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Good Morning..."Children of God"

Children of God...For That is Who You Are

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Blog

How many ways do you want to hear Who and What you are before you believe Me...Your Divine Parent...for this is the 32nd article of this God's Blog that typically either implies or refers to you as the equal of the one called Jesus Christ...the so-called Only Son of God of Christianity...

And yet he...Jesus not his authentic name...for Jesus Christ is a name given to him...placed on him by those called "Christians", so very, very long ago...

Those that knew him...the so-called Only Son of God...his family, friends, and immediate followers did did not call him Jesus Christ...because they were predominantly Jewish...more specifically, many were of the Jewish sect known as the Essenes...who called him...who referred to him by his authentic Essene name...or as Jeshua ben Joseph.  

And anyone who takes a few minutes to research and study the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of the one known Jesus Christ today...who has channeled many contemporary books and audio a variety of channels...will find something very interesting...he does not refer to himself as Jesus Christ...he refers to himself as Jeshua ben Joseph...although he does recognize that some refer to him as Jesus.

So...what is the difference between these two names...and where do these two different names come from...and possibly the most intersting...why does Jeshua ben Joseph today "not" refer to himself as the Only Son of God in either his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings...or even within what is called the Gospels of the New the Bible...that claim to be a first hand account and record of his Life and teachings?

There is much to be considered...and this morning I, The Source of All...your Creator and Divine Parent, will only convey some of what you call the "high points"...or what some of the most obvious differences in these two names are...and what those differences mean today.

Jesus begin not a Jewish name. A person born within, raised within...and who taught within an ancient Jewish culture, was not named by his parents with a Jewish name? How unusual it that...for Jesus Christ is a Greek name...that as I, and I Am but Love, have already conveyed, is not the name Jeshua ben Joseph calls himself today...

So...from where does this Greek name originate? The earliest use of this name is in the Epistles of Paul, in the New Testament...and so it is no accident that Paul was of Greek decent...not Jewish...

And yes, I can hear some of your comments...Paul's epistles were written after the Gospels, where Jeshua ben Joseph is referred to as Jesus Christ...and here is where some of the many untruths of the traditional Christian religions, inclusive of Catholicism, will be communicated has been done many times in your books that have researched the earliest of Christian documents, called the New Testament, which of course includes the Gospels and Paul's epistles. Some of the research documents that Paul's epistles predate the subsequent and edited versions of the Gospels

The key words being "subsequent and edited". However, there is, as you say, a twist to the results of early Christian research. No well read researcher of early Christianity can make a defendable case that portions..."portions" of the Gospels do not originate prior to Paul's epistles...however...the portions that do predate Paul's epistles do not refer to Jeshua ben Joseph as "Jesus Christ".   

It is commonly accepted today...although not well publicized...that the versions of the Gospels that Christianity distributes today...that are claimed to be "authentic"...originate from versions paid for and edited by Emperor in the Emperor of the Roman the 4th century AD...some three hundred years after the crucifixion...

And We could spend hours, days, and weeks discussing the long history of the early Christian movement...however, I, and I Am but Love, will summarize with one qoute from Jeshua ben Joseph, from his The Way of Mastery...regarding Christianity...per Jeshua ben Joseph..."Christianity, which is not something that I know much about...since I am, or was a man, a Jew"...

"It" in Christianity "is not something Jeshua ben Joseph knows very much about" interesting...considering Christianity claims to represent and distribute an authentic record of the Life and teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. 

For those interested in a source that summarizes much of the evidence surrounding the "claims" of authenticity of Christianity...and the unavoidable conclusions of non-authenticity, consider reading the book...Jesus vs Christianity - The Myth of Heaven and Hell, by Michael...through whom I speak this morning...

Returning to our discussion of names, Jeshua ben Joseph does not refer to himself as the Only Son of God today (in channeled information)...nor is there an unedited, authenticated source from two thousand years ago where Jeshua ben Joseph refers to himself as the Only Son of God...  

However...there are sources from two thousand years ago (including the Gosepls), and within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings (including The Way of Mastery), where he includes himself in a generic grouping of humanity as "the Children of God"...oh...that's Me, and I Am but Love. 

Thus, the foundation of the traditional Christian religions (the Gospels), that make numerous claims about Jeshua ben Joseph...the most pivotal one being...that he was the alleged Only Son of God, is not endorsed as "Reality" by Jeshua ben Joseph today...or is it confirmed to be "Reality" by Jeshua ben Joseph two thousand years ago, in any unedited, ancient documents.

In summary, today and two thousand years ago, Jeshua ben Joseph refers to himself as an equal to all of humanity.  

Interesting...all very interesting...particulalrly because there are some two billion, so-called Christians, that are currently incarnated...two billion incarnated Souls that have been taught Jeshua ben Joseph was the Only Son of God, as opposed to one of the many Children of God...that includes all of humanity.    

I, your Divine Parent, the Infinite and Mysterious Field of Love, that has no beginning or end, and from which all things arise, will communicate one more observation about Christianity...and that is the original followers of Jeshua ben Joseph...that walked with him when he walked your a human form...did not refer to or call Jeshua ben Joseph's teachings as "Christianity"...or to themselves as "Christians".  

They called the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph as "The Way"...and so, it is no accident...for there are no accidents...that the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph culminate in a trilogy of books and audio recordings...that he calls The Way of Mastery...The Way of the Heart...The Way of Transformation,  and The Way of Knowing. 


So, My Children, Jeshua ben Joseph is just like you, your brother and equal, who "seems" to have gone a little bit ahead of your adventure back to reside with Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love.

That is all...

Your Loving Source of All...


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