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Good Morning My Children

Why You Think You Are "Not Good Enough" to be a Conscious Christ Incarnate

Thursday, August 3, 2023 Blog

The Children "of Love", oh yes...indeed, for "that" is what I Am, My Children, as I have told you many, many times before. Oh yes, both within these articles, on, and also within The Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, most directly within The Way of Mastery trilogy, which is obviously a three book series, and "not" the five or six that is frequently advertised. Oh yes, but not a subject I wish to elaborate on this day, this morning, for there is another installment of My Message of Love to humanity, which is on, as you say, the agenda, oh yes...indeed...

Ah, and I sense a growing curiousity with My Message of Love to humanity, which is a good thing, and yet, not the number of Souls you would think would be curious about what your Creator and Divine Parent has to communicate this day.

Ah...but then again, this is the Dream World of Mother Earth, within the non-reality of egoic, fearful consciousness, and its illusion of separation from that which no one, and no thing can, in fact, be separated from, oh no...not in "Reality"...but, in illusionary, non-reality, hmm...anything is possible. Oh yes, for My Children of the Light Divine are infinitely creative. Oh yes, and your egoic, Dream World, of fearful consciousness is quite the example of your limitless creativity, indeed...

"Indeed" interesting word, as are many such components of your form of communication called "language". Oh yes, something that is not used on our "Spiritual side of the fence", per say, for "that" is what I Am, oh yes, as conveyed many, many times within this God's Blog...The Great Mystery Am I, the Great Spirit of Infinite Love, is "incomprehensible" to the limits of the human brain, to which you identify with, for you live, and breath, and think you are "human beings", when truthfully, you are only pretending to be human, "for the experience"

Oh yes, this too, I, Abba, your Divine Parent, have communicated to all of humanity within these, Divine Articles of Reality, to My Children...My offsprings. Oh yes, all in one of many attempts to "awaken" you to the "Reality" of humanity's perceived, or imagined non-reality. Oh yes, for you continue to reside in your Dream World of illusions...of non-reality...of dark, fearful emotions. Oh yes, My Children, for you are truly "lost" in egoic, fearful consciousness. Oh yes...indeed, for until you once again..."once again", My Children of the Light, begin to re-establish your eternal relationship with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent, all that you experience on Mother Earth, with the exception of a few fleeting moments, here and there, is illusion...oh yes, the illusion of egoic, fearful consciousness.   

Would you like an example, hmm...My Children? Just turn on your national and inter-national news programs. Oh yes, and you will receive a dose of fearful news. Oh yes, news filled with your non-reality of things you are fearful of. "Pick your poison", as you say, for the list and descriptions go on, and on, and on, My Children. Oh yes, each and every day, every week, every month, every year, every decade, every century, and on, and on, and on...just as it has always been in your egoic, fearful Dream World.    

And "why" My Children..."why" have you chosen to be in your Dream World of darkness, on planet Earth, hmm? You know the answer, for I, your Creator and Divine Parent, have told you many times within this Blog, and also within Jeshua ben Joseph's, The Way of Mastery "trilogy", oh more time, "for the experience", for that is what Beings of Love Consciousness do. Oh yes, create new experiences of Love Consciousness in which to experience what My Children? Oh yes, another question I have given you the answer to before, over and over. Have you forgotten already? "To experience more Love" of course, for that is what Spiritual Beings of Love Consciousness do...oh yes, participate in the creation of more Love...the extension of more Love, and who and what do you participate with, in such an endeavor, hmm, My Children? With Me, of course, The Great Mystery...oh yes, I Am a Great Mystery, indeed...The Infinite Field and Beingness of Pure Love Am I, from which you came, and reside "within", for in order to experience Love, "form" is necessary, oh yes...

And "here" we are, once again, My Children of Love and Light Divine. Here we are again...a place in many of our discussions where I, your Creator, or Jeshua ben Joseph, within his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, most notably, The Way of Mastery, where we attempt to describe what is typically incomprehensible to limited consciousness, oh yes..."very limited", egoic, fearful consciousness, and "that" My Children, is exactly where you temporarily reside...hmm?

Lost are you, in your creation of "non-reality", "for the experience". No different , in some respects, to what you often do in your Dream World on Mother Earth. For do you not choose to have experiences you have never had before, simply to experience "whatever", hmm? Well, My Children of the Light Divine, "that" is exactly the reason you incarnated, into your physical, human bodies...oh yes, to have the experience of  forgetting who and what you truly are, and then...eventually, after seemingly an endless series of experiences, which you call "incarnations" into different human have the experience of remembering your true identities, your true purpose, your only true function, for coming into "Beingness". Oh yes, My Children, as amazing as your journey into humanness has been, experiencing limited, fearful, egoic consciousness, in human forms, is not the purpose for which I created you. Oh you say in your Dream World on planet Earth, "you are not even close", and yet, many have asked the question, "why are we here"..."what is out purpose"..."what is our function"....there must be some hidden reason that explains"all of this", "this darkness"...this pain and suffering that just goes on, and on, and on.

Oh yes, My Children, you have asked the question "why" many, many times. Most of the time, you don't wait for the answer. Most of the time, you do not think an answer if forthcoming. Most of the time, you do not "think" you have an eternal and inseparable relationship with Me, your Divine Parent. Most of the time, you do not listen to and believe the messengers I send to you, with the answers to all of your endless "why" questions, oh do not "listen" for the answers to your questions, hmm...My Children?

And "that" My Children of the Light Divine, raises an interesting question, hmm? Why do you ask these questions, if you do not listen for the answers, hmm, My Children...Spiritual Children of the Light Divine? Oh, there is a reason, indeed...My Children...My offsprings...My Spiritual Beings...but you so rarley listen, and even when you do, you reject My answers...hmm? 

Oh yes, many have read these articles...or at least one or two of them...and what has been your reaction, hmm? Even more, a great many more, thousands and thousands more, have read Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery trilogy, and how many study and practice the lifestyle communicated therein, until they identify with, own, and live The Way of Mastery, hmm? How many My Children? 

It is as you say in your illusionary Dream World, "if it was easy, everyone would do it"...or in other words...if it was easy to become "enlightened", everyone would do it...if it was easy to "re-establish your eternal relationship with Me, Abba, your Divine Parent", everyone would do it..."if it was easy to become a Conscious Christ Incarnate", as your brother and friend, Jeshua ben Joseph did, two thousand years ago, everyone would do it...are you getting My message, hmm...My Children...are you listening...or, have you "tuned out" to the answer to your many "why questions", hmm?

Oh yes, I think you have, for unless something is "easy", humanity is not interested, hmm...My Children of the Light Divine? Oh yes, "that voice" inside your Beingness, your Conscious Beingness, which you wanted to experience, "just for the experience", is in control...oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine.

Do you know who and what "that voice" is My Children..."that voice", that tells you, both consciously, and more importantly, subconsciously...oh yes, "SUBCONSCIOUSLY" My Children, "YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH" to have an eternal relationship with Me, Abba, your Creator, oh no, My Children..."that voice within", who tells you, "YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH" to be an enlightened Soul. Oh yes, My Children of the Light Divine, "that voice", that tells you, "YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH" to be a Conscious Christ Incarnate...oh yes, My Children...My Spiritual Children of My Infinite Beingness of Love, oh yes...the Infinite Love that is "everywhere", "that voice" that tells you, "YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING AN EQUAL TO JESHUA BEN JOSEPH", oh no..."that voice", My Children, is "the voice" you have been listening to for the millenia, in your Dream World, and it is why today, "you are lost in your Dream World" of fearful consciousness, physicality, and its illusion...ILLUSION OF SEPARATION FROM ME, ABBA, YOUR DIVINE PARENT.   

"That voice of limitation" is the voice of your ego's My Children, oh yes..."that voice" is the voice of your egoic, limited, fearful consciousness, My Children of the Light Divine, and why do you listen to "that egoic voice of fearful, limitation", hmm...My Children...why?  

Oh...and with that question...a few more of you just left..."tuned Me out", oh yes, for "that voice" said to...told you to, oh yes, for endless reasons. As you say of Earth, in your human costumes, "pick your poison", hmm? And why did "that voice"...your egoic, limited, fearful voice tell you to not believe as I, Abba, your Creator, tells you, hmm? What is the reason I, and Jeshua ben Joseph, convey to you, all of humanity, over, and over, and over again, hmm? Because you, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine, wanted to test the limits of your unlimitedness, hmm? 

You wanted to see if it was possible to experience the experience separation from Me, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love that is "everywhere". 

Oh yes, My Children, and "that voice" knows "if" you listen to "My Voice"...the Voice of Love...The Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, which resides within you, and around you, no matter where you go...oh yes...pick any dimension in all of Creation, and go there...and I will be there, with you. "That other voice", of fearful consciousness, knows it will be "no more"...dissolved for evermore, oh yes, My Children...and then..."then", where will you be My Children...hmm?

You know, My Spiritual Children of the Light Divine...if you have been paying attention, that My Message of Love, "here", on God's Blog, or in Jeshua ben Joseph's The Way of Mastery. You will be "awake" to the Reality of My Everywhereness of Love, My a wave is to the Ocean, or a sunbeam is to the Sun. "Awake" from the non-reality of your Dream World on planet Earth. Oh yes, "awake"..."enlightened", and participating in our "Oneness of Beingness", while still in your human costumes, hmm...would "that" not be "GRAND", My Spiritual Children of Love, who chose to "pretend to be human"...who chose to "pretend to be separated from Me, Abba, your Divine Parent" experience egoic, fearful consciousness...hmm? Who chose to experience your Dream World on Mother Earth, by how My Children, hmm? 


Time to "Come Home" My Children?

Time to start listenting to My Voice of Love?

Time to dissolve your limited, egoic, fear-full consciousness?

Time for Pure Love and Perfect Peace, My Children?

Time to follow the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, for he knows The Way?

That is all...

Abba - The Infinite Beingness of Love 



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