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Good Morning My Children...My Sacred Family of Love

Why did Jeshua ben Joseph choose to experience the crucifixion?

Thursday, October 13, 2022 Blog

Family of Love...for that is what We are...A Sacred Family of Love...Our essence is Love...We think Loving thoughts...We feel Love...We even see Love in our actions...and yet, your world on Earth is filled with fearful thoughts and feelings...fear, fear, fear, and all of the step-children of fear...hatred, jealously, greed...and the list goes on...every type of anxiety, stress, depression and despair in the universe...every possible negative emotion can and is experienced within your dimension of can Love be known, felt, realized and lived...

So why have so many souls chosen to enter and experience your world of fear-based thoughts, feelings and experiences? Why does any member of our Family do anything? For the experience of course...and I, The Source of All, have discussed this topic in earlier articles on this blog. 

Our subject this morning will provide another context as to how the world of experiences available on Earth has come to be...and more importantly, how your world will be transformed into a "new world" of Love, compassion, knowledge, and joy...a world that many of you find yourselves lost in fearful behavioral patterns that simply produce the opposite of what you profess to seek...

For your of behavior...and thought processes are exactly what keeps you from living and experiencing the Love that everyone seeks.

Seeking Love is not living in Love...seeking Love is not living with many ways can this be said? Seeking Love is not living with only Loving thoughts...seeking Love is not talking in only Loving ways...seeking Love is not acting in only Loving ways...seeking Love is not living as though your essence is Love...for seeking Love affirms that you are void of you see what I, and I Am but Love, am trying to convey? By your seeking for Love, you continue to push Love away! 

And I, the Divine Parent of All, Am but your seeking for Love pushes your remembrance of Me...and your relationship with Me "away"...

So...what I Am going to ask you to do for one hour this to pick one hour...any hour...and for that one hour you are going to live in and with are going to pretend that you are an Enlightened Being of Light and Love, who only has Loving thoughts...and sees all with only Loving eyes...

Did you read and comprehend what I, your Divine Parent, Who is but Love, just asked you to do? For one hour you are going to choose to live with only Loving matter the circumstance...just as your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, experienced the crucifixion.  

When anyone tried to insult him, he saw and heard a confused and misguided brother or sister of that they had forgotten that they were a Christed Being of Love... 

When any brother whipped him, or beat him, he saw a confused and misguided brother of Love.

When he was convicted of a crime that he did not commit, he saw a confused and misguided brother of Love.

When the crown of thorns were placed on his his blood dripped down...he saw a confused and misguided brother of Love.

As he carried the cross...and stumbled and fell through the streets...he saw a crowd of confused and misguided sisters and brothers of Love...even those who wept for him...that cried out in words of fear and disbelief...

As he laid on the cross...and as the soldiers nailed the body to the cross...he saw confused and misguided brothers of Love.

During the entire experience...he saw everything with the eyes of Love...he thought only Loving thoughts...he owned and lived in his essence of Love, which transformed everything...his perspective of Love allowed him to transcend the entire experience...because he "overlaid" the entire experience with Love...with his essence, which is of course is Love...and I, your Divine Parent, Am but Love.

He saw the entire experience with the eyes of Love...he heard the entire experience with the ears of Love...he felt the entire experience with Love...the body endured all of the physical pain...and yet, Love somehow overshadowed , penetrated and dominated the entire the point of feeling, witnessing, knowing, and living all of it emersed in Love...for Jeshua ben Joseph, the expereince was an experience "in Love". 

For Jeshua ben Joseph, the crucifixion was the product of a "dream world" of fear, dramas and negative emotions that is no different...NO DIFFERENT...than a soul who has a bad dream...and as they dream, they are aware that they are dreaming...they are aware that the dream is not they can experience the dream...they can observe the dream...they can even participate in the dream...and yet the dream has no effect...for the dreamer knows that they are dreaming!

For during the crucifixion, Jeshua ben Joseph followed the inner guidance that he had been educated on and trained to follow...for years...for years My Children of The Light...My Sacred Family of Love...

Jeshua ben Joseph had been just as you are today...a seeker of Love...but he had accepted My inner guidance, and I Am but Love...he had accepted the education and training that I, The Source of All, guided him to...rather than one "who could choose to, but did not" live as as they could be taught, trained and the same principles and techniques that guided Jeshua ben Joseph...those within in The Way of Mastery.

There is no difference between you and Jeshua ben are "the same"...for you are all My all have the same, as you say on Earth, the same "stuff" not created better or different than the other...all with an essence of Love..."My Essence"...all with awareness or consciousness...all with free will. 

There is no difference between any souls...except for what "they choose" to be aware of...except for what "they choose" to overlay or project onto the mysterious energy of Creation...and what you overlay or out-picture on your world is what you "perceive" as reality...and in overlaying or out-picuring or projecting on your world is exactly what "you choose to create" as experience...whatever you project out of your mind and onto your world, is what "you choose" to create as your experience!

And so, My Children of the Light...consider well what "you choose" to believe and value...because that is what "you choose" to project out of the mind and onto your world, to create your experiences...and this is a subject that we have covered before...but it is in need of repeating... 

The Mind...your awareness with free what you are endlessly using to create your experiences...for whatever "you choose" to be aware experience.

If you choose to see a politiian giving a speech as a flawed individual, proposing a course of action that differs with your chosen perspective, and you choose to judge that perspective as flawed, and obviously in poor taste...that is exactly how you will choose to experience the speech...with the understanding that whatever you fear does Jeshua ben Joseph choose to view and experience the exact same politician and speech? He sees all Souls as Sisters and Brothers, as Members in the Sacred Family of the Children of God that they are...with the exact same essence of Love that all Souls were created he was created with. He sees the politician as a Soul, a Being of Love, who has chosen a certain perspective to create experience...and experience that which is often based in judgmentalism and thus, is fear-based...rather than Love-based...and please read very thoughtfully...because Love...True Unconditional...there is no judgement...there is just Love...

There is just Love My Children...there is just the Reality of Love that Jeshua ben Joseph chose to "live in" and experience as he walked in your dream world...your dream world of projecting your judgments...your fear-based judgments out of the mind and onto the world...which is how your fear-based world...your dream world was created...and is now being perpetuated... 

You see a politician as flawed and despicable...because you judge and fear his or her politics...because they do not agree with your you project your fear out into the world...and you perceive your world as a fearful place..."you choose" to be aware of your world as a fearful place and thus, that is what you experience! 

Jeshua ben Joseph "chose to" experience the crucifixion to prove to himself that "only Love is Real", to transcend the fear-based, dream world that he had chosen to experience...just "for the experience of Being the Presence of Love under any and all conditions"...for the experience of remembering and living his relationship with his Creator...his Divine Parent...and I Am but Love...the Mysterious and Infinite Field of Love that is everywhere...out of which all things arise and eventually return to...

Yes My Children, I Am mindboggling...and yet, I Am...

So...with that...I, and I Am but Love, will return to what I asked of you earlier...choose one hour this day...any hour...and just for that one hour...just 60 minutes...see all with the eyes of Love and think only Loving thoughts...for just an hour...see your Dream World from a new perspective..."as a Dream World" filled with members of your Sacred Family of Love...who are just in a Dream World that "seems" so real that it is "perceived as reality" by all participating in the dream...just for the experience...just to experience something different than Love...temporarily...and when they have had enough of the dream world, when they have suffered enough in their judgmental, fear-based world...they will surrender to Love, to Me, The Source of All...and I will guide them Home to Love...just as I, and I Am but Love, guided Jeshua ben Joseph...

And "that experience"...the experience back to Love Consciousness...back to God Consciousness...and I Am but Love, is one you chose long ago... 

And it is in this very Jeshua ben Joseph has assist in guiding his Sisters and Brothers back into REALITY...for only Love is Real, for I Am everywhere...even in your dream world...even within your very Beingness...

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...    




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