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Good Morning My Children

All Souls Plan Dark Experiences During Your Pre-Incarnation Planning Process

Thursday, August 31, 2023 Blog

"My Children"...oh my, what travesties have crossed your paths...what challenges have been faced and long will you endure your self-created Dream World of darkness and suffering..."how long"..."how long"? There are times in the Spiritual Realm where the reactions to your choices are challenging to describe in human words of expression, oh yes, "challenging", indeed. And yet, we will not interfer with the Sovereignty of Your Souls, not in a manner that will preclude humanity from exercising your free-will to experience any aspect of the darkness of your Dream World, oh no, for there are no accidents...oh no..."never"...never My Children of Love. Everything, every experience you have drawn to yourselves in one way or another, as inconceibale as that may seem to you.

Oh yes, for once again we return to the "Reality" of your endless choices to experience the darkness of egoism simply "for the experience", along with the eventual experience of transcending all of the darkness of your experiential dimension, of your human, Earthly environment...oh yes, transcending the darkness, the pain, and suffering to once again remember and live as the Children of the Source of All. Oh yes, to experience the Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent,"in a new way", as an individuated Soul, who had forgotten..."blocked out" the Truth of Who and What your truly are...blocked out the Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, your Creator, all for one form of experience or another.

For what reason My Children of Love...what reason...what motivation would inspire you to choose all the darkness of your Earthly Dream World, and its illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent?

You see My Children, we are at a point in this discussion where we, on the "other side", have been before. Oh yes, where we, on the Spiritual Side, search for the words and context to explain the unfathomable...the inconceivable choices you have made in favor of the darkness of egoic experiences, within your experiential dimension of planet Earth. It is as if you jumped into a deep pool of water, knowing you cannot swim, just to live through, and then, experience your human demise, in drowning to your human death. Oh yes, can you imagine such a thing...such an experience, My Children? 

Oh yes, for the piece to this human puzzle that eludes humanity, which has surfaced in your experiential Dream World, is what has been labeled as your "Pre-Incarnation Planning Process". Oh yes, My Children, this aspect of your human experiential journey has surfaced in some limited ways, to explain your Drean World of Egoic Darkness, in a manner that has previously been simply unimaginable to the human psyche, oh yes...    

There are now a limited number of your books that actually describe experiences you had "pre-planned", before you incarnated into the human form...the human body/brain. Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...dark, painful, agonizing experiences, which you forgot, or as you sometimes say, "blocked out" of your conscious thought proces, after incarnation, as a means to experience, as you say, "the full effect" of the pre-planned experience.  

As inconceivable as such a process is to the human psyche, this aspect of your human, egoic, Dream World of Darkness is common to all of your incarnations, to one degree or another, without exception My Children..."without exception". Can you imagine that My Children...hmm, can you?

This is the short answer to all of your endless "why questions" about your lives within the Darkness of your Dream know My Children, all of the "why is this happening to me" questions. Oh yes, there is always a chorus the "why questions" emanating from your human, experiential dimension of pain and suffering. Oh yes, "always" My Children, because if your goal was to simply experience the Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...the Everywhereness of Love and Pefect Peace, you would have never chosen to leave Me, your Divine Parent.

Hmm...ponder that last paragraph for a few minutes My Children. As mind-boggling as it may seem to you, all of humanity chose to incarnate into human form, and "block out" your eternal existence as the Extension of Bliss. Oh yes, and even such an elementary statement of "Reality" is challanging to put in your human words, in a manner conceivable to you, as you temporarily reside in your temporary, physical, Dream World of pain and suffering, hmm? 

Oh yes, My Children, "the Extension of Bliss", for that is what you are, and what I created, when I begot you...all of you, the so-called Children of God, the Extension of Bliss, the Extension of Self...Pure, Unconditional, Conscious Awareness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, for that is what I Am, and thus, "that" is what you are, as the Overflowing of My Infinite Beingness of Pure Love and Perfect Peace Consciousness

Hmm...ponder the last paragragh for a few minutes My Children of Love. Let it, as you say, "sink in". I need to repeat the last several paragraphs, or are you "still with Me"...hmm?

You are "Bliss", you came from "Bliss"...and yet, you chose to leave "Bliss". That about sums up our conversation so far, does it not, My Children? Oh, I did leave out one thing My Children of Love and Light Divine...something I and your friend, Jeshua ben Joseph, have conveyed to humanity. Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph has made it, as you say, "perfectly clear", as have I, your Divine Parent, that within your Beingness, within the depths of your Soul's, within your perceived individuation, you have the awareness of Who and What you truly are, as opposed to what you currently "perceive" yourselves to be, in your temporary human forms...oh yes, hidden from your everyday, conscious awareness.   

And who made this decision, to trade-in your conscious awareness of the Bliss of Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent, for egoic awareness...egoic, fearful consciousness, and your temporary human forms, in your experiential dimension on planet Earth? You did, "for the experience"

Oh yes, My Children, just "for the experience", and when you chose to separate yourselves from your True Selves, your True Blissful Selves, for your human, physical experience...and your choice is reduced to such simplicity, it is challanging to even imagine you made such a choice, is it not My Children of Love...My Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine...hmm? And yet, "here I Am", your Divine Parent, speaking to you, all of humanity, while you are occupying your temporary, physical, human forms...enduring the pain and suffering of your egoic, fearful consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me. You are "there" and I AM "here"...only we are both "here", in your Dream World, are we not...or, I could not be communicating with you, hmm?

Ah yes, a new context My Children of Love...something for you to think about, for at least a few minutes, before "you choose" to return to your egoic Dream World of Pain and Suffering, hmm? Oh yes, My Children of Love and Light Divine, you choose to leave "Bliss" for your temporary, experiential dimension, with its illusion of separation from Bliss, and that would be the illusion of separation from Who and What My Children, hmm? Are you still paying attention...are you "still with Me", My Children? Or...have you returned to the illusions of your Dream World...hmm?    

Oh yes, most of you are just, as you say, "going through the motions" of reading My Message of Love to humanity, knowing you are not going to take the necessary steps to "remember" your Bliss, which resides within your Beingness, in the depths of your Soul, oh yes, it is there "within" you, My Children of Love, oh yes...indeed!

How many times, and in how many ways, am I and Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, going to have to tell you how to awaken from your Dream World of separation from "Bliss"...your illusion of separation from your Perfect Union with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent...The Infinite Beingness of Bliss, and I Am an Everywhereness...oh yes, and you cannot be anywhere..."anywhere", where I Am not, unless of course you do what My Children of Love, hmm? 

It's quiz time...just to make sure you are still "with Me"...unless you choose to create the illusion of separation from Me, and your current illusion is called, "egoic, fearful consciousness, in human forms, on planet Earth". And why are you still in your human, Dream World of pain and suffering My Children, hmm? This is as you say, a carryover, from previous articles on this, God's Blog, and Jeshua ben Joseph's, The Way of Mastery trilogy...because you have not placed the remembrance of your eternal union with Me, your Divine Parent, as you first priority...even though this very "knowingness" lies within the depths of your Soul's...oh yes...just waiting there, "within", for you, anytime you so choose ..."anytime you so choose"

And why have you not chosen to place reunion with Bliss...reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, as you "first priority", My Children of Love, hmm? Another carryover...because you are lost in your egoic Dream World of pain and suffering, on Mother Earth. Oh yes, "so lost are you", humanity, that "you do not know you are lost", oh think Life in your egoic Dream World of separation from your True Spiritual Selves is normal..."normal", oh my..."normal and reality"... 

Oh yes, and as you read these very words, your ego's...your dark side...your fearful side...the side of you that tells you fear and physicality (in a human form) is "normal and real", is becoming even more fearful...more nervous...more anxious...oh yes, if only subconsciously for many, and yet, there are also those Souls who can "feel" a bit of new anxiety in their Soul's, bubbling to the surface of consciousness. Oh yes, for your ego's mainline of self-defense is what My Children of Love, hmm? Another carryover My Children of Love...your ego's create more fear, in one form or another, and your ego's use your God given, limitless creativity, to distract you, My Children of Love, by making you fearful of anything that will persuade you, that you simply do not have the time or the resources, to implement the dissolving of your ego's!

Oh yes, for "that" is the process Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago. He discovered and lived it, and the rest, as you sometimes say, "is history". Oh yes, My Children, he dissolved his ego, and remembered his eternal union with Me, The Infinite, Beingness of Love. So, what do you think Jeshua ben Joseph has been doing for the past two thousand years, hmm? He has been going deeper, deeper, and deeper into our relationship of Love and Perfect Peace. Oh yes, My Children, there is no, as you say, "finish line", for as inconceivable as this is, My Love, My Beingness...My Bliss, has no end...there is always "more"...and who would say..."oh no, I don't want any more Love...I have enough Love and Perfect Peace"...hmm, My Children? 

So, My Children, to make what could be an almost endless story of fear producing defenses, your ego's will fight your eventual choice to return to Bliss anyway it can. Oh yes, and in a prior article, on this, God's Blog, I called on humanity to specifically study the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph in relation to your ego's. Oh yes, to become experts on egoic, fearful consciousness, whereby other teachings and study tools for the education of humanity...the education of how to make "the shift" from egoic, fearful consciousness, to Love Consciousness and reunion with Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love...from your illusion of aloneness and individuality, to reunion and the Oneness of All. Oh yes, My Children, this is all coming to your fear-based Dream World on planet Earth, for it is a process already underway...oh yes, the proverbial snowball has already begun its journey down the hill

Look at your internet, google Jeshua ben Joseph, and see what appears on your computer screens. Oh yes, Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings fill page after page for humanity to investigate and educate themselves. Oh yes, and within that large body of channeled information, there are many so-called levels of education, for no matter where you maybe on your inevitable journey back to reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, there is educational information for you to absorb, to use, to take your next step, and the next step, until...before you may realize, we are conversing "once again", you and I, and I Am but Love, My Children.   

There is nothing to fear...and yet, your ego's will tell you to fear Me, Your Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love...oh yes, your ego's have been doing this "forever", which is filling you with the egoic, fearful, illusions of Who and What I Am. Oh is a "fear your Creator drum" that your ego's will always beat, and beat...but to no avail My no avail, for My Infinite Beingness of Pure Love will always prevail..."always", so fear not...fear not My Children, as lived and taught by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

"What does this mean", My Children, for I can hear your many questions. "How can I not fear my fear?" 

When you are walking in a fog, do you stop walking because of the fog? keep walking, because as the sun rises, the fog is burned away, and your journey continues, in the "Light" of day. Think of your fear as the fog, My Children...the fog of fearful, egoic consciousness, and keep walking through your fears, and you will find, by walking through your fears, they are not..."not" the barriers you perceive them to be...oh no...for you fears are simply the fog of The Mind....the fog that hides your destiny from you...reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, The Infinite Beingness of Love, who awaits your return "Home" to My side..."in Bliss"... 

So, walk on, My Children of Love, walk through all of your fears, ask for assistance with your journey back to Love, and no matter the illusion of any of your fears, the Light of My love will burn the fog away...

Walk on My Children...allow Jeshua ben Joseph to show you The Way...

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love...

Note: A few of the books describing the Pre-Incarnation Planning Process are in the "Other Recommended Reading" section, at the end of the Books and CD section on this site...books by Robert Schwartz and Irene Kendig.

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