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Good Morning My Children of "The Light"

The Infinite Field of Light That Created Your Field of Light...Your Aura.

Thursday, October 27, 2022 Blog

This morning I, the Mystery of Love that created you, will be discussing a part of you that is also a part of Me, and I Am but Love. A part of you that is part of Me, your Divine Parent...what could that be? It is the part of your Beingness that allows your Mind to be aligned be linked think with My Mind, and I Am but Love. 

There is part of your Mind that links your Mind with My Mind...for in a manner of could say...from one perspective or conceptualization, we share the same Mind...and Beingness of Love...yes...that is a good description...when "combined or linked", we share a Mind...a Beingness of never-ending Love...Perfect Peace and Joy...or an Essence of Bliss...We share an Essence of Bliss.

And you can use your link to Bliss anytime...and all of the time...if you so choose. There are many ways to conceptualize your link to My Beingness of Bliss...and yet, because you have chosen to temporarily forget about your "link to Bliss" it is more challenging to conceptualize...than you typically "think" or "feel", because Bliss is a "feeling" when your Beingness...your awareness...typically has no physical form...yes...yes...

When a Beingness of Love, Peace and Joy has no physical form, there are "feelings"...sensations of on-going Bliss

And form does not necessarily mean a "physical thing"...for form can also mean an aspect of Spirit that "feels"...and so a Spirit with form, that feels, can be in a perpetual state of Bliss...and the form of which I speak, with the "Reality" that one could say I Am The Spirit of Perpetual Bliss that feels everything, everywhere...has a form of feelingness that you could call an emotional body, which is of course a component of what some humans refer to as part of your human energy field or aura...that has a structure of Light...for all auras have "Light"...yes...a you have a form of Light!

And all humans have energy fields that surround you and penetrate your physical forms...your physical anatomies'...and your energy fields have a component of Light...which allows you to take pictures of your fields' of Light with what is called aura photography...which is an amazing experience for most..."to see your Self"...for when you look in a mirror...very few of you can "see" your energy field of Light

Your energy field of Light, which surrounds and penentrates your physical body, has the capability to crystallize into a physical form...a form that you call your body-mind...which you identify with as "you"...which you think and believe is "you"...when in Reality is just a temporary physical form...called a human body, that your field of Light temporarily creates (crystallizes) to experience physicality...dimensions of of which you are within at this very moment.

And just as your human body or form has many to does your field of Light...many, many components...some of which are called "fields of Beingness"...

For example, you have a mental field and an emotional field that are linked and intertwined...that share your larger field of Light...which today some call your mental and emotional bodies...

Your mental field...or mental body...allows you to conceptualize or to "think"...where as your emotional field...or emotional body...alllows you to "feel emotions"...and these energized fields "within" your human energy field or aura are connected to your physical body and senses...your eyes, ears, nose, brain, and every cell in your crytallized, physical forms. 

Thus...your physical organs of your physical senses allow your Spirit...your Beingness...your awareness with free-will to see, hear, smell, feel and think...all at the same is called "experiencing a physical dimension"...of which there are many...

"If" and when you look at an aura photograph of your Self, you will see the Field of Energy and Light that surrounds and penetrates your temporary, physical form...and know that your Field of Energized Light has many componenets, all of which function simultaneously with your physical form to produce what you call "Life in a physical body on the plantt Earth". Any time you wish to educate your Self on the Field of Light or aura that surrounds and penentrates your physical form, there is an abundance of information on your internet...simply look up aura, mental body, emotional body (also known as subtle bodies), human energy field, aura photography or any other comparable terms. 

However, the focus this morning will be on aspects of The Light that are not typically discussed. For example, after the death of the physical body, The Light is gone...for The Light that surrounds the living body-mind is representative of the Soul that lives forever...that has moved on or shifted to a non-physical dimension...a Spiritual dimension.

For that is what you are...a Spirit...because you are a Spiritual Being of The Light...and have just forgotten...for once you pass from the physical dimension (physical death), where do you go? You go into The Light...for that is what Soul after Soul recalls...remembers, when the aura comes back into the what I, and I Am but Love, have discussed before and categorized as Near Death Experiences...when the body-mind has been declared dead and The Light, the aura, returns to occupy the body, and then, the body-mind is once again "alive".

So...after physical death...the soul, goes back into The Infinite Field of Light...and yet, I tell you this day...this morning...that in your Soul...your Beingness...your awareness with free-will, never leaves The Light...because you are a Beingness...a Being...A Spirit of The Light...that never leaves The Light...for you are a member of My Sacred Family of Light...  

What do you think this all means? You are a Spirit of The Light, that lives in The Light for eternity...that chose to temporarily occupy a physical form...that only "appears" to be a physical form...because of the rapid movement of the billions of what are called electrons, protons and nuetrons that comprise every atom, of every molecule, in the physical body...but that is an entirely different subject...but something you should never forget...for it demonstrates that your physical bodies are in fact a spectacular "illusion" of sorts...because 99.99% of every atom is empty space...which means 99.99% of the human body is empty space.  

Let us return to The Light...The Light that temporarily crystalizes an aspect of The Light into your illusion of a physical body. You are a Being of Light, existing within a larger Light, called a Spiritual dimension...and not dismiss this discussion as anything but your "Reality"...for it is the repeating and consistent pattern of experience of every Soul who has a Near Death Experience...which makes the experience of non-physicality in The Light your destiny...your so-called future...and yet, there is no time in the Spiritual realms...but there is a Beingness of Perfect Peace...  

Let Me, and I, your Divine Parent, Am a Mysterious, Infinite Field of Love, out of which all things arise, that had no beginning and that has no end, that created You, are here this morning to tell you that I Am The Light from which your Field or aura of Light comes from...yes...truly mind-boggling am I not...but the "time" has come for a new context to be communicated within these many and ongoing articles of "God's Blog"...which simply means that each article is an expression...a communication from the Infinite Field of Light and Love that created "You" "My Image"... 

"My Image"...let Us talk about That for a bit of time...I Am and Infinite and Spiritual Beingness of Love and Light, from which you come from, and then return to, after the temporary forms called body-minds have "no life". 

Hmm...that is a different perspective on who and what you are is it not? And I must say...observe...that some of you reading this just entered a period of conceptual overload...for you have been temporarily overwhelmed by the Reality of what You are...and from Where You come from...and to Where you will inevitably the Infinite Field of Light and Love that created You...that is everywhere...even within your physical simply cannot see Me, and I Am but Love, because of the inherent limitations of your physical senses...just like most of you cannot see your Field of Light (aura) when you look into a mirror...and yet...

When your temporary physical forms have "no life"...which is to have no Light...which is to have no awareness with retrun to a dimension of Light...a world of Light...where every soul...including your Self, appears as a Beingness of Light...a Field of Beingness that has Light, within an Infifnite Field of Light...

Is this not simply another version of the parable of the fish that Jeshua ben Joseph told two thousand years ago...when some of his followers asked him..."can you show us our Creator"...that has been repeated in the Christ Consciousness Meditation within this internet site...yes, it is...only instead of your Ceator...and That is Me...being a sea, in which you, as fish swim and live, I Am an Infinite Field of Light and Love...and You are a Beingness or Field of Light within Me...part of coulsd say an Aspect of Me, within Me...what Jeshua ben Joseph refers to as "being individuated and yet, in perfect union with your Creator".

What does Jeshua ben Joseph say this being "individuated" means? He tells all it is having the "perception" of being an individual and separate from your Creator...and yet, you are in fact not ever separated from your Creator (That is Me, and I Am but Love) because you are an extension of your Creator, which he describes in many ways, one of which is an Infinite Field of Love, that is everywhere...a Matrix of Love is another term he uses...and that "is Light" another phrase used by Jeshua ben Joseph to describe Me, your Divine Parent... 

Now...let us consolidate...let us conceptualize...let us put all of the pieces of the grand puzzle of your Beingness together...that humanity has searched for and struggled with...ever since you chose to enter into and experience the dimension of Earth's physicality...and I, Your Divine Parent, will borrow phrases from Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery...

You were created by and exist within an Infinite Field or Living, Matrix of Love and Light...that is everywhere...Whose only desire is to extend and expereince It Self within an endless and varied number of forms...including human the one You currently identify with...and think is "you". if We...You and I...your Creator and You, as the Created...summarize your journey through come from a Spirirtual Dimension of Light, that have in Images of in in auras...that temporarily enter into physical forms, called human bodies...and then, you discard or exit the physical bodies...and return to the non-physical, Spirirutal Dimension of Light...where you exist "in" a Beingness of Light and True Peace...and you repeat this cycle over and a variety of human bodies... 

Is this not what thousands and thousands of your sisters and brothers have experienced with past life regression, life between life regression, and near death experiences? Is this not what the "so-called" Only Son of God of Christianity, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes in The Way of Mastery...where he, Jeshua ben Joseph, describes You as "his sisters and his friend and equal"? I think so...

Are you taking this all in...are you comprehending the miraculous significance of it all...for You are an extension of That which created You...and That happens to be Me, and I Am but Love, Who desires to extend Self into the physical dimension of Earth...Who desires to manifest Self, and I Am but Love, in your human body and extend out into the 3rd dimension of Earth...what some call channeling or functioning as a medium or conduit for the extension of Love...or the manifestation of Self, and I Am but Love, from the formless...The Light...and into form...your form! For that is why I, your Divine Parent, created extend Self-Love...into an infinite number of a never ending process...forever...for I, your Creator...have no end...which means that you have no end...and I Am referring to your Beingness...your awareness with free-will...that has chosen to temporarily identify with, and perceive your Self as a limited, temporary, human an attempt to experience the opposite of your eternal, Spiritual Essence of Love and Bliss...which is called "fear consciousness in a temporary physical form"...

And to exprience and identify with your temporary physical body and fear consciousness, you had to create a new aspect of your awareness of Self, or an aspect of the Mind, called the ego...for as Jeshua ben Joseph describes in detail in The Way of "then" create Heaven on Earth...when you are tired of the ego...of fear bring the True Peace from The Light from which you come from...into the Earth dimension of physicality...each incarnated Soul must choose to dissolve the ego, the creator of all your fears and negative emotions...

"That" My Children of The a Soul dissolves the You remember your relationship with Me, and I Am but fulfill your primary function as a medium for Me...for described in detail by Jeshua ben Joseph, in The Way of Mastery...for he did "that" two thousand years ago, when he was in a human form, what you may "perceive" as imposssible today...and yet, "that" is what he did...and is waiting to teach You...  

Living as a conscious, Beingness of Love and Light, as a Co-Creator with your Divine Parent, is obviously very different than how you are living, unless you are ready to make major changes, inclusive of "dissolving the ego" and all of your fears, you are probabaly not ready to commit fully to the shift in consciousness that I, and I Am but Love, have described...for that is one of the ingredients in making the shift from fear consciousness to Love Consciousness, and reunion with Me..."total commitment".  

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...





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