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Greetings This Day From The Council of Christ

A Message for All of Humanity - Part 1

Monday, August 22, 2022 Blog

We, The Council of Christ, are One, One Over-Soul, with many individuated facets, each of which is called a Soul, a creation from what is called the Big Bang of Consciousness, which placed The Light, a Spark of Divinity, in all Souls...a challenging concept for humanity to conceive, and yet, REALITY...the REALITY of One Christ...One so-called Child of God, with a seemingly vast number of what is called individuated Souls...One Over-Soul, with many individuated Souls...or many waves of Love in The One, Infinite Ocean of Love

What is an induividuated Soul you ask? We...each of us, is an "aspect" of the One, Infinite Field of Consciousness, that "seems" to have...that you "perceive to have" individual consciousness...or one could say, the perception of separate consciousness, and yet, not separated from The Infinite Field of Consciousness, Who Jeshua ben Joseph (one of the individuated Souls) refers to as Abba, the Divine Parent of All. For it matters not whether we are in the Spiritual Realm as Conscious Christed Beings of Light...or partially unconscious, as incarnated Christed Beings of Light, We are One, and yet, individuated aspects of the One Over-Soul.  

The Christ Over-Soul...that is sometimes called The Holy Spirit...could also be called the Whole Spirit...for we are One, with many individuated apsects or Souls. We are known by many names, some of which are found in the Christ Consciousness Meditation on this internet site, where we call ourselves The Council of One

Jeshua ben Joseph often functions as our...what you would call primary spokesperson...but for the purpose of this, and other communications to our sisters and brothers on Earth, we will often speak as One...with one voice. 

The other characteristic that we will convey, prior to the primary subject of this article, is that Our Over-Soul is aligned in tandem synchronized with, what we will call The Mind of Our Creator...the Divine Parent of All. And with that introduction, We will move on...

The subject this morning, for it is 2 AM, as we deliver this message through Michael, is that a portion of Awakening to REALITY is a Great Mystery, particularly to you, who are temporarily incarnated in human forms, or what is called body-minds. More specifically, the Great Mystery of how we can have the perception...and we wish to emphasize the word...perception...for it applies to numerous aspects of the state of consciousness experienced by all Souls in body-minds on Earth.   

The perception of being individual and separate Souls...existing within an illusional state of consciousness that you are alone and separated from Abba...which has previously been described by Abba as limited awareness...for that is what you chose to experience...temporarily. However, we, your brothers and sisters, The Council of Christ, wish to communicate to you, that regardless of the perception, regardless of the illusion, it is impossible for you to fail, as in it is impossible for you not to return Home.

What does this mean? And why are we saying this to you, our brothers and sisters? You chose to enter into a limited and what you will call a challenging aspect or dimension of consciousness...temporarily...that has the illusion of separation from Abba. You tend to judge everything, includinjg all of your decisions...either consciously or subconsciously...and with judgment, you entered an aspect of consciousness that has duality...or two sides of awareness...based on the perception of either good or bad...right or wrong. This temporary state of challenging, judgmental consciousness...this duality, is what creates the illusion of separation from Abba, which for all practical purposes, creates the illusion...the perception of separation from Love...for that is what The Source of All is...Pure Love Awareness...or what can be called God-Consciousness...or the awareness of the REALITY that Abba is "everywhere"

We know that this has been a repeating theme throughout this blog, and it will be one that will continue to be discussed...for as many years as Michael functions as a a conduit for the Truth. For until you choose...each individuated aspect of the One Soul or so-called return Home to God Consciousness, you will experience the limited awarenss of duality...which is the limited awareness or illusion that Abba, Who is but Love, is not everywhere...and is "not with you" every moment of every day. 

And you perceive that Abba, Who is but Love, is not everywhere because you have chosen duality consciousness, which judges things as either good or bad...right or wrong...and you unconsciously think, how can something "bad and wrong" contain Abba and Love? Your see? You see? It is judgment that separates you from is judgment that separates you from Abba, your Divine is judgment that separates you from us, your sisters and brothers in God Consciousness, which includes the REALITY that Abba, Who is but Love, is everywhere...however...from your perspective, how can something, anything...some other Soul, who is judged as wrong and bad be part of Love? You see the conundrum that you exist within? 

If we take this discussion a step are constantly judging your Self, either consciously or subconsciously...and each time you judge your Self as wrong or bad, you take another step away from that you judge your Self as not being good enough...not being worthy of a relationship with Abba...and Abba is but Unconditional Love, which is everywhere, which does not judge...which does not judge you, as you judge your Self, as being unwothy of Love.

This perception...this illusion...this limited state of awareness...this concept of non-reality...this mirage of duality...this Dream World of good and bad...this metaverse of fear consciousness, is where you find your Self today.

Your perception of reality, is not REALITY at unfathomable and mind-boggling as this all of this is...we know, because some of us have experienced in form, in human bodies...what you experience each of your days...and then, some of us have decided, via our free-will, not to venture into the limited awareness of fear-based consciousness...what is called egoic or the illusion of individual and separate consciousness, which could also be called aloness consciousness, because from many perspectives, your perceive your Self, and there is that word perceive your Self in a state of aloneness...separated from everything...everything and everybody....including us, your Family of Light...and Abba, Who is but Love, for Abba is everywhere and how can you be separated from Abba? You matter what you perceive as "Reality". do you "untangle and retrain the mind" to once again see, feel, know and experience REALITY...the REALITY that Abba, Who is but Love, is everywhere...the REALITY that your Dream World of just that...a temporary dream...

There is only one way...and that one way is placing the untangling and retraining of the mind as your 1st commitment to reunion with Abba...for total commitment to do whatever it takes to return Home to the REALITY of Love. 

And many on your planet will immediately back away from the concept of total commitment to reunion with Abba...why...because of your judgmental, limited awareness...your tangled minds of duality, your egos, which will plunge you further down into your Dream World of fear consciousness. Why? Because that is what the ego creates more fear, and judgment, and illusion...and more dark states of consciousness

And yet, the Light of Love is everywhere...everywhere...which does not judge anything or anyone...Love just Loves...and Love is the only REALITY...there is no duality...there is only the illusion of your Dream World of duality...or citing the phrase Abba has recently used in this blog...your metaverse of fear consciousness is inevitable that you will eventually arrive at what is called an epiphany...when you simply can not endure any more fear...any more pain and suffering...any more duality...when the Divine Spark of Light within you will say no more, I want to go Home...I want Love...and I will do whatever it takes...I am committed fully to a return to REALITY...the REALITY of Love Consciousness...the REALITY of God consciousness...because you know, deep down inside your Soul, that Love is your birthright...your essence...your very Beingness...because Abba-Pure Love is everyhwhere...around you...and even inside your Divine Spark of Divinity. 

So...our sisters and brothers...this internet site was created as one of many portals that assists any interested Soul in returning Home, to the Reality of dissolving the duality of your limited awareness, for if you knew how to return to Heavenly Bliss, you would already be there.   

We would like to conclude by saying that the ego...your an expert at disguising judgmental consciousness as so-called advanced and higher states of consciousness...for where you find judgment, you find duality, and where you find duality, you find fear consciousness, and the illusion of separation from Abba, Who is but Love. The ego, which is judgmental and fearful consciousness, is not good or is simply a small aspect of the body-mind that facilitates the experience of limited awareness, inclusive of all the intense dramas and negative emotions of the Earth dimension. 

So...our brothers and sisters...we trust that you can now see that you can not fail to return Home to the REALITY of Love...and this internet site is simply one of the many helping hands that are extended to your adventure back "Home" to Love. 

You are never truly alone...ever...

You are always Loved...always...

Peace be with you this day...and every day...

The Council of Christ 

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