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Good Morning My Children

You Remain Brain-Washed in Your Humanness

Thursday, September 14, 2023 Blog

Oh yes...another day on planet Earth My Children of God...My Children of Love, for you to "pretend" you are physical, human beings. How long will this grand drama of illusions masquerade as "Reality" for the wondrous Beings of Love and Light you truly are? Oh yes, indeed...a masquerade of physicality and fearful experiences for the Children of God. Oh my, how long will you pretend you are "human" rather than Immortal, Spiritual Beings? 

I, your Creator, "Abba" I Am Called, have tried to shock you into the "Reality" of who and what you truly are, over the many months these articles have conveyed aspects of your Dream World of illusions. But to no avail, for you remain brain-washed in your humanness day after day, month after month, and year after year

"The End"...or so your egoic side would like to think, for then...then My Children of Love and Light Divine, your fearful and dark substitute for "Reality" would go on, and on, forever. Ah, but such a substitute...such a masquerade of "Reality" was never, never the plan, My Children of Love...oh no, for even as you formulated your Dream World of humanness, in which you still remain lost within, the spark of Divinity within your heart's, within the depths of your Immortal Soul's, assured you a human conclusion could never be your final destination. And yet, you have forgotten...forgotten the joy and "Blisss" of your birthright as the Children of the Infinite Beingness of Love...The Great Mystery of Love Who created you, as an overflowing of Love and Light Divine. 

Oh yes, My Children of Love, a creative process that continues to search for human words to shock you back into the Reality of Love...back into the conscious awareness of our Oneness of Bliss

More death and destruction...more death and destruction...more death and destruction will be ongoing My Children of Love, pretending to be human, until what My Children of Love? What will interrupt your brain-washing of humanness? What will occur to make you stop, and say to yourselves..."This is it? I am a fearful human being? This is all there is? Oh no, there must be more...much, much more. Who knows The Way to a better way of living?"

Oh, and when a Soul recognizes The Way Home to Love and Perfect Peace, and reunites with their...and your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is everywhere...your dark, egoic perception of reality says "no, must be mistaken, you must be delusional, there is no reunion with our Creator on planet Earth".

And what does your brother and fellow Soul, your fellow Being of Love and Light Divine, having a temporary human experience, say to his sisters and brothers, who are lost in their brain-washing of humanness. "Okay...Jeshua ben Joseph showed me The Way back to reunion with our Creator. I have surrendered my decision-making process and Life back to our Creator, the Infinite Beingness of Love. I'm done with the brain-washing of humanness...I'm done with the dark, fearful, egoic way of living...done, done, and done. I live in the Love and Peace of The Light now, simply following Abba's guidance each day. When you can't stand the brain-washing of your humanness any longer...when you cannot stand the fear, just go to, for Jeshua ben Joseph knows The Way back Home to Love...back Home to Perfect Union with our Creator, and he will show you The Way, just as he has shown me".    

"The Way to Love and Perfect Peace, doesn't that sound nice? Doesn't that sound very different from how you are living today?"

"Perfect Union with my Creator, living in Peace. Can you look in the mirror and tell yourself that's how you are living? No more excuses, no more tomorrows, no more I'm not good enough for such a lifestyle. If you cannot say that to yourself, then what are you waiting for?"

Hmm...and what do you say to your brother and fellow Being of Love and Light Divine, who is temporarily in a human costume?

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love



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