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Good Morning My Family of The Light

Why Do You Tarry in the Darkness?

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Blog

When will you begin to awaken from your Dream of Separation from Me, The Creator of All, and I Am but Love...that is the "big question"? It does not appear as though such an event is imminent for most of humanity...for you have accepted that your Dream World is reality...Reality? Can you imagine that? Of course you can, because you created your Dream World...and you perpetuate your Dream World.

Why? There are many answers to that question. One answer, that is as some say on Earth, is a "bullseye"...a bullseye...what an odd saying for an accurate depiction of a response to a question...anyway...back to the answer...because souls...the Christed Beings of Love that chose to incarnate into the Dream World of fear and illusion of separation from Me, and I Am but Love, desired to experience anything and everything...everything being the key word, that could possibly make you, Members of My Sacred Family of Light, forget Who and What you are. Can you imagine such a thing...such an odd form of motivation...such a strange and mind-boggling experience to have...the illusion of separation from Me, your Creator...and I Am but Love. wanted to experience separation from Love..."LOVE" see, to feel, to think...that you had no see, to feel, to think that I, your Creator, was not part of your Life, every moment of every one of your days...

Yes..."that" is what you desired to experience...just to see if it could be done...

Well, My do you like your creation? How do you like your Dream World of fear, stress, and endless anxieties...and all of the variations there of...what you call your "negative emotions"?

Does your Dream World of an endless variety of fears seem real enough to you you see, and think...and feel as though you have accomplished your desire of Life without live in that illusion...the Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love... appears to some of your Sisters and Brothers...the so-called Heavenly Host of your Sisters and Brothers who remained with Me, The Creator of All...the Incomprehensible Matrix of Love...the Mind-Boggling, Infinite Field of Love, out of which all things arise...including your Dream World of fear and human appears as though you have been an unusual kind of way...of having your Dream World...that have made you forget you are Members of The Sacred Family of Light...My Sacred Family of Light...

Oh...a few of those in your Dream World of fear are taking exception to My last statement..."they" are saying that they know they are Members of My Sacred Family of Light...and "that" My Children of the Light of Love, is a step in your journey back to REALITY...the "Reality" of livng with whereby you see, and think, and feel Love...and I Am but Love, am everywhere..."everywhere"...even in your mirrors...when you gaze into My eyes... 

Hmm..."when you gaze into My eyes"...for I Am within your very Beingness of Love...even though you have been successful at forgetting our Perfect Union...our Perfect Loving Realtionship...our Blissful State of Beingness for eternity...

And those of you...of humanity that is...who remember that you are all Members of the Sacred Family...why do you still tarry in the darkness of your Dream World?  

Once again...there are many answers to that question...for there are many...many variations in the experiences available in your Dream World of fear, for you all have free will...the ability to choose aspects of your Dream World of fear that no other Soul has chosen...which...if I may shift the why you all feel so very alone at times...because "you have yet to choose" to take all of the steps necessary to return Home to Me...and I Am but Love... 

Hmm...and then, there are some that have begun searching for Love...searching for "Home"...searching for your conscious, seeing, feeling, thinking Perfect Union with Me, the Source of All, and I Am but Love... 

And you search and search...and search...and every so often, you get a glimpse of Love...and you say to yourself...and possibly even to some friends...Oh...I've felt search is over...and was only a glimpse My Children..."a glimpse"...

Do you see, and think, and feel Love everywhere? "EVERYWHERE My Children...for I, the Infinite Field of Love, Am "everywhere"... appears to Me, and I Am but Love...and to your Heavenly Host of Sisters and Brothers, who never left "Home", that you are still in the darkensss of your Dream World...for until you see, and think, and feel that you are immersed in Love...that you "permeate Pure Love and Perfect Peace every moment" remain in the non-reality of your Dream World of illusions, of fear-based living...of separation from Me...and I Am but Love. 

Hmm...if there was only someone you could turn too...some Sister or Brother, who has been where you are in your Dream World...that has documented a map of how she or he "returned Home to Love" that if you truly desired to return Home to Love...desired to remember and once again live in Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent, that you could follow the footsteps of those that have already returned Home, and reside with Me, this day in Paradise.

Oh...there is such a Brother of yours...there is such a map to Love...for I, and I Am but Love, have written about this map often in this God's is called The Way of Mastery trilogy, by Jeshua ben Joseph...The Way of the Heart, The Way of Transformation, and The Way of Knowing...and it has been communicated where you can read or listen to these words of Jeshua ben Joseph...for

Study and practice My and practice...

That is All...

The All Loivng Source of All...


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