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Greetings This Day...My Children of The Light

How Do You Find Love?

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 Blog

The message this day is one that many of you, My Children of The Light, have pondered throughout the histroy of humanity. How do I find Love? Love is within...Love is around you...Love is everywhere...for I Am everywhere...and yet, you ask...How can I find Love? The answer to this question is the purpose of this internet site. 

It is not a big secret...and never has been. But, then again, you are lost...lost in your Dream World of fear consciousness. We could call it "Egoic Land"...the land of I know what I know...and I want to make all of the decisions...and so, even when I, The Source of All, lay out a path of awakening from your Dream World, you choose to remain in your dream...because your ego so chooses, the exercise of your free-will (to make all of your decisions) be aware of whatever you choose...and awareness creates experience.  

Your egos preclude you from surrendering...truly the Love "within" all Souls...for it initially gives you a sense of bowing down to a Beingness greater than your ego...and of course, the ego cannot have that. Oh, for so many...many reasons...which all come down to some form of fear...for that is what the ego is...pure fear. For the ego thinks...often unconsciously...if I surrender to the pathway of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, what will happen to me? So, I (the ego) must stay in control...because I am an advanced spiritual being...

Surrender would mean that I (the ego) did not know all that I think I know, and place my faith and trust in something other than myself. I am an advanced spiritual why would I do that?

To most of you...that is a pretty scary is called the "fear of the unknown"...and the "fear of loosing control"...and yet, surrending to Me, your Divine Parent, would simply be remembering something that has always been, and will always be...your relationship...your Oneness with Me, and I Am but Love. 

You look everywhere for Love, except where the doorway to Love where I Am...and I Am but where our relationship has and will always reside...and that is within your is called RIGHTMINDEDNESS...the energy that links you eternally with My Mind...It is also called "The Holy Spirit"...or The Whole Spirit...for Whole connotes "Oneness"...or Perfect Union...even where there is the perception or illusion of separation and aloneness. And I, your Divine Parent, suggest that you re-read this paragraph until you absorb the Reality of My words. Let Me, and I Am but Love, state My message with different words, so that there is no confusion...WE...You and I...are in Perfect Union for all of eternity. The only thing that separates us temporarily is your "egoic illusion or dream" that you are separated from Me, and I Am but Love.

RIGHTMINDEDNESS...let us disect this word...Right...means correctness...Mind...means conceptualization...Ness...means a state of...put them together and We have a state of correct conceptualization...which simply means when you think as I think...or when you think in alignment with My conceptualize as I a state of correct conceptualization. And because I Am but Love...when you choose to think differently than I do, you think in unloving ways

And when you think in unloving ways, there is the inevitable sense of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...which simply means that you are choosing to "not" utilize The Holy Spirit...your Rightmendedness...your "internal link" to My Mind, that is always present, that allows you to think as I think, and I Am but Love.   

This brings us back to surrender and your insistence to think as you want to think (egoic) rather than surrender to the Love that I Am...that is "within" you, around you, and is EVERYWHERE...the Love that will guide you in all of your decisions...including your decisions that will lead you "Home" Love...for when you return "Home" will know, feel, and live in a state of Pure Love...just as you did before you decided to experience your Dream World of fear, of judgmentalism...for there can be no fear unless there is judgment...which is what the ego does...which simply means your judgment or your choice to refrain from using the Rightmindedness within think as I think...    

Around and around you go...searching for Love, as directed by your ego...rather than surrendering to Rightmindedness...The Holy Spirit within...which necessitates a shift from I am going to find my way Home to Love (egoic) I surrender to the way my Divine Parent thinks...that is already within me...for when I think in alignment with Abba...I think, and live, and feel, and act, and speak in loving ways...always...there are no exceptions...because Abba is but Love.     

How do you surrender you say? Let Us begin with the definition of surrender...because although thousands have read about surrender (one of the Keys to My Kingdom) in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, few have actually surrendered to Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love.  

Surrender: To relinquish possession or give up in favor of give oneself give up or give back.

You decided to enter your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...which is when your decided that you, via your ego, would make all of your decisions, rather than surrender to and utilize the Holy Spirit think as I make decisions as I make decisions, and I Am but Love...which simply menas that "I only make Loving decisons".   

Hmm...If you surrender to Me, and I Am but Love, then all of your decisions would be Love-based...and My Love is, there would be no more judgment...and thus, no more fear...for there would only be Love...and you would return "Home" to Me...for you would once again know, feel and live in Love...simply by surrending to The Holy Spirit...and then...follow the guidance of My Still Small Voice of Love within...

Hmm...why is it that you resist surrendering all of your decisions to Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love?

That is all....

Your Loving Source of All


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