Earth. And yet, Jeshua ben Joseph was "in your Dream World" your dimension of fear-based your illusional dimension of non-reality and non-love...which simply means that his message, which is My message, was quickly distorted by fear-based a planet of incarnated Christed Beings lost in a Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love. 

Today, this distortion (and many others) of the true message of Jeshua ben Joseph, are found everywhere on your planet...for the distortions spread rapidly from his homeland two thousand years ago...for many reasons. The point being that he, Jeshua ben Joseph, and many others that are "awake to the REALITY of Love", have come again to deliver My Message of Love. The formation of a Mind Retraining Manual has been completed...a manual that communicates a step-by-step process...for those that so retrace your steps into the Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but a means to return Home to what is called Heavenly Bliss or conscious awareness of Me, and I Am but Love. 

This Mind Retraining Manual (The Way of Mastery) is simply one step of many that have been taken in more recent series of books, in a much longer series of channeled books of the contemporary and authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...all of which provide a progression of mind retraining information...for the depth of your illusion...the depth of your Dream World of fear-based consciousness...the depth of your desire to temporarily experience non-love...the depth of your illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, has produced an extraordinarly convincing experience...and adventure into non-reality.  

So convincing of an experience...that even as many of you read these words, your egoic or fear-based side of your mind, consciously or subconsciously, is saying that "this cannot be so...for I know what reality is"...and there My message for today is complete...for your creation, your illusion, your fear-based ego, thinks that it is smarter than I, your Loving, Divine Parent.    

My Children...the offsprings of Love...I gave you free can remain in your Dream World of fear and separation from Me, and I Am but Love...or you can join with Jeshua ben Joseph and begin the process of retraining the mind, which will culminate in your awakening to the REALITY of Love...that is everywhere...for I Am everywhere...and My Love for you knows no end...

Jeshua ben Joseph...and many, many of your Conscious Christed sisters and brothers are dedicated to providing the communication devices...the books, the CDs, the inter-dimensional communications, and a myriad of educational tools to assist in your awakening to the REALITY of Love...from whence you originate...the Limitless Field of Love that even today, you are part of and exist within, even though you are oblivious to the Reality of Love that is everywhere...even within your metaverse of fear consciousness. That will give you, as Jeshua ben Joseph says, something to think about.

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All... 

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