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Greetings this day...Children of My Light Divine

Is a return to Bliss worth some studying and practicing?

Monday, August 1, 2022 Blog

The question this day is...what context is going to convey part of the message that will aid you...that will motivate awaken from your Dream of Separation from Me, The Source of All?

Hmm...Let's try this one, as you say, "on for size". The root cause of your conundrum is that you perceive your Dream World...your so-called metaverse of fear-based consciousness as reality...when it is nothing like "Reality" R. 

We have already explored the "what type of dreamer are you" analogy (several articles ago) and that did little to awaken you from your slumber in fear-based consciousness

Maybe...maybe...we should turn up the preverbial intensity on the fear part of your dream...maybe that will motivate some to turn to MY My Love. No, no...that should be a decision reserved for each Soul...for the Sovereignty of the Soul is Sacred...for I, and I Am but Love, gave all Christed Beings of Love and Light (Souls) free will, to choose what experiences to have...and that aspect of My Plan will not be altered for any reason.  

So...let's try you believe that a place called Heaven exists? You know...a place where there is just Bliss...Perfect Peace and Perfect Love...All Knowing and Unlimited create a never ending stream of new and varied kinds of Bliss? A place where you consult with Me, and I Am but Love, on all such matters of Creation...whereby we Co-Create new streams of Pure Love and Perfect Peace? 

I can hear some of My Christed Children...what are you thinking? Feeling? You believe such a place (Heaven) exists...but you don't deserve to be there...and/or Heaven exists, but you don't know how to get there?

Let Me, your Loving and Divine Parent be very direct. You came from the Bliss of My Light, which is your birth-right...for all of eternity...all you need to do is claim own It...and It is yours. 

At this particular juncture in your adventure into your Dream World of fear-based consciousness...and Dream of Separation from Me, and I Am but Love...there is what is called studying and be a Child of My Light Divine...for this is what most will find very helpful in making the shift ...from fear-based consciousness, which includes a false, illusionary sense of Love-based Consciousness and reunion with Me, and I Am but Love.   

Ahh...I can hear some of your comments..."I don't have the time to study and practice being a Christed Being of Light what am I to do?"

Hmm...I, your Divine Parent, gave you free will...I made the Sovereignty of Your Soul "you could" choose...freely...what experiences to pursue...and yet, you tell Me, and I Am your Loving Parent, that you don't have the time to pursue reunion with Me, and I Am but Love be can tarry a bit longer in your metaverse of fear-based consciousness...your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love.

If and when you change your mind...if and when you tire of all of your fears, anxieties and know, all the dark and negative emotions that some go to therapists to discuss...I, your Loving Parent, will be patiently waiting for you...nudging you when I join Me, and I Am but Love, in the Bliss of Pure Love and Perfect Peace. 

Know are not the are Spiritual Beings of Love and Light...a Spirit...a Field of Consciousness, that knows no end...that has chosen to temporarily experience a Dream World that is the opposite of your Home, in Heavenly Bliss...just to do it... 

Something to think about...

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All

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