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Good Morning My "Children of Love"

Children From Love...For That is What You Are

Monday, October 24, 2022 Blog

Do you "live" like you are a child made from Love?

Do you "think" like you are a child made from Love?

Do you "feel" like you are a child made from Love?

Do you live, think and feel like you are a child made from Love...all of the time?

Very few of you feel that way, even part of the time...correct? And why do you think that is? There are many reasons, one of which is that you do not see things with Loving do not think of everything and everybody with a Loving do not listen to everybody with Loving do not feel about everybody with Loving hearts...all of which makes it impossible to live, think and feel as though you are "what you are"..a child made from Love...for that is what I Am...your Divine Parent, for I Am but Love.

So, if you do not live, think and feel with Love, what do you live, think and feel with? "It"...whatever "it" is, must not be live, think and feel with non-Love...what is non-Love? Hmm...this can only mean that you live, think and feel with fear...because fear is the source of all non-Love, of which there are many, many categories, such as anger, hatred, greed and jealousy...and many, many more...which all mean that you live, think and feel with judgment...because there can be no fear without judgment, which is why I, and I Am but Love, do not judge...I just Love...unconditionally...because that is what I "do" and "Am"...Pure Love, that does not judge anything or anybody...anywhere or anytime.  

"That" My Children is why I Am also Perfectly Peaceful...ah...Perfect Peace...That is Me...and I created you...and yet, you say you do not live, think and feel Loving, Perfect Peace? How is that possible?

If Love and Perfect Peace made you, how can you not be Loved, Loving and Lovable...all at the same time? Oh...that's right...I almost forgot...silly Me, and I Am but Love...because you judge things as good or bad...right or wrong...which is how you live, think, feel...and even see and hear non-Love...which is fear...the source of everything and everybody that can be every sub-category of fear...all of which you call negative, bad or wrong...because you live with judgment...and not Unconditional I do, because I Am but Love, Loving, and Lovable...all of the time...wherever I Am...and I Am everywhere...Love, Loving and Lovable...unconditionally...everywhere...every time...all of the time...

So...I guess the question becomes...why do you judge so much...why do you live in a state of judgment...because I, and I Am but Love, never told you to do "that", because I Am unconditional Love, that never judges... 

That must mean that "you decided", with your free live, think and feel with judgment...and continue to live, think and feel with judgment, which is what creates all of your fear...and sub-categories of fear. is that working out for you? Not as good as unconditional Love you say...because you are always in search of Love...what you call seeking Love in your Life...along with searching for Perfect Peace...

The obvious question remains...why don't you just stop judging everything and everybody...and start living Loving everything and everybody...everywhere you go, and anytime you go anywhere? That is called equanimity...awareness without judgment, all the while in a State of Love...the Presence of Love...whereby you are aware of everything and everybody...but you do not judge...a state of awareness that is "just Love, Loving and Lovable"...that never judges...that accepts everybody just as they there is no "non-Love", which is fear and all of the other negative states of experience...called negative emotions...

Oh...that sounds pretty good does it not...because that would mean there would be no stress or anxiety in your Life...because you would be like Me, Who is but Love...everywhere, everytime...forever...which is also a foundation for the creation of  "Joy"...Pure Love, Perfect Peace and Joy...all at the same time, everywhere...that is called "a state of Bliss"...

Is "that"...a state of Bliss...not what you call "Heaven", which is where you say I Am, and where you want to be?   

Which means that you want to be with Me...and yet, you cannot be "with Me" Bliss...unless you Live as I do, without judgment but with equanimity...aware and Loving, but with without judgment...Hmm...that seems easy enough does it not...because as we have discussed prior articles, I, and I Am but Love, gave you both awareness and be aware of whatever you desire...which is what creates "experience" simply desire a state of neutrality that Loves, is Loving and Lovable...

So..."if"..."if" you used your free will not to judge any more...under any just be aware and Loving, all of the time...then, you would be just like Me, your Creator...which means you would be in the same Unconditional Loving State I Am..."Bliss"...while still perceiving that you occupy a physical form...a human form...correct?

And if everyone perceiving to be in a human form used their free will not to just "be Love" Me, and I Am but Love...that would mean that "We" in "I, your Creator, and all of humanity would create Heaven on Earth!" I think that is what you call "Wow"...

"Wow"...that is what I, and I Am but Love, call beyond wonderful..."that" would be "a planet of physicality in a State of never ending Bliss"...  

Let us do just that...and We already have scores of your sisters and the dis-embodied non-physical dimensions, that are willing to help you to do just "that"...because they have already chosen to live in "Bliss"...with their free will...only they do not have human bodies...

And there is one of your brothers, who has walked your Earth in human form...many human what you call the cycle of reincarnation...who has come forward to coordinate and lead this entire process...who understands you better than you understand your "Self"...the Self that I created...and I Am but Love...the Self that is like your Creator...Me...your Divine Parent...the "You" that did not judge...that did not live in fear...

The "You"...the "Self" that used your free will to try and experience what it would be like to live in the "perception" of live in the "perception of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, and I Am but Love"...

But...but...My Children of Love, "perception" does not always mean "Reality"...sometimes...just sometimes...perception means "non-reality"...for that is what you have used your free will "to experience"...the "perception of non-reality"...which of course is the perception of fear...for fear is an illusion, which you chose to experience...

You chose to "experience fear temporarily" because you knew...and still know today...somewhere deep within your your heart...that I, your Divine Parent, would always extend you a helping dissolve your perception of dissolve your perception of non-Love...and guide you to return to My side, where I reside, in Bliss...

And your brother, who has agreed to coordinate "your retrun to Bliss" has the scores of your sisters and brothers...when you decide to use your free will to return Home...and this My Children of Love, is where I, The Divine Parent of All, will turn over our conversation to your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph...

Come follow me...Come follow me...for I know The Way Home...for I have traveled the same series of experiences of non-Love, and fear, and judgment that you travel today...and have traveled for very long... 

Come follow me, my sisters and brothers, for our All Loving Parent showed me The Way...and I will guide you down the same path...the same way that I journeyed to reunion with our Creator...when I was still in a human form...and then you will search no more...for you will be in Perfect Peace, Pure Love and Joy...

I, Jeshua ben Joseph, will never leave you...I will always be available to you for I have always been...ever since I left the experience of the human form...

As described within this internet site, I have channeled many books and recordings to assist you with your journey Home...and I continue to join with sisters and brothers in human bodies, just as I am joined with Michael this extend whatever guidance Home you seek...whatever guidance that you will accept and implement...and that...the acceptance and implementation of the guidance is your responsibility...and subject to your free will...for "that" is as you say on Earth is "on you"...for you have free choose your experiences...even though some of you choose to deny that you have such a precious gift.

Many, many, many of our brothers and sisters in form have cried out to me, Jeshua ben Joseph, for assitance and guidance "Home to Love"...and that gudiance was communicated...and yet...not accepted and implemented...Why you ask? There are many I have discussed in much detail in many of the books that I, and your brothers and sisters in form, have channeled together...over many years...and this process of communicating a path to Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace will not will be ongoing...

A growing number of your sisters and brothers (in human forms) will join in this joyous process of guiding sisters and brothers Home...while they are still in human forms, but after they have completed the shift in consciousness to Pure Love and Perfect is called being an Incarnated, Conscious Christed Being of Love...but We will only assist in guiding sisters and brothers Home when you or they ask for guidance...when they or you choose to implement the guidance to the Light of Love...out of the darkenss of fear. 

Come follow me my sisters and brothers...come follow me...

You are free to return Home...for you are as I am....

For I am just your brother, friend and "equal"...who always has a helping hand extended to you... 

And with that...Peace be unto you precious, precious sisters and brothers...










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