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Good Morning My Children

I Am The Infinite Matrix of Love

Thursday, September 7, 2023 Blog

Ah, yes...another day in your human illusion of fear and physicality, not to mention your perception of separation from Who you can "never" be separated from, Me, "Abba", your Creator and Divine Parent...for there is no separation from the Infinite Field, or some would like to say, "Matrix of Love". Oh yes, I know (for I Am All Knowing) you have a movie series with the word matrix, but I Am not the same one, oh no, quite different is the Infinite Matrix of Love, for in your limited human vocabulary, that is as about close as your human understanding of My Infinite Beingness of Love will be...  

Oh yes, incomprehensible...oh yes, unfathomable...oh yes, The Great Mystery of Love humanity has been bewildered by since any human referred to Me by such a title..."The Great Mystery of Love". However, the names and words humanity has used to describe Me is not our primary topic this morning, My Children of Love, a description which is apropos in many ways, and yet, incomprehensible to your human psyche.

"How can this be", you say to yourselves..."how can I be a Child of Abba, The Source of All, for I am so limited...leading such a limited form of existence, and yet, this entity proclaiming It is my Creator and Divine Parent is trying to tell me, and the balance of humanity, It is The Creator and Source of All. Well, yes, I Am, because "That" is "Who" I Am...have been...and always will be, just as you have been, are, and always will be.     

Oh yes, "Immortal" are the Soul's of humanity, regardless of some of the perceptions and beliefs that such a state as "death" could or should ever be applied to you, for how can a Soul, a Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, who has no end, ever be considered to be "truly dead"..."dead" My Children of, I don't think you might as well stop using such an inaccurate and inappropriate term in relation to yourselves. Oh yes, many, many of your adjectives can be used to describe each Soul, incarnated temporarily into a human form, but "dead" will never be one of them, at least not in any accurate description. about "that" My Children of Love? I, your Creator and Divine Parent, just "put to rest"...ah, some humor this morning My Children of Love..."put to rest" the misconception, the erroneous belief, that your Soul's ever die, and in so doing, assuming you believe Me, your Crerator and Divine Parent, your long-lasting fear of death should be officially a thing of the past...your past, for you are "Immortal", your Soul that is, your Extended Self from the Overflowing of My Infinite Beingness of Love. Oh yes, for My only desire is to extend My Beingness...My Conscious Awareness, that "only Love is Real". Oh yes, My Children on planet Earth, within your illusionary world of separation from Who and What you can never be truly separated from, "Me", Your Creator...The Creator of All, in one way or another.

Oh yes, we are off to, as you sometimes say, "a very good start" this morning, for we have established you are immortal (eliminating your fear of death), you can never be separated from what you are always searching for (Love), and in accomplishing those two "biggies", your relationship with Me, your Divine Pareent, has no end.

Hmm...Immortal, Children of Love (Me), with an eternal, Loving, relationship with The Source of All. Would that description of Who and What you are, My Children of Love, qualify for one of your "Wows", hmm?

Not convinced yet, My Children of My Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is also claiming to be "Everywhere"? Oh yes, for what kind of incomprehensible Beingness of Love could I be if I was not "everywhere"...hmm? Oh my, another, as you say, "milestone" has just passed humanity by, for if I Am "Everywhere", and I assure you that I Am, that would mean what, My Children of Love? Regardless of what your senses tell you, you are always..."always", My Children, surrounded by and looking at Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, the Infinite Beingness of Love Who is also an Everywhereness of Love, hmm

Oh my, now you are, as some would say, "within a conundrum of limited human understanding and comprehension", oh yes...indeed. Regardless of the limitation of your physical senses, My Children of Love, I have you surrounded every moment of everyday, regardless of where you may choose to go in all of Creation...even if you choose to hang-out in the Spiritual Realm, where there is no time or illusion of physicality.

Are you beginning to obtain a sense of what our topic is this morning, My Children, hmm? The same topic I always discuss with you, My Children, in one "form" or another. Oh, another humorous antidote My Children, who find yourselves in your illusion of physicality. Oh yes, for even as your physicists have eastablished, there is space between your protons and electrons, which comprise all you classify and perceive as "solid"...hmm? 

I must state the proverbial obvious for you, My Children of Love. You have truly created an illusionary, experiential dimension, for the whole thing is one big illusion, even who and what you identify yourselves as..."human".

Oh, oh...and you take it all so seriously, My Children of Love. Indeed, so very seriously you think your illusionary Dream World is "Real", even as you read these very words. Oh yes, when you look at your human forms in a mirror, you see and "own" your human costumes as "Reality"..."Reality" My Children, "really", after all this time, after all has come you say, the "Light" of day, My Immortal, Multi-Dimensional Children of My Infinite Beingness and Everywhereness of still believe and own you are these temporary human costumes, rather than Who and What I created you to be?  

Oh yes, each time Michael attempts to verbalize you are not truly "human beings", and your illusionary Dream World on planet Earth is "not Reality", one of two things occur. Either the Christed Being of Love and Light Divine does not conceptualize what he is saying, and just continues on in the illusionary, human experience...or he or she thinks Michael is "crazy", oh yes, in complete and total denial they are not human beings

Oh, and here, within My entries on God's Blog, at, so much progress has been made, dispelling your illusionary, and very Human Dream World on Mother Earth, but still, the depth of your illusionary Dream World persists. Oh yes, it is to be expected, and yet, the cracks in your egoic and extremely Human Dream World are slowly, gradually, beginning to widen. Oh yes, regardless of your egoic denials...your egoic attacks...your egoic projections, the contents described here, and within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, have established a foundation of Reality, from which I and the Heavenly Host of your sister and brother Christed Beings of Love will be proceeding. Oh yes, we are within the conscious awareness of portions of humanity "now", and the expansion into your Human Dream World of illusions has begun in earnest. Oh yes, My Children of Love, there is no turning back now, for the awakening of humanity to the Reality that Only Love is Real has commenced.    

"Only Love is Real", My Children. Oh...oh, the tidal wave of denials is almost endless from the human psyche, is it not My Immortal, Multidimensional, Children of Love, who have an eternal relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes...let us dissect your limited, temporary, human perspective. 

Where do you go when your temporary, physical, human costume dies? Oh yes, "into The Light", into the Bliss of the Spiritual Realm, where you "remember" you are immortal, and have an eternal relationship with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent. And is this reoccurring process...this reoccurring Life experience, commonly accepted by a significant number of your human population? Oh yes, millions of books have been sold, related seminars are ongoing, and Jeshua ben Joseph has returned to describe such events, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings

Would you agree there is a bit of momentum building in the larger human psyche to explore, discuss, and document the Spiritual Side of the human experience...hmm? Your ego's may try some denials, attacks, and projections...but, your Spiritual status quo today, versus just fifty years ago, some would say, "night and day".

Oh yes, just fifty years ago, traditional religions, most notably Christianity, played a much bigger role in your illusionary Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, than "today".  Oh yes, deny all you like My Children, but your inevitable shift to "the Reality of your True Spiritual Selves" has begun, is maturing, and has manifested itself...where, My Children of Love and Light Divine...hmm?

Right "here"..."now", and every moment of everyone of your future days, on, where My Message of Love is communicated to all of humanity...My Message of your True Spiritual Selves, as opposed to your egoic, illusionary, human existence, which had a beginning, and is quickly approaching its end, and not in any fearful, egoic originating manner...oh no, for even though fear generating mechanisms of your Human Dream World will be ongoing, for centuries to come, "The End", as you say, is in sight. Oh yes, My Children, the end of all your egoic fears and many illusions is coming. Oh yes, just ask Jeshua ben Joseph, in one of your "live", channeling sessions with this brother and friend of yours. He will tell you, just as he has been for the past several decades, with his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Do you think the popularity and distribution of these teachings are increasing and spreading My Children of Love and Light Divine, hmm? As some would say, "a silly question".  

Are these Jeshua teachings beginning to replace traditional Christian beliefs, My Children of Love and Light Divine? Are even non-Christians beginning to recognize and accept The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph? Has your Creator and Divine Parent began the inevitable process of communicating directly to humanity, with a widely accepted, world-wide media...a world-wide public communicate the Realities of your Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beingness and your eternal relationship with your Divine Parent and Creator?  

Ah, My Children...My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine, the answers to all of those questions is a "yes", is it undeniable "yes"and yet, your fearful ego's...the egoic, fearful side of your conscious awareness, which "you created", just to see if it was possible to create the experience of non-love...the illusion of separation from that which is "Everywhere", and that would be Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is Everywhere.  

Oh yes, My Children...My Spiritual Children, you were curious, as Jeshua and I have told you many times...curious about testing the limits of the Unlimitedness of Love, and you have had your "test", which came in the form of your egoic, fearful, human experience.

Do you desire to continue testing the limits of My Unlimited Love...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace....hmm, My Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, Who have become "lost" in your "test", "just for the experience"?

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace  



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