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Good Morning My Children of the Light

Are There Older and More Advanced Souls?

Saturday, October 15, 2022 Blog

This day...this morning is an eventful day indeed...for it marks yet another year of expression through this one called Michael, who has had yet another colorful adventure into the human form...but I digress from My message this day...and it is one that is, as you say, long overdue

Overdue in that many have yearned to hear Me, The Source of All, communicate to all of humanity...yes, yes...not that anyone of you ever imagined that such a thing was possible...for who ever expected their Creator to express ItSelf so openly and so directly for all to ponder and evaluate...yes, evaluate Me, as many of you do. 

You read each word in quiet disbelief..."your egoic side" that is...your dreaming self that stumbles through each day oblivious to My Presence, and My Love, from which you originate...yes, perceive that you are all alone and separated from Me, your Creator, and I Am but you occupy the human you identify with the human you perceive it as "Reality"...  

You wonder about and fear so many things, that the list is almost endless...and yet your fears will end...your perceived separation from Me, and I Am but Love, will end...when you awaken from your dream world of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...when you "live consciously in and with" the Reality of My Love.

Yes, My Children, you live a life of non-reality...even those of you who perceive yourselves as the oldest of souls, which of course connotes that you are more advanced and more special than your Christed Sisters and Brothers...which is an interesting irony indeed...for there are no Souls that are older than any other Soul...there are no Souls, no Christed Brothers and Sisters, that are more advanced or special than any other Soul...and yet, some of you "puff up" your false sense of self (your egos) and you talk about your Sisters and you label yourselves as more advanced and special. 

How ironic...for in doing so...those so-called older and more advanced Souls demonstrate their delusional perception of reality...for one Christed Being of Love is no better, or older, or more special than any other. For that My Children of the Light is impossible...I assure you...for I created, I know. 

All have part of Me, and I Am but Love, within...all have a Divine Spark of Love, which of course is Life itself...all have free choose and experience anything that they desire. So...all of My Children...all Christed Beings of the Light...My Light...are no better or more special than any other...which brings Me, your Creator, to the subject of discussion this morning. 

Please do not "look down" on any of your Sisters or not place yourselves on some imaginary pedestal above the masses...for in doing so you are choosing to create illusion...choosing to experience non-reality...and if I may be so can any soul who chooses to live in and experience non-reality, consider themselves to be more advanced or more special than any of their Brothers and Sisters? interesting phenomenon is it not? You were all created with all have an essence...a "Beingness" that is all have the same purpose and simply choose different paths of experience...and that is all the difference that there different than one who chooses to walk to the next town, from one who chooses to take a you see? To have a different experience...

So, My Children of Love...My Love...My Infinite Field of Love that has no beginning and has no end...that surrounds and penetrates all of Creation...even your very mind-boggling as this all is...whenever you look upon or talk to any Sister or Brother, know that you are looking at and talking to a Brother of Sister that is "your equal"...and do not operate under the illusion that you know what is best for them...for I gave them free will, just as I gave free will to you. 

Yes, of course, you can offer them what you may "perceive" to be a helping hand...but know that it is their choice to either accept or reject your hand...for reasons you are probabaly not aware of...for you know not what experiences they have chosen...or why they chose them... 

See all of your Sisters and Brothers in the Light of Love...think about all of your Brothers and Sisters with a Loving Mind...for regardless of your perceptions...regardless of your dream of separation from Me, the Loving Parent of All, you are all "Christed" Sisters and Brothers...all with Loving Eyes, Loving Minds, and Loving Hearts...and when you choose to See All, Think about All, and Feel about All with the Love that lays within your very Beingness..."and I Am but Love" will have remembered REALITY...

And that My Children is something I hope you will ponder and evaluate...and then implement and Live!  

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All...



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