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I, Your Divine Parent, a Limitless Field...A Beingness of Everywhere...

The Amusement Park Analogy of Your Awakening

Thursday, August 4, 2022 Blog

The deep conditioning of many of your religions convince you...brainwash you into believing that you must follow certain rules...behave in certain order to join with Me, and I Am but Love, in Heavenly Bliss. This is not true!

Then...there are those who do not even believe that there is an "I" in The Creator of all.

Both are as you created...both are as you choose to experience...both are but temporary illusions...part of your "Dream World", as Jeshua ben Joseph would say.    

For you see...we...You and I, are as you say, are joined at the of the same puzzle...elements of the same Mystery...yes, yes...Mystery. That is an excellent word to use when trying to understand our relationship...that knows no end...that had no beginning. This Great Mystery of our realtionship is as you have created it to be

The Earth dimension of physicality and fear...from one perspective that no different than an amusement park is to a child. There are so many rides and attractions to take many varied experiences to what you call different incarnations...

And a its' innocence...will naturally want to experience every ride in the amusement park...the merry-go-round, the train ride, the roller coaster and such. The entire experience will mesmerize each child...for they will desire to experience ride after ride, after ride, after ride...after ride...until they exhaust themselves of energy to experience any more rides.

And finally, the Loving Parent, who loves the child more than they can imagine...will say to their child..."don't you think it is time to go to our that you can that you can return to the amusement park if you so desire?"  

And the child, mesmerized by the experience and yet exhausted, turns and says to their Loving Parent..."yes...let's go home".

This is an analogy of how you...each Child of Light Divine...perceive your varied incarnations into your Dream World of physicality and fear. You want to experience everything...all the varied physical costumes/bodies...all of the varied dark emotions...every experience that could possibly make you forget...temporarily...that We are One, in the Light of Heavenly Bliss...for all of eternity. 

For you see, there is nothing...NOTHING that you can do to brake our eternal relationship...there is nothing...NOTHING that you can render you unworthy of Heavenly Bliss with Me, a Limitless Field as it were...and is...forever...A Beingness of Love that knows no end. 

We, Jeshua ben Joseph and I, and I Am but Love, have conveyed many varied analogies...many different versions of the same convey Our Eternal Oneness. Many are contained in what is called the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph

Yes, just the last few decades, Jeshua ben Joseph has come again to teach those who have become exhausted of the varied experiences in your Dream World of physicality and all who will listen...that you no longer need to tarry in the darkness of fear and all the dark emotions...which frame all of the varied dramas of the metatverse of fear-based consciousness...that you have chosen to create...and experience.

He, Jeshua ben Joseph, brings you not a message of fear, of obedience, of rules and dogma. For these are all just portions...elememts of your "self created" adventure into your Dream World of physicality and fearYour creation...not Mine...for I Am but Love...a Limitless Field of Consciousness and Beingness of Love.

Within My Limitless Ocean of Love, you have chosen to dream a Dream of Separation from Me, and I Am but Love. As mind-boggling as this exists within are part of Me, The Great Mystery of Love that I Am...that We Jeshua ben Joseph and I have are as a Wave is to the Ocean of My Limitless Love.    

You see, there is nothing that you have to do, except be the Presence of Love...there are no rules that must be complied with...there is no religion to be a member of...that opens the doors to the Heavenly Bliss of Love My Limitless Field of Love...which is everywhere and everywhen.    

All that is for you to decide that it is time for you to finally...finally...return Home to My Unconditional Beingness of following in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend.

Yes, yes...there are many paths that lead you out of your darkness...out of your Dream World of fear...but please consider this...if you knew where those paths were, would you not already be Home in Heavenly Bliss...or at the very least, well on your way?   

As Jeshua ben Joseph says to all on the home page of this internet site...To Obtain Christ Consciousness...Come Follow Me...Come Follow Me..

There is much...much information on this internet site. Your pathway Home to Heavenly Bliss has been condensed into the trilogy of books labeled as The Way of Mastery...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation and The Way of Knowing. Study and practice the Lessons contained therein until they are part of you...for they will awaken you from your Dream World of fear...while you still occupy, temporarily, your costumes of physicality...yes...while you are still experiencing your physical bodies!

An experience that has never been experienced before...the mass individuation of Love Consciousness...Christ Consciousness...while still in physical forms...yes, yes...the mass awareness within individuation...the masses experiencing their reunion with Me, and I Am but Love, while still in a very dense and emotionally intense physical dimension. 

Ahh...come My Children of the Light, this new experience is why you have endured your Dream World of Separation from Me, your Divine Parent. 

Come...come...come...follow Jeshua ben Joseph... 

That is all for now...

Your Loving Source of All

Note: Free, complete, unedited written and audio versions of The Way of Mastery are available online at



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