"You Chose" to Experience the Brainwashing of Humanness
"Good morning" to all on planet Earth this day, for another day of "Living" has just commenced, even though most are sleeping at this early hour. How appropriate for a planet of Christed Beings of Light, who perceive they are alone, and somehow separated from their Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, separated from and alone, to...as some say, "fend for themselves". Oh yes, an illusionary state, which your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, has and continues to describe as your Dream World of fearful consciousness and physicality.
Hmm...now that sounds quite familiar to all by this time, if you have been following My Blog on jeshuabenjoseph.com, or reading Jeshua's The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, the trilogy of books aimed at freeing humanity from "the great human illusion" you perceive as "Reality". Oh yes, freeing humanity from the egoic pain and suffering caused by the misconception you are in fact "human beings", in a place where fearful consciousness and the entire spectrum of dark emotions are considered to be "Real".
Consider to be "Real"...can you imagine such a mirage My Children of Love? Well, of course you can, because on planet Earth, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, the Children of yours truly, believe their temporary experiences in human forms, fearful consciousness, and an experiential dimension of physicality represents "Reality". Oh yes, a Dream World of darkness...an illusion of living separated and alone from your Creator, until your temporary physical bodies wear out, and you qualitfy for the "Bliss" of Heaven. If you are so fortunate, then you may actually get to meet Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love...for according to your illusionary Dream World, the Everywhereness of My Beingness of Infinite Love is somehow, mysteriously, absent in your Human Dream World on planet Earth.
Oh yes, My Children of Love, you live as you have been conditioned to believe, by choice of course, as though you are separated from that which is impossible to be separated from ..."Me", the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is literally "everywhere", in all of My Creation. Oh yes, pick any dimension you so desire to experience, go there, and I will be "there", for I Am but Love and "everywhere" My Children of Love. Oh yes, but in your Human Dream World, on planet Earth, you choose to have the quite unusual experience of living an illusion of being separated from that which is impossible to be separated from. Sound familiar My Children...My Spiritual Children of Love...hmm? Of course not, for you...all of humanity, perceive your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator, as "normal".
Oh yes, how many ways can we say "humanity lives in insanity...in non-reality"...in a strange dimension, where fearful consciousness and physical costumes are perceived as "Reality". Oh my, who would freely choose to go to such a place, separated from "Love", and that would be "Me" of course, "Abba" I Am called, by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph.
Oh yes, and your Souls typically choose to return, time after time, in different human bodies, with different "scripts", which largely dictate what you will experience during each trip. "Incarnations" is what you call each trip into your Dream World of fearful consciousness, physicality, and the illusion of separation from My Everywhereness of Love.
"Incarnations" instead of "trips"...how apropos, for incarnations can be translated to mean: "into the meat"...in-car-nate. Oh yes, into your physical, human costumes, for another trip of fearful consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Time after time, human costume after human costume, script of different experiences, after script of human experiences, your Souls so choose. An almost endless process that has spanned many thousands of your years, a proverbial "loop" of human experiences. Oh yes, a loop is a good description of your experiential dimension, where "reincarnation" is the thing to do...oh yes...every Soul does it, indeed.
A never-ending loop of fearful consciousness, physicality, and the illusion of separation from Me, your Creator, The Infinite Beingness of Love. Oh, but there is an end, to your seemingly endless human loop, when you find the path to awakening from your Dream World. Oh yes, the path of awakening to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Infinite Love. Have you found such a path, My Children of Love, hmm? The path out of your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness and physicality...hmm? Oh...that's right, most of humanity is not even looking for a way out of your Dream World, and back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Infinite Love, because why, My Spiritual Children of Love, "pretending to be human"? Because you are living your temporary human lives under the illusion you are "human", rather than the "Reality" I created you as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Infinite Love.
Oh my, your human conditioning has been...what is your word or phrase...which conveys the depth of your illusionary human experience...oh yes, you have chosen to experience the "brain-washing" of your Spiritual Selves, which has left you thinking...believing you are "human".
Oh my, My Spiritual Children of Love, you have chosen to be brain-washed in humanness..."brain-washed in humanness" sounds...well, My Spiritual Children of Love, what does "that" sound like to you...hmm? "Brain-washed in humanness"...oh yes, I think we are going to continue to use this phrase in My articles on jeshuabenjoseph.com for a very long time...as long as it takes for all to awaken from your Dream World, and reverse your "brain-washing of humanness".
"That" sounds like such a drastic measure to freely choose My Children of Love, does it not? To be "brain-washed in humanness", until you believe and live as though you are egoic, fearful beings, living in a dimension of physicality, separated from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent.
Ah, but maybe such a phrase, "brain-washed in humanness" is going to be helpful in conveying a context on this, God's Blog, that may assist us, in the Spiritual Realm, in awakening...oh no...I was going to say "awaken you from your Human Dream World", and "that" has not been very successful. Oh no, "Dream World" does not convey the drastic change in perception you undergo each time you incarnate into your temporary human forms. Oh no...but "plunged back into the brain-washing of humanness" is more appropriate...more accurate, and removes the softness of a "Dream World".
Hmm..."plunged back into the brain-washing of humanness"...how do you like that description of your trips back into your fearful humanness, with its illusion of separation from Love...separation from My Everywhereness of Infinite Love, hmm...My Spiritual Children? How do you like being brain-washed you are fearful, human beings, time after time, incarnation after incarnation, millenia after millenia?
Oh my, and here comes your egos', the very source of your brain-washing of being human...here they come, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine. The "brain-washers" themselves, who have brain-washed you into living and thinking you are actually temporary, fearful, physical, human beings. Oh yes, the egoic portion of your Minds', which have temporarily assumed control, and imparted their brain-washing of humanness upon your Souls'.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Love, the egoic portion of your Minds' have temporarily assumed control..."fearful consciousness" in the flesh, your human flesh, a voluntary brain-washing of humanness.
Oh yes, My Spiritual Children of Love, you heard Me, your Creator...you chose to experience your brainwashing of humanness, and now...now...you find yourselves in the loop of experiencing your brain-washing of humanness. You call it "reincarnation", My Spiritual Children of Love..."reincarnation".
Oh, and your egoic, fearful consciousness is...as you say, "all over" our disclosures to you this morning...oh yes, using our new context...our new description of the lives you have chosen in your fear-based, experiential dimension, on planet Earth...the brain washing of your humanness.
Oh yes, have you heard the egoic denials...yet, My Spiritual Children of Love, for that is what your egoic portions of your Minds' do...deny, attack, and project illusion...project deceit. And what is the goal of your egos' in this particluar case, My Spiritual Children of Love, who you have subjected yourselves to your egoic brain-washing of being human...hmm? Denial of responsibility, My Spiritual Children of Love.
Your ego's...your ego's..."YOUR EGO'S"...are you comprehending My message, My Spiritual Children of Love...hmm? You, My Spritual Children of Love and Light Divine, are reposnsible for your brain-washing of humanness. Your egos' will invent story after story, lie after lie, to avoid taking responsibility for all the pain and suffering you have endured in your egoic, fear-based, experiential dimension of humanness. Oh yes, story after story, lie after lie, the egoic portion of your Minds' will create and project anything and everything to "avoid taking reposnibility" for your pain and suffering.
Who through you out of Paradise in your Holy Bible, My Spiritual Children of Love? I did..."allegedly", The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who created you, because why My Spiritual Children of Love...why? According to your egos', I allegedly "judged you", My Spiritual Children of Love. I don't judge My Spiritual Children of Love, I just Love you, "Unconditionally", "forever"...I, your Creator and Divine Parent, Love you Unconditionally Forever.
So, My Spiritual Children of Love, you will have to find someone or something else to blame for why you left the "Bliss" of Paradise...the Heavenly Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, your Creator, Who is the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is Everywhere.
Who created "judgment" My Spiritual Children of Love...hmm? Who judges you everyday, sometimes every moment, either consciously or subconsciously...hmm? Who discovered this source of judgment two thousand years ago, and tried to teach all of his human sisters and brothers about how to "dissolve" this dark source...for without judgment, there can be no fear...no dark emotions...no pain and suffering.
Oh...that's right, you crucified him, and the Roman Jewish War, thirty years after his crucifixion, wiped out his origianal and authentic legacy...his inner circle of followers and teachings. Oh yes, a few survived, but the damage was done. The substitute for his teachings, known as The Way, was lost, and the substitute...the counterfeit, known as "Christianity" was embraced by the Romans as the one true religion to be followed and lived, or what My Children? What did "Roman Christianity" teach the uneducated masses for centuries...hmm? That I, The Source of All, would judge you, if you did not follow the rules your egos' projected onto Me, Who Loves you unconditionally..."Unconditionally", My Children of Unconditional Love.
Ah yes, My Spiritual Children of Unconditional Love, Jeshua ben Joseph discovered the judgmental darkness of the egoic portion of your Minds'. It was not an easy process, for egoic, fearful, judgmental consciousness pervades all aspects of your brain-washed humanness..."all aspects", My Spiritual Children of Unconditional Love. And so, My Spiritual Children of Love, who have subjected yourselves to the egoic brain-washing of judgmental humanness, you must find a way to dissolve the dark, egoic, portions of your Minds'.
Where oh where are you going to find such a source, My Spiritual Children of Infinite and Unconditional Love? Hmm...for those who have been paying attention to My Message of Love on this Blog, and The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, and in particluar, The Way of Mastery trilogy, the teachings, techniques, strategies, and exercises for disolving the ego..."your ego"...is in print, and audio recordings.
Oh...but humanity has been brain-washed by egoic, fearful consciousness...which simply means some of My Spiritual Children of Unconditional and Infinite Love have been brain-washed by egoic, "judgmental", and fearful consciousness.
Is it time to define what "brain-washing" is, My Spritual Children of Love...hmm? Brain-washing: a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to "give up" basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attributes to accept contrasting regimental ideas...persuasion by propaganda.
"Wow"...accept contrasting regimental ideas by the persuasion of propaganda. Only in your case, My Spiritual Children of Love, you were not forced into anything. Oh no, you wanted to...you desired to see if you could experience the illusion of non-love, or egoic, judgmental, fearful consciousness as a "substitute" for the Reality of Oneness and Love Consciousness.
Oh yes, My Children of Love, and after you chose to brain-wash yourselves in your human, egoic, fearful, and judgmental consciousness, you proceeded to get lost in the brainwashing of your humanness. You became lost in the brain-washing of your egoic, fearful consciousness...not to mention your illusion of being separated from My Everywhereness of Infinite Love.
Are you ready...yet...to undo your brain-washing of humanness? Are you ready to place the study and practice of The Way of Mastery as your first priority...or...or...do you desire to remain brainwashed?
That is all...
Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love