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Greetings this day...My Children of The Light Divine!

Jeshua ben Joseph has come again...

Thursday, July 28, 2022 Blog

Another message comes forth through this one called Michael, who, just like you, was created...extended out of the Light of My Love...that knows no end...and that had no beginning...

Today we (for we...You and I that is, are "One") have a new subject to bring to your attention...particularly those of you that are concerned...or frightened about the status of affairs on your small planet.

Fear not...for all is unfolding as anticipated. And so, even when things may seem at their darkest, only you may say, "intensify"...the Light of Love will never diminish...for the darkness can never prevail. Love is the strongest force in all of Creation...fear not. 

The day will, wait a minute...the day has come, when the Spark of Divine Light in some Souls will begin to shine brighter...their rheostat, as you say, will be turned up. Souls will begin to step Michael fullfill the purpose of your Creation...which of course is to function as channels or mediums for the manifestation of My Light, in form, and I Am Unconditional Love....which knows no end, and had no beginning. 

It matters not if these first Children of Light Divine are doubted or riduculed by those who still reside in the darkness of fear, anxiety, and all the other dark emotions...for they have also tarried in the darkness...and now know that all darkness is just a temporary "Dream World" illusion to be experienced and then transcended...and then transformed into the Reality of Love and Light...that you all have resided within the Spiritual Realm...but have just chosen to temporarily forget.  

Yes, yes...we...all My Christed Children and I will bring the Bliss of "Reality" to your Earth dimension...on a scale that few can currently imagine...much less comprehend. My Love cannot be denied forever...and My Love will not be denied forever...for Pure Love resides everywhere at everytime. It is just as Jeshua ben Joseph said two thousand years ago...Heaven is spread out accross this planet...but humanity does not see It. 

Jeshua ben Joseph was sent forth two thousand years ago as a proto-type of My Love, manifested into a temporary form. He was labelled as The Only Son of God, and so-called "messiah" for all of humanity...even though he taught all that would listen, that all are the Children of God...and that all would do even greater things than what he, Jeshua ben Joseph, had done.  

He, Jeshua ben Joseph, has come forth this age. Just look at the list of his Contemporary and Channaled Teachings within this internet site. Some of My Children deny the "Reality" of his teachings...some will even say Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings have changed from those in your Holy Bible...and yet, I say unto you this day, and I Am but Love, that your Holy Bible does "not" communicate an accurate description of what Jeshua ben Joseph taught two thousand years ago

Yes, yes...portions of Jeshua ben Joseph's message did survive within the contents of your Holy Bible...but much was left out, deleted, and overwritten with the religious dogma and mythology of that primitive era. It was is the time, as you say, for the record to be set straight. This is why Jeshua ben Joseph has come forth again, through numerous correct and expand on the content of his teachings. This process is ongoing...but we, My Christed Children of the Light Divine and I, your Divine Parent, have a new, as you say, wrinkle to the story...that will be shouted in every corner of your planet. 

Two thousand years ago, part of Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings were incomprehensible to the you say...mind-boggling...and so they were deleted from your Holy Bible...apparently lost for all of time...and he, Jeshua ben Joseph, rises yet again to communicate the Truth....the "Reality" of all Souls, to whoever will listen to his contemporary teachings.    

The momentum of his message is growing...the Love behind his words is expanding...the Light of the Truth is getting brighter...and so it matters not how dark Life on Earth may seem to those who choose to deny the "Reality" of My Love...for the Light of My Love shines "in" every Soul...EVERY one will be left behind...and the Bliss of My Love will become your new "Conscious Reality"...for I Am everywhere at everytime...

My Love is Everywhere at Everytime...  

Your Dream World of fear and darkness will be no more...won't you join Me? Won't you follow the path of enlightenmentt that Jeshua ben Joseph has once again laid out for all to see? 

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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