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Good Morning My Children

Your Holy Bible Is Based On A Lie, and Contains Many Lies

Monday, August 28, 2023 Blog

Ah yes, My Children of God, who do not act or live as "My Children"...oh no, you do not even think you can communicate with Me, your Divine Parent, as a matter of routine, as My God given ability allows you to. Oh no, you pray to, and even talk to Me, the Creator of All, quite often, but you, in general, do not believe you are worthy..."good enough" to warrant a conscious reply back to your prayers and communications. Oh no, you, humanity, do not think I, your Creator and Divine Parent, will repond to your prayers, comments, and questions.

Oh yes, I know, this communication subject has been addressed in prior articles on this, God's Blog, on this internet site, Most of humanity is simply afraid to have a conversation with Me. Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, and where does all fear come from, the illusion that is, because all fear is one of your many illusions? Oh yes, the source of all of your many dark emotions, the ego of course, one of My...our favorite subjects on this, God's Blog.  

Oh yes, for the creation of the illusion of your ego, the illusion of your "peceived" separation from Me, Abba, along with your "perception" of aloneness...and what does your Holy Bible call these perceptions, these illusions My Children...hmm? "The fall from Grace", when humanity was ushered out of My Kingdom of Love, and thrown out of Paradise. 

How was this symbolized in your Holy Bible, My Children of the Light Divine, hmm? You know the story..."the story" My Children of Love and Light Divine, it was when the biblical characters, Adam and Eve, were allegedly no longer "worthy" to be in My Heavenly Paradise. Oh my, the egoic illusion that started and birthed all of your illusions My Children...all of your perceptions of not being worthy of a conscious, living, moment to moment relationship with Me, Abba, and I Am but Love..Infinite, "Unconditional Love"...Infinite, Unconditional Love My Children. Do I need to define both of My many qualities for you? I think not, but I would like you to ponder what those three words mean, in relationship to Me, Abba, your Divine Parent. 

"Infinite, Unconditional Love", My Children, for "that" is "What" and "Who" I Am, among so many other attributes of course, but those three words are a pretty good start in describing Who and What I Am, Abba, The Source of All, hmm? 

Infinite and Unconditional Love, My Children of the Light Divine, and somehow your ego's, which are of course illusions..."illusions" My Children, have convinced you, all of humanity, you are somehow separated from Me...not perpetually connected to Me, and that I have...I Am "conditional Love". Oh yes, indeed...and I only Love you, all of you...all of humanity, only under certain conditions...based on the criterea of who My Children, hmm? Certainly not mine, for I have no criteria for My Infinite and Unconditional Love, oh no...because stating the obvious, My Children of Love and Light Divine, My Love is Infinite and Uncondtional...Infinite and Unconditional, and still, your ego's tell you, your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, is "Real".  

Oh my, My Children, now that I have framed your illusion of separation from Me in the context described herein, do you still think and perceive you are somehow separated from Me, without the ability to communicate with Me, whenever you so desire...hmm?

Do you comprehend the lie your ego's have told you about our relationship My Children...hmm? Oh yes, the lie...the egoic lie, the illusion you have been living with and believing for your entire history on planet Earth. Oh yes, the egoic lie, which is portrayed in your Holy Bible as not a lie, but depicted as "Reality" My Children

One more thing I would ask you to ponder this morning, My Children, is simply this: If your Holy Bible begins with a lie, that has distorted and yet shaped our relationship, and falsely characterized a foundational element of your lives on Mother Earth, what else is communicated in your Holy Bible that is an egoic lie, hmm? Do you want to pretend..."pretend" My Children, and you know what that word means, oh you want to "pretend" there are not a river of lies in your Holy Bible, hmm...and I Am referring to your entire Bible, not just the portion defined as your Old Testament.  

Oh yes, My Children, ponder the "Reality" of My words to you this morning, and the "fall-out"...the ramifications of the "Reality" your Holy Bible is not so "Holy", now is it...for Holiness connote "Truthfulness", and as I have conveyed this morning, this day, in your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, humanity can no longer rely on the truthfulness of your Holy Bible.  

Oh no, My Children, there are so many egoic lies in your Holy Bible, that there is not enough of your time, this morning, to list them all. not your Holy Bible the very religious foundation of much of the population of Mother Earth, hmm? Oh, you know it is, and yet, this Holy Bible of yours is filled with egoic lies. What effect does this have on your religions My Children...hmm? What do you now believe...hmm? What are you to base your lives on...hmm? Oh...oh...and what are you to base your relationship with Me, Abba, your Creator on...hmm? 

Oh my, My Children, would you consider entertaining the possibility the description of our relationship contained herein, on My Blog, God's Blog, contains "Reality", rather than the egoic illusion of separation you have been living with...for your entire history...hmm...your entire human history, My Children of the Light Divine?

Time to take a step back My Children...hmm? Oh yes, that is My suggestion...take a step back, and some of your precious time, and consider what has been revealed to you, humanity, this morning, on My Blog, God's Blog, this day.

There is much contained in My Blog, God's Blog it is called, to consider My Children of Love. Oh yes...much indeed. And while you are pondering and formulating the ramifications of My Message of Love, on God's Blog, please consolidate the message of Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings. Oh yes, for within those many teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, delivered within this, the contemporary era of humanity, he also describes the path he followed two thousand years ago to "dissolve his ego" and re-establish his eternal relationship with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, My Children, please do not put that piece of information on your book shelves, along with your Holy Bible, hmm?

Oh my, where do you go from here My Children...hmm? So much to ponder, so much to consider, is it not My Children? Your Holy Bible is not what you thought it was. Your Jewish and Christian religions are not what you thought they were...even your Islamic religion has been effected by the revelations delivered to humanity on this, God's Blog. 

Oh...but it was time My Children of Love and Light was definitely time for you, all of humanity, to base your lives and decisions on the Truth, rather than endless egoic lies. Oh yes, for that is why I Am here, this morning, on My Blog, on your internet, to assist those of you, My Children, who would like to begin to rollback the darkness of the history of egoic lies, which you have endured for your entire history as humans, on planet Earth. Oh yes, it was time My Children...indeed!

Much of the information on this Blog, on, comes as a shock to humanity, as does the message of Jeshua ben Joseph...particularly the steps of awakening from your many illusions, which he so eloquently conveys within The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, shocking and mind-boggling information to absorb and incorporate into your lives each day, on planet Earth, in your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, your Creator. One could even say "overwhelming" information for many, if not most of you, My Children, who have been exposed to this, as you say, "game changing" information, have not absorbed and applied the "Realitites" of the information conveyed, oh no, as you say..."not even close". 

Oh yes, My Children, Soul after Soul, have read The Way of Mastery, the way back to a relationship with Me, your Creator, while still pretending to be human beings...while still under the egoic illusion you are somehow not worthy and good enough to have a moment to moment, open-line of communication with Me, your Divine Parent, Who Loves you more than you can comprehend.   

What shall we call this egoic lie My Children...hmm? What shall we call this egoic lie that has shaped and influenced all of your human lives..."temporary incarnations" they are called? Who are we to blame, My Children...hmm? Who are we to blame for all of your egoic pain and suffering, since the first day you placed your human feet upon the planet Earth? Who are we to blame for all of the dark emotions your ego's have told you are "Real", and just part of everyday Life on Mother Earth? Who are we to blame for all your stress and anxieties...stress and anxieties, which you subject yourselves to each of your days, in human costumes?

Oh yes, we must blame somebody, and make them "pay" for all they have done to you, humanity...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine...the Immortal, Multidimensional, Children of Unconditional and Infinite Love, Who I created, Who have an eternal relationship with Me, The Source of All, whenever you so desire

Have you been listening My Children of Unconditional and Infinite Love, hmm? Have you? If you think we need to find someone to blame, then I would suggest, as would Jeshua ben Joseph, and the Heavenly Host of your Christed Sisters and Brothers, who are "awake" to the Everywhereness of My Infinite and Unconditional Love, you need to pay closer attention to My Message of Love to humanity...all of humanity...

There is no one to blame My Children. There is no need to blame My Children, for if..."if", you chose to live your lives as the Children of Infinite and "Unconditional" Love, which you are, then you will choose to "live without judgment"...without the need to "blame". Can you make "that change" My Children of "Unconditional" and Infinite Love...can you?  

I, your Creator and Divine Parent, do not blame anyone for what has transpired on your planet Earth, in your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba...oh no...for I do not judge...I just Love Unconditionally, as you say, 24/7. It is called "Bliss", My Children of Infinite and Unconditional Love...the Great Mystery of the Everywhereness of Love Who begot you, My Children. Oh yes, I created you, My Children of Love, the "created" Beings of Infinite and Unconditional Love, oh yes, for eternity.

When anyone knows they have no end, as you did "before" you created your ego's, you had a much, much, much different perspective. Oh yes, My Children, and with a much different perspective, there comes the desire for much different experiences

As I, your Divine Parent, and Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother, friend, and equal, have communicated to you, with desire, comes perception...and what you desire and perceive, you experience, hmm? Is this not part of our Message of Love to you, humanity...hmm?

What else have we communicated to you, My Immortal, Spiritual Children, of Unconditional Love, "who lived" in the conscious awareness of My Everywhereness of Love, hmm? Oh yes, My Immortal, Spiritual Children of Unconditional Love, you lived in the "Bliss" of My Everywhereness of Love, until you had a thought, the desire, the it possible to create a place, an experiential dimension, where our Creator is not? Is it possible to create the experience of "non-Love"? If it is possible, what would we call "it"?

Being My Limiteless, Immortal, Spiritual Children, of the Everywhereness of My Love, you called it "fear"..."egoic, fearful consciousness", along with its' illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent...and the rest...the rest My Children of My Everywhereness of Love, is your history as egoic, fearful, human beings, on your planet Earth 

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingness of Love


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