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Good Morning My Children

Dissolve Your Substitute for Me, Your Divine Parent and Creator, With One Simple Thought

Monday, August 14, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, a new day is here for all on Mother Earth...a new day to enjoy the wonders of "Life". Oh yes, the miracle of Life that so many take for granted, until it's time to die, physically anyway, for as I, Abba, have stated over and over, on this, My Blog, God's Blog it is called, humanity has no end, for I created you to be Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, Spiritual Beings, Multidimensional Beings with "conscious awareness", Who are Immortal, oh yes...created in "My Image", for I Love you all unconditionally and forever...and as your friend here, the one through whom I communicate My Awakening Message of Love, from your Dream World of humanness, likes to say..."forever is a long-time"...oh yes, he finds humor in such statements, but also "Truth"...

This is our starting point this morning, My Spiritual Children of Love and Light Divine...oh yes, "you have no end". Think about "that" for a few minutes..."you have no end"...Immortal Spiritual Beings, who may and do, shift from one dimension to another, and sometimes simultaneously, oh yes, except when you "perceive", and there is that word again, "perceive", which of course means you think you are human, when you are very much more than a mere physical being, who perishes forever after a single incarnation on your Mother Earth, an experiential dimension of three dimensional, fearful consciousness...oh yes, "fear-full consciousness"

And why do you experience such a place, My Children..."why", as I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have communicated to you over and over again, hmm? Because you chose see and experience "Life" without Me, your Divine Parent, in what Jeshua ben Joseph has labeled as your Dream World of physicality and fearful consciousness, oh yes..."Dream World", indeed. And why must you be in a "Dream World" My Children, hmm? Because you "perceive or imagine" I Am not there with you, on Mother Earth, that's why...for the only way..."the only way", for you to be anywhere, where I Am not, is if it is an illusion...or in this case, Jeshua ben Joseph has labeled your collective, self created illusion as a "Dream World".

Oh yes, how apropos...a Dream World of fearful consciousness...a "limited" Dream World of fearful in that it was created within your illusion of time. Oh yes, and as we all know, because I have told you so many, many times, as has Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, everything created in time, including your humanness, has a beginning and an end. Oh yes, and in your case, your limited human case, most refer to your "perception" of an end as "physical death", when in "Reality" (rather than your "perception" thereof) as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, you My Children of Love, for "Love" is what I Am, have no end ever, foreverHmm...has that, as you say on Mother Earth, within your illusion of humanness, "sunk in all the way", hmm...My Children?    

"You have no end", My Children of Love...and do you know why I, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "everywhere"...within every dimension in all of Creation, Am making such a statement to all of humanity on this Blog, God's Blog, on, because I Am emphasizing two facts..."facts" My Children of Love...and do you know what those two things are My Children...hmm? As Spiritual Beings...Immortal, Spiritual Beings of Love, you have no end...ever..."ever", and no matter where you choose to go, in what dimension in all of Creation, I Am there with you, even if your "perceive" that I Am not with you.  

Ah yes, "that" My Children of Love and Light Divine is our subject this morning. Oh yes, for your "perception of Reality" on Mother Earth, as temporary, physical beings, in fearful, egoic consciousness, who have an "end", as in physical death, is all part of a "grand illusion of humanness". Oh yes, as is your "perception" you are somehow separated from what you can never...never, ever, be separated from...what is impossible..."impossible" for you to be separated from, and that would be Me, Abba, your Creator that direct enough for you My Children of Love? Your "perception of Reality", is "not Reality"...oh no, as you say in your humanness, "not even close", oh no...your perception of Reality, in your temporary human costumes, is not even close to being "Reality", unless of course, your perceive your temporary humanness as "non-reality", hmm?

"Try that Reality", as you say, "on for a few minutes", hmm...My Children of Love. Your perception of yourselves, as temporary human beings...temporary, fearful human beings, in your illusion of separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, is "not Reality", oh no...unless you add one ingredient to your Dream World of fearful consciousness...your experiential dimension of limited, fearful consciousness...and that one, new ingredient would be "Me", your Divine Parent. 

Oh yes, just add the Reality of Me, your Creator, to your Dream World on Mother Earth, recognizing the Reality of My Everywhereness..."Everywhereness of Love" My Children, for "that" is Who and What I Am, and "whaa-laa", your Dream World of illusionary, temporary, limited, fearfull consciousness, where I Am not present "everywhere"...and in a blink, a "blink" My Children..."one simple thought", and your experiential dimension of fearful, egoic humanness becomes transformed. Oh yes, My Children, "transformed", into a temporary, experiential dimension of Love Consciousness. Oh yes, for "then" My Children, when you become conscious of My Everywhereness, including "within" your temporary, limited, humanness, you immmediately...."immediately shift back into Love Consciousness"...the very "Conscious State of Love" from which you came...from which I created you, My Children...hmm?

Oh..there "it" was...there I was...for a blink, for a second...and then, what happened My Children of Love, hmm? "Your substitute for Me" jumped in..."back in" to be the dominate, surface state of consciousness...and that technique used by "your fearful, egoic consciousness" is called "denial". Oh yes, your "other side"...your egoic, fearful consciousness immediately denied My Everywhereness of Love, even though "I Am Reality", even though the Everywhereness of My Love is your once again chose the non-reality of egoic, fearful, limited consciousness, hmm? How does "that" sound My Children, hmm? 

Oh yes, even in your fearful, egoic, humanness of separation from Me, you are not separate and alone...oh "no"..."impossible", unless of course, it is an illusion..."non-reality", hmm...My Children? Have you heard this all before My Children, on this, God's Blog, on, hmm...My Children of Love? Oh yes, many, many times, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, which started off with...what shall we call them...hmm? A "mild introduction" of the return of "The" Jeshua ben Joseph, who had a new message for humanity...oh yes, a new message that sounded, even at the beginning, to be quite different than Christianity. Oh yes, there were some similarities, for as he told you, "even some of the words I spoke two thousand years ago, are actually in your Gospels", but the overall message of Jeshua ben Joseph today..."today" My Children of Love, is not what Christianity has taught for two thousand years...oh no..."not even close".

Ah...My Children...My Spiritual, Immortal, Multi-Dimensional, Children of Love...I can hear some of you...oh yes...your ego's are in denial once again...oh yes, denying your precious and deceitful Gospels are not the one, true, authentic teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, hmm? Oh well, if "that" is what you want to think, go ahead...believe in and continue to live in your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness, for what does your precious New Testament tell you My Children, hmm? It tells you there are "requirements" to enter My Kingdom of Love, hmm? It tells you, just as Christianity has for two thousand years, you cannot be with Me, your Creator, and I Am but Love, unless you follow all their rules, regulations, and requirements, hmm? 

Let us dissect this conundrum, My Children of Love. And why is there a conundrum, My Children of Love, hmm? Because why, My Children of Love...what have I and Jeshua ben Joseph been telling you, over and over again...hmm? I, your Creator, Who is the Infinite Field of Love...the Grand Mystery of Love, Who is "Everywhere"...oh yes, you do not have to go anywhere to be with Me, for I Am already "here", even in your Dream World of physicality and fearful consciousness..."here" on Mother Earth...oh yes... 

I have never judged you to be unworthy of My Beingness of Love...My Infinite Beingness of Blissful Love, Who is "Everywhere"...oh no...that characterization belongs to whom My Children of Love, hmm? Your ego's of course...for it is your fearful ego's who tell you, both consciously and unconsciously, you are somehow "unworthy"..."not good enough" to have an eternal relationship with Me, your Divine Parent and Creator...oh yes, My Children...and so, what label can we place on your fearful, illusionary ego's, hmm?

"Not truthful", for they tell are what you can never..."never be", unworthy and not good enough for what will always an eternal relationship with Me, your Creator, and I Am the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who functions as your Divine Parent..."your Divine Parent", My Children of Love...for My Love for you knows no end...ever...ever and ever...  

Come Home My Children...dissolve your ego's, dissolve your Dream World of separation from Me...enjoy your humanness...oh yes, but experience it with Me, inside of you, as part of you, guiding you how to transform your egoic darkness of pain and suffering to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love and tranquility. Oh yes, My Children, My temporary human Children, come experience the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...for I Am only a thought away...hmm, My Children of Love...just one, simple thought, hmm...My Children..."My Children of Love"...

That is all...

Abba - The Infinite Beingness of Love... 




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