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Good Morning My Children

Your Ego's have Brainwashed You Into Believing Separation From Me, Your Divine Parent, Is "Reality"

Thursday, August 24, 2023 Blog

Ah yes, the Children of Love, on planet Earth..."good morning", as you begin another day in your self-created illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent and Creator. Oh, I must sound so unusual to you, the few, who are reading my weekly messages to all of humanity, on this, My Blog, on your internet site,, for who on Earth ever imagined I, Abba, would be conversing in such a way, to all of humanity, hmm?

Ah yes, but "here" I Am, and I Am but Love...the Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, which somehow, in your illusionary Dream World, is not present on Mother Earth. Oh my, now "that", as you say, sounds like more than just a little strange to Me, for I Am "everywhere"...always have been, and always will be, hmm?

Oh yes, and yet, in your world, your human world, I Am somehow perceived as not present, each and every moment of your lives. I, your Creator, am in the Spiritual Realm, or so much of the population believes, in My Kingdom of Love...My Kingdom of Heavenly Bliss, a destination many are seeking to experience, to qualify for, based on your performance as a human, on Mother Earth. 

"That" would seem to be quite a bit of pressure to subject yourselves to, each and every day, unless of course you find yourselves in the other category of human being, who believes there is no Life after your physical death, as a human being. This second category would seem a bit tenuous to Me, for the case studies and related books about a seemingless endless series of what you refer to as "near death experiences" continue to accumulate. Oh yes, for as you drop each coin into a fountain, and you see it drop, one begins to believe the next, and the next coin, will also drop, do you not? One of your analogies of course, but appropos, is it not, to your physical death...inevitable death...hmm?

Of course, there is also the increasing number of your mediums, channels, and so-called psychics, who often communicate with dis-embodied Souls in the Spiritual Realm, or members of the angelic species, also residing in a portion of the Spiritual Realm, and yet, almost none of these so-called specially endowed humans ever claim to communicate with Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Why is "that", My Children of Love....why, indeed?

Oh...for any student of The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, in particluar The Way of Mastery trilogy, Jeshua provides the answer to that question. Oh yes, for any Christed Being of Love and Light Divine, who chose to enter your Human Dream World on Mother Earth, also chose to have "the experience"...the"illusion" of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, "that" was all part of your agreement, as it were. Oh yes, to pretend and live as a human being, you knowingly agreed to have the "perception" of separation from Me, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who begot all Souls, all fragments of Divine Light and Love..the result of what Jeshua ben Joseph describes as "the Big Bang of Consciousness".  

Oh, but I find no need to repeat the longer version of your history, your origins, which Jeshua ben Joseph describes in The Way of Mastery...and yet, your agreement of separation and aloneness from Me, Abba, is precisely why your mediums and channels do not claim to routinely converse with Me, except for those rare Souls, embodied in human costumes, who follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery.

Oh yes, those rare Souls, such as the one through whom I Am speaking to you this day, who not only believes all Jeshua ben Joseph teaches in The Way of Mastery, but practices those very teachings, and thereby dissolves the prior agreement of illusion of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, and by dissolving the agreement of separation from yours truly, re-establish communication with Me, "Abba". Oh yes, and not just a rare, occasional, flash of information..."revelations" I believe you call them...oh no, but an open dialogue...daily dialogue with Me, a guiding dialogue, whereby the Soul, temporarily a member of your human race, slowly, gradually, dissolves the egoic, fearful consciousness, and its guiding voice within "all" human beings. Oh yes..."the voice" of fear and darkness, which has been the conscious, voice within, guiding you...ever since you arrived in your Dream World of separation from Me, on Mother Earth.   

Oh yes, this may come as a bit of a shock to most of the human race, unless you have been a student of Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery, or this, God's Blog, but...never the less, all human Souls have been, and continue to be, guided by your egoic voice of darkness within, which is the very cause of the darkness...all of the pain and suffering, within your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, your All-Loving, Divine Parent...for the egoic voice of fear within you, My Children of Love, has really only one priority...and that is the creation of "more fear", hmm?

Oh yes, the analogy Jeshua ben Joseph so appropriately conveys in The Way of Mastery, is he compares your fearful, egoic consciousness to cancer...for rather than producing healthy new cells, to perpetuate a healthy and happy human Soul, the cancer slowly destroys the very source of its existence, hmm? Ah yes, look around your Dream World My Children of Love, and what do you see...what do you experience, as a matter of routine, hmm? Do you experience the "Bliss" and the Perfect Peace of reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, hmm...your bithright, so to speak, or the ongoing darkness of your human experience...your human experience of the illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent?

I believe we all know what the answers to those questions are, do we not?

Ah yes, and here comes the river of denials from that dark, egoic, deceitful voice "within you" My Children. Oh yes, "things are not so bad", "Life on Earth is improving", "that description of my Life is not accurate", "my stress and anxiety levels are being handled each day", "fear does not dominate my maybe a factor of course, because fear is just part of being alive, but there are many good parts of my lifestyle...oh yes, fear does not dominate my Life", and on, and on, and on...

Oh yes, I have heard it all before, again and again, as you are conditioned and influenced by the "wrong voice within"...your egoic, fearful voice "within", who has, using the words of Michael, "brainwashed humanity" into thinking separation from Me, your Loving, Divine Parent is "Reality". Oh yes, a very accurate phrase, indeed. You, all of humanity, have been brainwashed into thinking separation from your Loving, Divine Parent is "Reality".  

Oh yes, and as I, and Jeshua ben Joseph, have spoken before, the depth of such "brainwashing" has saturated the subconsciousness of the entire human species. Oh yes, without exception...thus, the river of denials and attacks on anyone who brings this subject to the surface of consciousness for discussion and exploration.  

Oh yes, My Children of Love, did you hear the words you just read, hmm? "My Children of Love"..."My Children of Love" you live, breathe, and experience True, Pure Love, each and every moment of every day, My Children of Love...hmm? I don't think so...oh "no", I know so, for I observe and feel everything you do, every moment of everyone of your days, in your Dream World of fearful consciousness, physicality, and illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Creator. Oh yes, My Children of Love, I "feel" everything your "feel" please, just for a few minutes, can we do without your denials and attacks, regarding the quality of your lives in your Dream World of fearful, egoic consciousness, on Mother Earth...hmm...can we, for just a few minutes?

And for these few minutes, can we briefly look back at your human history on Mother Earth? What have all your worldly leaders discussed with you, hmm? Not just one or two, or even the many, but "all" of your worldly leaders...your kings and queens, your presidents, dictators, and such...what do all of them tell you, and promise you? They are all going to make your lives better and solve your problems. Is this not what all of them have done...forever, hmm? Given your very long, human, egoic guided history, you should be living in paradise by now, don't you think?   

So many promises, so many claims of problem solving, so many lies, My Children of Love, hmm? And where do all of these lies originate from, My Children of Love, living in fear...from your ego's, fearful consciousness, as you say, "in the flesh". Oh yes, go look at yourselves in the eye, in your mirrors, My Children of Love, and ask yourself, "do I have and live with, moment to moment, all the Love I desire"? Well, do you? Do you My Children of Love, the Children of the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who created you, Who is "everywhere", hmm?

Well, My Children of Love, why are you not overflowing with "Blissful Love", hmm? Because you have been listening to your egoic voices of fear for guidance, for the entirety of your long, human history, within your egoic Dream World of fearful consciousness, that's why...

This is the Message of Love Jeshua ben Joseph first brought to your Dream World, two thousand years ago. Oh yes, he may not have been as direct as we are today, in this era, with My Message of Love, now present on your internet, but, My Children of Love, there are no more excuses for those who desire a "change in consciousness", from darkness and fear, to the Light of Love!

Ah, and there you go, My Children of Love, you are slipping away, back into your illusion of reality, which you call "Reality"...Life on Mother Earth, and your egoic, fearful consciousness. Oh yes, the voice within, consciously and subconsciously, who wispers all those excuses for why you have neither the time or desire to follow in the footsteps of Jeshua ben Joseph, to dissolve your egoic voice of fear, once and for all, as he teaches humanity in The Way of Mastery trilogy. Oh yes, My Children of Love, I have heard all of your excuses, over and over...your "egoic excuses", for your ego wants to perpetuate what, My Children of Love, hmm? Have you been paying attention...or have you just been going through your egoic motions, pretending you are taking some steps to awaken from your Dream World, and its grand illusion of being separated from Me, your Divine Parent...hmm? 

Oh yes, indeed...a very, very, very common trait these days in your Dream World on Mother Earth. I hear your egoic voices each day..."oh, I'm going to seminars", "oh, I'm reading a few books", "oh, I'm making progress", "oh", as you say in your fearful, egoic, human Dream World..."baloney". Oh yes, your ego of fearful consciousness has won the day again, for your awakening to the Reality of the Everywhereness of Love is not..."not" your first priority. Oh no, your ego's "fool you" into thinking you are moving in the right direction...evolving in the right direction, only to keep you imprisoned. Oh yes, imprisoned in fearful consciousness, and its illusion...illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent.

As you, or some of you say, in your egoic Dream World of separation from Me, on planet Earth, "the ball is in your court". Oh yes...we, in the Spiritual Realm, will continue to offer aid and assistance to all My Children of Love, to those who desire to wake-up from your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness. However, My Children of Love, for "that" is what I Am...Infinite, Pure, Unconditional, "LOVE", you must place reunion with Me, as your first priority, rather than all of the priorities your egoic voice within will continue to wisper in your ears...hmm?

That is all...

Abba, The Infinite Beingnesss of Love




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