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How Are you This Day...My Children of The Light

Another Day and Another Dollar

Friday, September 23, 2022 Blog

Another day and another $...and off to work you a job that most devote very much time and energy to...and to what earn the dollars and the recognition of your fellow workers...and to maintain some level of egoic satisfaction...some "perception" of self worth.

If you placed the same priority on our you do on your worldly occupation, you would be in paradise...My Kingdom of Love and Perfect Peace..and yet, off you go each day...another day, to earn more dollars...while your relationship with your Creator...The Source of All, awaits yet another day, and another year, and another incarnation to merit your attention. 

Once upon a time, most in your culture would at least spend an hour or so on Saturday or Sunday mornings on our relationship...but that seems to be a commitment that many have surrendered to worldly priorities...and so it shall be...until the day finally arrives when you recognize that your pursuit of worldly priorities do not fulfill your yearnings for something more...something different...something that will forever remain "within"...your remembrance of a Love so fulfilling and truly satisfying that your worldly priorities' will begin to become less imporatnt than you have ever imagined...but you are not "there" yet, are you? Becuase you are still dreaming your impossible dream...a life of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love

And so it has been, and so it shall be...until you alter your priorities...and what will motivate you to alter your priorities' you ask? Probably not what most would call traditional religious organizartions and life-styles...that have left so many yearning for something more...something new...something more satisfying...something deeper and more profound...something that will begin to address "that something" within that says "there must be something more...isn't there?"

And what if I told you...and I Am but Love, the Great Mystery of Life...that "that something" was a relationship so intimate, and so deep, and so fulfilling that you would place "it" as your first priority...more important than your job, more imporatant than your bank accounts, and even more important than all of your worldly priorities combined. Can you even imagine such a relationship? How about a living, breathing, and conscious relationship with Me, and I Am but Love? What if you began, slowly at first, to remember what it was like to have no other priorities but to bask in the Light of a Love and Perfect Peace so deep that nothing else mattered?

Yes, you would still have your worldly "stuff"...your jobs, your houses, your automobiles, your bank accounts and such...and yes, you would still have relationships with other Souls...other incarnated Christed Beings...but our realtionship would be priority #1...why? Because such a lifestyle would be a return to True Peace...something that you know is possible...maybe only subconsciously, in the depth of your soul...but yet, you know it is Perfect Peace that you yearn for...that you may not be able to define or describe in wordly terms...and yet, you "know" it within...within the depth of your Soul...your very Beingness

Such a return to Perfect Peace and Perfect Love...and please note my emphasis on the word return...or a remembrance of something you have know before...before you dreamed your impossible dream of separation from Me, and I Am but Love. Such a state of Perfect Love and Perfect Peace would manifest itself in many ways, including much more fulfilling and deeper relationships with all of the other Sisters and Brothers of the Light, in your Life.   

However, until there is a framework, a pathway, a guiding Light to obtain Perfect Peace and Perfect Love...your worldly priorities will remain in place...and even when Jeshua ben Joseph "knocks on your door" and says "I know The Way...come follow Me"...your worldly conditioning will probably over power you to maintain your status quo. For your ego will accept nothing less than "absolute control"...for your ego insists that only "it" can find the way "Home" to Perfect Love and Perfect Peace. 

Well...My Children...if your ego knew "The Way Home" to Me, and I Am but Love, you would already be with Me in Paradise, even while you still occupy your human forms. Hmm...I would suggest that your ego does not know The Way... 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...


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