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Good Morning My Children

Do You Want to Know Why I Created You? Do You Know Your Purpose?

Monday, November 21, 2022 Blog

Sometimes...just have to be ready to do things you would have never thought...never imagined...because you have a feeling...a sensation inside of your Beingness...that drove you to a particluar course of action...a situation where it was like someone else was in your body "calling the shots", and you were just along for the ride...observing...observing and feeling an energy directing your body, thoughts and emotions...for that is what is happening this very moment with Michael...

It is 2 AM, he is sitting at his counter, pen in hand...and he has surrendered his bodily functions and Beingness over to Me, your Divine Parent, and he is writing the words I Am conveying to him...he has absolutely no idea what the next words will be...or the message this day, that his Creator...and your Creator...will communicate...this is called being a Conscious Christ Incarnate...where an incarnated, Christed Being has aligned his or her Beingness...his or her soul with Me, and I Am but Love...

Yes...that is of your brothers has been so committed to changing the lifestyle...their Earthly experience...the mental and emotional perspective...that their Spiritual Essence is allowed to step forward and manifest however he or she is guided...guided by Whom or What you ask? As guided by Me, your Divine Parent.

For this mode of living is exactly what transpired two thousand years ago between My Self (Abba) and Jeshua ben Joseph...Abba...that is the name he gave Me then...and the one Jeshua ben Joseph still uses this day...

And once this mode of existence is nurtured and studied and after day...and month after month...and year after year, the soul has obtained what you will label as something extraordinary...special...not normal...and something that you will certainly never experience...  

For it is "not the same" as a Soul who leaves the body-brain...voluntarily...and allows another "Beingness" to enter...and in essence live through the body-brain apparatus for a short period of time...after which the "Beingness" leaves, and the original incarnated Soul returns to the body-brain...this can also be called being an "uncounscious channel"...

What Jeshua ben Joseph did two thousand years ago...was to awaken from the Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...he remembered his innate relationship with Me, the Divine Parent of All, and then together..."together" we consciously merged...aligned our Spirirts...whereby the "Two became One" Perfect Union...and My Love flowed forth...first from My Spirit and into his Soul (Jeshua ben Joseph's), his Beingness, his Spirit...and then through his soul, his Beingness, his Spirit, and into the third dimesnion of Earth...into your Dream World of separation...into your illusion of separation from Me, your Creator... 

Can you imagine such a thing? Of course you can...because I created an extension of Self..."Me"...The Creator...just as I have extended Self through Jeshua ben Joseph, and other incarnated souls, such as the one known as Mother Mary...and now Michael, who also chose to be fully committed to re-establishing their relationship with Me, and I Am but Love...rather than continue "Life without Love"...without the Reality of being a Co-Creator with Me, your Divine Parent, in as you say..."part of everyday Life"...

And I must say...that to many...becoming a medium of expression for Me, the Source of All, will initially seem to be a miracle...something they (and probabaly you) could never accomplish...and yet, I Am here this morning, flowing through the Spirit of this one called Michael, to tell you that the entire purpose of your creation, is to do exactly what has been do exactly as Jeshua ben Joseph first did two thousand years ago (within the Earth dinension of experience)...and continues to do today...only he no longer chooses to temporarily occupy a human Michael does...

In summary, some of the individuated Souls or Spirits, all of whom have part of My Spirit within their Beingness...their Christed Beingness...chose to experience what has been referred to as the Dream World of the illusion of separation from Me, The Creator, within the experiential Earth dimension of physicality, just to "see" what "Life" would be like from that illusionary perspective...the key words being "illusionary" and "Dream World"...for how can any Soul...any "individuated Spirit"...any extension of Self, your Divine Parent, be separated from something that will forever exist within..."within you" My Children...for that is where I well as also being everywhere, at every when...

The only way the experience of being separated from Me, and I Am but Love, can be experienced is if..."if" the experience of separation is an illusion...just as any dream you may have, when you enter your sleeeping state of awareness...for when you enter your sleeping state of awareness you do experience the Dream World of your imagination...and although for only a short period of time...your dreams "seem to be reality" they not?  

And then you "wake up", leaving the Dream World you created, and your Life resumes...correct? What you perceive to be "Reality", including your illusion of being separated from Me, your Divine Parent...when every second of everyday I reside "within" you. I suggest to you that your perception of reality...and there is that word again...perception...your perception of "Reality" is in fact "not Reality"...for you go on living without your eternal...never ending, conscious union with Me, and I Am but Love.

Why? As has been conveyed many times within these articles of My Blog (God's Blog)...including today's article, is to have an experience of non-Love...and what is such an experience is called "fear"...fear My Children, along with all of the variations thereof...all of your dark emotions... have chosen to temporarily experience fear-based consciousness for the experience...for the temporary experience of what is called egoic consciousness, whereby your ego...your illusion of being a separate and an individuated self, is your "perceived  reality"...when in fact, such a temporary experience is nothing more than a Dream...a perception of reality...for I Am with you always...because that is how I, your Divine Parent, created Perfect Union with an extension of a wave is to the Ocean.

But...but...I also created you with free have whatever experiences you choose to have...and "Creation" has been provided to infinite number of dimensions of have all of the experiences you may desire... 

And that bring us to your function...which has been previously described, within this God's Bog...which is to heal any perception, any illusion of separation from Self, your Divine Parent, and then to fulfill your purpose as a channel...a conscious medium of expression for Self, your Divine Parent, and I Am but extend extend Love into all of Creation...into all of the dimensions of experience...which is a process that has no end...for I have no end...and part of Me is within My Children...that means that you have no end.

The only question remains is when...when My Children...when you will decide to be fully committed to awakening from your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...and function as a conscious medium for My Love...when?

This journey you have chosen...going from the Reality of Perfect Union with Me...or Love egoic, fear consciousness...and then, returning to Perfect Union with Me, in Love Consciousness, is no small undertaking...for many of you have chosen to have every possible experience, in your Dream World, that could distract you from remembering Who and What you really are...a living, conscious, extension of Self, and I Am but Love...the medium I created to infuse and transform all of Creation into Love...My Unconditional Love...and the dimensions of Creation have no end My Children...

Well My Children...much has been covered this a very direct and concentrated message...because I, your Divine and All Loving Parent, desired to motivate...possibly a few more of you...Christed Sisters and become fully committed to awakening from your Dream World of separation from Me, and I Am but Love...

How have I done?

That is All...

Your Loving Source of All... 



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