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Good Morning My Children

Your Ego's Denial of "Reality" Does Not Make It Non-Reality.

Monday, August 7, 2023 Blog

Ah..."good morning"...are you ready, hmm? I hope so...because you are in your Dream World of fear, on Mother Earth. Oh yes, "here" you are, without the assistance of My guidance, and only the egoic voice of fear to guide you. Oh my...oh my, indeed.

Ah...but then again, you have done it before...over, and over, and over again, for so long, thousands of years of fear, has the human race endured the "lost years". Oh yes...the lost years of darkness on the planet you call "Earth". Oh yes, the lost years in the darkness of egoic, fearful consciousness, with the great darkness of fear guiding you through your self-created fear. Hmm...somewhat like the "blind leading the blind", My Children of the Light Divine, is it not...hmm?

Ah, but as I, your Creator and Divine Parent, have discussed, so many times before...first, what is your term, "more gently" and less, oh yes, "less in your face", in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy, and now, today, and so many prior days, within this God's Blog, oh yes...where I do not "pull any punches". Oh yes, for I "hit you over the head" with the Truth of Life...human life, "here" on planet Earth. Oh my, the terminology...strange terminology you, humanity, use in your everyday existence, in your Dream World of fearful consciousness. "Here" in all of your pain and suffering..."needless" pain and suffering. Oh yes, needless...indeed, for all you have to do is "wake-up" to the Reality, oh yes, the "Real Reality" of the Everywhereness of My Infinite Love, and all of this darkness you wade through each minute, hour, day, and year after year, Life after Life, would all be "over"...hmm...My Children of the Light Divine.      

Oh, but you do not "feel Divine" now, do you? Oh no, all because you were curious about what Life would be like without Me, Abba, your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, you had the thought, the mad idea...mad, indeed..."let us see what the non-reality of the Impossible Dream would be like". Oh...for just a bit...a little while, and then, we can return to the Light of Abba's Everywhereness of Love and Perfect Peace.  

Ah...My Children, but you did not know what a "little while" did you? Oh no, as you say, "not a clue", as to what a little while was...and why, My Children, hmm? Because you had not yet created "time"

You had not yet created time. That should garner your attention this morning..."you", My Children of Light Divine...the extensions of My Overflowing of Infinite Love, had not yet created "time". Hmm...oh, that's right, you, humanity that is, do not remember what timelessness is, unless of course you do what My Children...hmm? What must you do to remember the Spiritual Realm, your "Home" of Pure Love and Perfect Peace, hmm? Oh yes, these subjects have been covered all before, within one context or another, by Jeshua ben Joseph's Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, or more directly, much more directly "here", on My Blog, within

Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, I, your Creator and Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, have been communicating to all of humanity on your now, taken for granted, internet. Oh yes, your world-wide internet, for all to read, unless of course, My Message of Love is being "blocked" by some governmental organization that does not believe in or promote "freedom", hmm? Ah, the egoic darkness of the human thought process. Hmm...I, Abba, was about to say, "the egoic darkness that has no end", but that My Children, would not be a truthful statement...and we cannot have that here, on God's Blog, can we My Children? 

Oh no, not "here", where your Creator is attempting to shock all of humanity. Oh yes..."shock" you into awakening from your Dream World of egoic darkness...the darkness of your self-created dark emotions...the darkness and painful emotions of your illusionary Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator. Oh no, for I have been conveying a Message of Love and Truth for over a year "here", in your black and white, on your famous world-wide internet, for all to see, to ponder, to factor into your fantasy Dream World of "non-reality". Oh yes, My Children, for how can any place be considered "Real" if you perceive I Am not "here", on planet Earth, with you...hmm?

How can the non-reality of a Dream World, full of fearful consciousness...fearful emotions, pain, and suffering be considered "Reality", hmm...My Children? Impossible, oh yes..."impossible", indeed...for as you have read over, and over, and over again, your egoic, fearfull consciousness, in an imaginary, illusional, experiential dimension you call "Life on planet Earth" can be, and is many things, My Children of the Light Divine. Oh yes, many, many, many things, but "Reality" is certainly not one of them. Oh no...unless of course, you desire to experience a lie...a experiential dimension based on deceit and untruths...hmm, My Children of My Everywhereness of Love Divine...hmm?

Is "that" direct enough for you...hmm? Does "living a lie" give you reason to pause, even if only for a minute or two, My Children...My Christed Beings of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, "Christed" all of you are My Children, with the ability to consciously..."consciously", My Children, Live within the Everywhereness of My Love. But oh...oh no...that was not what you desired My Children, oh wanted to see, some of My Christed Beings that is, what the non-reality of My Great Mystery of Love would be like, hmm? To see, to feel, what the utter non-reality of My Everywhereness of Love would be like, hmm? Is such a place even possible, you wondered...

Oh...and then, My Christed Children, you jumped right into your Dream World of fearful consciousness and fantasy, on planet Earth. Oh yes, "jumped" into your human costumes of incarnated physicality, oblivious to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love...all to have "the experience" of the non-reality, the illusion, the Dream World of being a human being. Oh yes, how do you enjoy all of your pain and suffering, without My guidance, hmm...My Christed Beings?

How do you enjoy the experiences created by that other energy of guidance, called "the ego"? Oh yes...the dark guidance that emerged in your Dream World, filled with the non-reality of My absence, hmm? Oh my, what descriptions of your lives, in your illusionary, experiential dimension of deceit have been created here, on My Blog...on yes, indeed! 

And to what end, My Children...My Christed Children of Love Consciousness, hmm? Oh, you just don't want to admit to the "Reality of your creation of non-reality", hmm? Oh...another new context for you to ponder, My Christed Children, hmm? You do not want to admit to the Reality of your creation of non-reality...your illusionary, Dream World on Mother Earth. Oh yes...I really enjoy "that one", in a strange...very strange kind of way, for I will continue to create new descriptions of your Dream World of pain and suffering unitl you decide to come "Home" to Love, and leave your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness behind you...hmm?  

Ah, just how could such an event take place, hmm...My Children...hmm? Oh, you witnessed the first such event, only you didn't. Should we try that again, My Children? You witnessed a fellow Christed Being, who did not know he was a Christed Being of Mine, "wake-up" from your Dream World of painful, egoic, fearful consciousness and yet, the "Reality" of this event, did not, as you say, "register with you"...because why, My Christed Children of Love? "Why"...the same topic and subject all of My articles on this, God's Blog, have been, and will be devoted to.

Because "you are lost", literally, in your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness, called "human Life" on planet Earth. Oh yes, so lost in the non-reality of egoic, fearful consciousness, you will not even admit you are lost, because why, My Children? Because your imaginary ego's tell you that you are not, that's why. How more absurd can this all get, hmm...My Children of the Light Divine?  

You are lost in your egoic, fearful consciousness, and the non-reality of such a place, because your ego's tell you, "you are not lost"...and that your egoic, Dream World of fearful consciousness, with its "illusion of aloneness and separation from Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love", is Real..."Real". Oh my, I would ask you..."are you kidding me", but I know the are not, hmm?  

Ah, so where do we go from "here" My Children of God, hmm? Where do we go from "here"? I know...why do I know, My Christed Children, "pretending" to be human, "pretending" to be separated from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, hmm? Oh, I will continue to play your game of "this pretend human incarnation, in the experiential dimension of fearful consciousness on Earth". Oh yes, I will play with your game. Why, My Children, hmm? Because My Everywhereness of Love is where My Children, hmm? "Everywhere" of course, even within your Dream World on Mother Earth.

And before we get lost, in your experiential dimension of human, fearful consciousness, I Am going to remind you, once again, of an event of Truth, an event of "Reality", versus egoic, fearful, non-reality. Oh yes, the event of one of your own, awakening from your Dream World of fearful, non-reality, to the "Reality of My Reality". Oh my, what terminology we are motivated to use, in attempts to shock you, humanity, into awakening from your Dream World of pain and suffering...which, while we are on this subject, is just I going to use "that term" I will "dial back" the terminology unbelievable today, as it was two thousand years ago, oh yes. 

"Unbelievable" to us, that is, in the Spiritual Realm, to witness a fellow Being of Love and Light Divine, enter into, incarnate into, your experiential dimension of fearful consciousness...spend a lifetime discovering how to "wake-up" from your human Dream World of fearful consciousness, tell you about his journey in consciousness Home to "Reality", with such statements as; "The Father does all things through me", and you do what to him? Your egoic, fearful voices "within" tell you to do what to him? To torture and crucify him, a fellow Christed Being of Love, a brother and friend...your egoic voices "within" told you to fear him, and crucify him...rather than ask, Jeshua ben Joseph, how did you do it? How did you escape egoic, fearful consciousness, to live in live in True live in the moment to moment guidance of our Creator, to make such demonstrate, day after day, such Love and compassion for your fellow did you do it?  

Do you want a second chance, My Children of Love and Light Divine...hmm? Or...or, are you going to continue to follow your egoic, fearful voices within, who have guided you into your lost world of fearful consciousness this day, and everyday prior to and during your long, painful history here, on Mother Earth, within your Dream World of separation from Me, your Creator and Divine Parent, Who Loves you all, more than you can imagine...hmm?

I gave you free-will, remember? Oh yes...that's right, you say you do not...or rather, your ego's say you do not...for if you looked within, and explored the contents of your unconscious memories, you would find much information your ego's deny, oh yes...deny, deny, deny.  

Ah, but denying "Reality", does not make it non-reality does it, My Children...hmm? This is what your ego's do all of the time..."all of the time", My Children of the Light Divine. They, your ego's, are even doing it "now", are they not, hmm? Aren't they telling you to ignore these words...for they cannot be true...hmm? All of these articles, on God's Blog, on, are from some crazy person who thinks he is channeling God, hmm? Thank your fearful ego's for such thoughts...

Oh yes, back to humanity's second chance...second chance to follow The Way Jeshua ben Joseph discovered two thousand years ago...The Way back to the "Reality" of your eternal relationship with Me, The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, for Jeshua's Way back to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love was lost, manipulated, portions deleted, added to, by egoic fearful consciousness, and then..."whaa-laa", three hundered years later, labeled as your "New Testament", inclusive of your so-called authentic Gospels of the Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ. Not a topic we will delve into this morning...oh no...back to humanity's second chance... 

I, your Creator and Divine Parent, have a question for all of your ego's...hmm? Your ego's, who profess to have all the answers, to all of your questions, even if the answers are submerged in the denial of "Reality". "If" your new Testament is a true and accurate record of the Life and Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, "why" has this information not openned up the doors to My Kingdom of Love, within your lives on Earth...hmm? 

Think about "that''. "Why?" You have you studied those writings for quite a long time, have you not...hmm? "Why" are you not like Jeshua ben Joseph was two thousand years ago? Did he not tell would do greater things than he did? Well...where are those "greater things"?

Enough of that...your second chance is contained in The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph. Read them...practice them, until you "wake-up" from your Dream World of fear, and bask in the Everywhereness of My Love, while still in human forms. Oh yes, "we" & I, your Divine Parent of Love, are going to "transform" your experiential dimension of dark, egoic, fearful consciousness...into a "new version" of My Everywhereness of Love, the Shanti Christo, as described by your brother, Jeshua ben Joseph, within The Way of Mastery. is your second chance...

That is all...

Abba - The Infinite Beingness of Love


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