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Good Morning My Children

Your Ego's Create Excuses for Why You Should Maintain Your Status Quo, In Your "Illusion" of Separation from Me, Your Divine Parent

Thursday, August 10, 2023 Blog

Oh yes, another day, another morning, "here" on Mother Earth as part of humanity, a member of the human race...oh yes, quite "the experience", indeed. What will you do this day that you have yet to experience, hmm?

Oh, but you do not think in those terms, now do you, My Children of Love, for you are immersed in your Dream World of humanness, rather than awake to the "Reality" of yourselves as Immortal, Multidimensional, Spiritual Beings of Love and Light Divine, who chose to have temporary, human experiences, hmm?

Oh yes, quite the difference in perspectives, don't you think, hmm...My Children of Love? And, as your brother and friend, Michael experienced yesterday, the human awake to "Reality", through whom My words to you are recorded today, and many, many days prior...humanity refuses to live and own your experiences on Mother Earth from the perspective of who and what you truly are: Spiritual Beings...Immortal and Multidimensional Spiritual Beings, who have eternal relationships with Me, your All Loving Parent - The Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is "Everywhere". 

Oh yes, as described in a prior article on this, God's Blog, even when you are confronted directly with the "Reality" of who and what you truly are, as opposed to temporary human beings, having temporary experiences, in physicality and fearful, egoic consciousness, you continue to think and live as human beings

Hmm...I would say in those few words, everything that could be said, has been said, for until you claim your birthright as Souls, as extensions of Self, The Everywhereness of Love, who speaks to you this moment, this morning, on God's Blog, on, everything else I could say to you, "humanity", in attempts to awaken you from your Dream World on Mother Earth, is meaningless. Oh yes, My Children of the Love and Light Divine, oh yes...indeed.

Ah, but I, your Creator and Divine Parent, will never "give up" on you, oh no, even though you are truly lost in your Dream World on Mother Earth. Oh yes, lost in your illusion of humanness. you feel "lost" My Children, hmm? least not most of you, for you are too busy trying to survive in your fantasy Dream World of humanness, and its illusion of separation from what you cannot be separated from, "Me", Abba, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh no, for as conveyed many, many times on this, God's Blog, and within the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, most notably in The Way of Mastery, there is no separation from Me...anywhere, in all of Creation. Oh, but on Mother Earth, within your "Dream World" of fearful consciousness, separation from Me is a "way of Life"...your way of Life, oh yes...indeed.  

You, humanity, lost in the "non-reality" of your Dream World of fearful consciousness, are oblivious to My Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, for how could you "perceive" and thus, live in the illusion your dark, negative, fearful emotions are "real", unless of course you did not think I was with you, around you, every moment of everyone of your days, hmm? Please consider My Message of Love to you in the last sentence...if I Am with you everywhere you go, everyday, every year, every incarnation, in your Dream World on Mother Earth, what is there to fear, hmm? And yet, humanity lives in a Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, your Creator and Divine Parent, and I Am literally "everywhere".

Oh, but you don't want to think about "that" Reality of Love, now do you, My Children of Love, for you are simply too busy lost in your illusion of humanness, oh yes...indeed. Lost, lost, lost, hmm? My Children, you know what the word "lost" means, don't you? Not a challenging concept, unless you don't think you are "lost", and that is precisely what your ego's tell you, all of the time.

Ah yes, "the ego"...fearful consciousness, in human forms, which was birthed in the Spiritutal Realms. "Can we separate ourselves (Immortal, Multidimensional, Spirirtual Beings) from what is everywhere"...and "that" is yours truly, your Creator and Divine Parent, The Great Mystery...The Infinite Beingness of the Everywhereness of Love. Yes, My Children, "that thought", is the seed that started your eventual journey into fearful humanness, in your Dream World on planet Earth. Oh yes, "can we separate ourselves from that which is everywhere", or in this case, "Who is everywhere", and "Who" would be Me, Abba.

Ah yes, the beginning of the illusion of all illusions, separation from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent. To make your desired experience...your desired illusion "seem to be real", you created many, many things My Children. Oh yes, for I created you in My Image. Oh yes, and since I Am a "Creator", guess what you are My Children, hmm? This is not, as you say in your Dream World, "a trick question". Yes, that's right, you are all "Creators" to, with infinite creativity..."Infinite Creativity", My Children of Love.  

Are you beginning to "get the picture" My Children of Love, hmm? You were in the Spirirutal Realm...why? Because that's where I created you, Spiritual Beings of Love, with no end...and one thought lead to another thought, and another thought, and look what you created, hmm? Oh yes, look what you created. Just go find a mirror and "look" at what you "perceive" yourselves to, mortal, three dimensional, physical, human beings. Oh yes, "limited, physical beings", in human forms, rather than how I created you, as Spirirtual Beings of Love, with an eternal relationship with Me, Abba, The Everywhereness of Love.  

Oh yes, and the time has come for some of you, My Spiritual Beings of Love, pretending to be human, to awaken from your Dream World of physicality and fearful consciousness. Oh yes, "awaken to the Reality of who and what your are", inclusive of your relationship with Me, The Everywhereness of Love...oh yes, the Beingness of Infinite Love, that so many of you fantasize about...oh yes, try to comprehend, try to describe, and in the case of members of your religious organizations, "try to please", so when you experience physical death, your Souls...your immortal Spiritual Selves, can somehow qualitfy to enter My Kingdom of Heaven, hmm? 

Oh my, I did create you to be "infinitely creative" didn't I, and your creativity never ceases to amaze Me, Abba, your Creator and the Infinite Beingness of Love, Who is Everywhere. Oh..."amaze" may not be quite the right term, but then again, you do "perceive" you live in such a limited, fearful, dimension of, it is only fitting you use a limited form of communication..."limited", indeed... 

Ah, but I digress...back to "its time for some of you, My Children of Love, to awaken from your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator". Ah yes, lost are you, the entire human race. Many continue to search for a way out of your Dream World of non-reality, not realizing you cannot find something you never truly lost, hmm...My Children of Love?

Oh yes, I will continue to discuss here, on My Blog, what the purpose of My Message of Love is all will many of your sisters and brothers in the Spirirtual Realm. Oh yes, we attempt to nudge you in the direction of the Everywhereness of My Love, and out of your "everywhereness of fear". Oh, a new description of your Dream World on Mother Earth..."everywhereness of fear", on your planet your Dream World of fearful, egoic consciousness, which of course, goes by many names..."judgmental" being one of them. Oh yes, for you could not be fearful of anything or anyone, without "judgment"

Hmm...intersting...maybe a little experiment for you My Children of Love? Try...oh yes...try to go through one of your days, in your Dream World of illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent, without judging anything or anyone. Oh yes, just one day My Children of Love, twenty-four of your hours...a very short period of time, considering you are "immortal", hmm...with no end, My Children of Love..."you have no end". Ah, back to the test. Yes, please try living for one day without judging anything or anyone. Just to insure you understand, being "non-judgmental" means not placing the labels of right or wrong, good or bad, on anyone or anything...or "not judging". 

Why am I asking you to particpate in this little experiment, hmm? Because to experience fearful, egoic consciousness, rather than Love Consciousness and union with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, you must use "judgment", the path to "reunion" with Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, includes that you have to stop judging, hmm?

Oh, it sounds so very simple, doesn't it, My Children of Love? Just stop judging, and you are on your way back "Home" to Pure Love and Perfect Peace with Me. Ah, My Children, but once you commence our little experiment, how much of your time passes before you judge something or someone, hmm? How many seconds? "Seconds" My Children...not minutes, or even hours...but seconds? You will quickly find you are constantly judging everything and everyone, in one way or another, all of the time, oh yes, and what is a prerequisite for fear, "judgment"...for you cannot experience fear, or any of the dark emotions and anxieties, without judgment

Jeshua ben Joseph discusses many aspects of your egoic, judgmental nature in The Way of Mastery, for all to become educated on just how far you have strayed from how I originally created you, oh yes, indeed. He also provides all who are interested in such an education with exercises, which will aid you in untangling, retraining, and purifying your minds to be in alignment with My Mind, hmm? How does that sound? Do you think you would like to think the way I do, hmm...your Creator and Divine Parent, Who lives within a Everywhereness of Pure, Unconditional, Infinite Love?  

Do you know what some call My Beingness, My Children, hmm? "Bliss" does living in "Bliss" sound to you, My Children, hmm? Don't judge this My Children, just imagine such a state, for a few of your minutes. feels so good!

Ah, and you cannot imagine anything, unless you have already experienced it, My Children. Shall I say that again...hmm...with a bit of a twist? You cannot imagine "Bliss" cannot imagine Perfect Union with Me, The Beingness of Infinite Love, unless you have already experienced it! Oh yes, what is your phrase..."been there, done that". 

"Been there, done that", My Children of Love. "Been in Bliss and Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent", but now..."you are lost, in your Dream World of fearful, humanness...not knowing how to find your way back Home to Bliss". What do your ego's have to say about "that" My Children of Love?  

Oh, don't waste your time. I have heard it all before, I assure you...all the excuses for why you are still Dreaming Away in your Dream World of dark, fearful emotions, and its illusion of separation from Me, The Great Mystery...The Infinite Beingness of Love

Oh...and please do not forget, My Children of Love, your ego's, and its judgmental, fearful consciousness, use your unlimited, infinite creativity to do what My Children of Love, which I and Jeshua ben Joseph have told you about many times before...hmm? Your ego's create endless excuses for why you should "maintain your status quo", in your Dream World...oh yes, in your jugmental, fearful, egoic consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, your Divine Parent

Shall I say that again, My Children of Love, hmm? I trust you are "getting My Message of Love", hmm? Or...has your ego already plunged you into a very common and familiar place for you to be...hmm? And where would "that place" be, My Children of Love? In denial of course...the denial of everything I, your Divine Parent, and Jeshua ben Joseph, your brother and friend, have told you about your "egoic status quo". 

Oh yes, and we will continue to do so, in one way or another, and another, and another, for we are not going anywhere...because "We Love You", as do all your sister and brother Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine. 

My door "Home" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love is always open to you, but you are lost in your Dream World on Mother Earth, constantly subjecting yourselves to your illusion of non-reality...created by egoic, fearful consciousness. Oh yes, your status quo in human costumes...searching, searching, for something that lies "within". Oh yes, your ego's have you searching for Love and reunion with Me, your Divine Parent, everywhere but where you will find Me, "within"

Your pathway Home to "Bliss" was discovered by one of your own, two thousand years ago, a brother, a Christed Being of Love, but his Message of Love, which was My Message of Love, scared your ego's...oh yes...because "Our" Message of Love, if implemented, dissolves your ego's, judmentalism, and all of the darkness of fearful consciousness, and "that" scared your ego's. Oh yes, so the implementation of unlimited creativity, which your ego's are constantly using, clouded and twisted Jeshua's Message of Love, for the ego did not want to be "dissolved", oh no. 

Ah, but we are "here", we never left, and we...Me, your Divine Parent, and your sister and brother Christed Beings, are "here" to help you see the follow the pathway Home to Bliss...Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago. Are you ready? Or, do you want to "Dream On", in your egoic, judgmental, fearful, humanness? Either choice is "okay", because "why", My Children of Love? Because I do not judge you...for I Am Pure, Unconditional,, "you can choose" to tarry a bit longer in the egoic darkness of your Dream World of separation from Me, The Infinite Beingness of Love, and I Am "Everywhere". 

Jeshua's "Way Home" has been documented in The Way of Mastery. I will tell you before you ever get started, as I and your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, have told you before, much change is needed to follow the pathway to Love and reunion with Me, Abba...oh yes, much change, indeed. So please, be prepared to embrace change, for without change, you will be choosing to maintain your egoic, judgmental, fearful, status quo

"Your choice" seems to be such a simple one, until you are confronted by "that voice"...that egoic, fearful voice within... 

That is all...

Abba - The Infinite Beingness of Love


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