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Good Morning My Children

Humanity Has Been in Denial for So Long, "Denial of Reality" Has Become Your Reality

Monday, July 31, 2023 Blog

Ah, yes...another day on Mother Earth, in your illusionary world of separation from your Creator and Divine Parent. Oh yes, you still reside, humanity that is, in your self-created Dream World of darkness. Oh yes, "darkness" is what I said, and in darkness you will remain, as long as you fail to recognize the impossibility of just such a place. Oh yes, that is correct, "impossible" for you to be in a place, any place, where I Am not, for as I continue to communicate to all of humanity, on this, My Blog, Abba's Blog, the Blog of the Infinite Beingness of Love, I Am the Everywhereness of Love, of which it is impossible to be anywhere but "with Me". Oh yes, "inside of Me", is your Dream World

Ponder "that" My Children...ponder that "Reality", while you perceive you are somehow separated from Me...Pure Love, Perfect Peace, and the Everywhereness of My Being. Oh yes, quite the Mystery of Love Am I to humanity, the race of beings who believe you are unlike your Divine Parent, hmm..."My Children"...My extensions of My Beingness, as a wave is to the Ocean or a sunbeam is to the Sun, hmm? For how can Spiritual Beings (that's you), birthed forth from "My Everywhereness", be separated from Me...hmm? Impossible in "Reality", oh yes...but in an illusionary Dream World, quite possible, indeed...    

Oh yes, anything is possible in a dream, My Children..."anything", for all you have to do is to use your Unlimited Selves...your Unlimited Creativity, and imagine anything or place that you like, and "there" you are. Oh yes...just close your eyes for a few moments, and imagine you are strolling down a beautiful beach, on a hot summer day. Oh yes...go ahead...for a minute or two, and what happens, hmm...My Children? Where are you, hmm? On a hot, sunny beach, of course.  

So, without making your Earthly Dream World, in your human costumes, any more complicated than that, "that" is exactly where you are, hmm? On Earth, in your human costumes, separated from Me, the Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, dreaming away. Oh yes, "dreaming", for dreams do not represent "Reality" do they, My Children...for they are simply "a dream"...oh yes, represented by whatever you imagine your "perceived Reality" to be, even though such a place and self-identity, as your "human beings", is anything but "Reality", oh yes, My Children.

Even as I, your Divine Parent, and Jeshua ben Joseph, in The Way of Mastery trilogy, tell you over and over, and, humanity, exist in a Dream egoic Dream World, and you remain firmly in "denial". Oh yes, denying your humanness is anything but "non-reality". Oh yes, oh my...where are you, as I...we, have told you many times before, hmm? 

You are "lost". Oh yes, utterly and unquestionably, "lost" in your imaginary Dream World on Mother Earth, in your human costumes, all becuase you had the mad idea of creating a place where I Am not, the Beingness of Infinite, Everywhereness of Love. Oh yes, for "that" is exactly where you are, and will remain, until of course you do what My Children, hmm? You know, for I and Jeshua ben Joseph have told you many times...oh yes, within The Way of Mastery trilogy, and now, this momenet...and many prior moments, within this, God's Blog, on the soon to be famous 

Oh yes, I simply wanted to remind you of where you are, before I proceeded with the message of the day, hmm...My Children. Are you ready and comfortable, or a bit apprehensive, hmm? Oh, if I were you, and I Am...for remember My Children, I Am Everywhere, I would probably be a bit apprehensive, anxious, and nervous...if My Creator told Me, I was living in an imaginary Dream World, hmm...My Children? You may insist you are not. Oh yes, you may "deny" you are unconsciously a bit anxious about your utter illusionary perception of who and what you are, or at least "perceive" yourselves to be.

Imagine who and what you are..."human" that is...and we, you and I, know that you, My Children, are habitually a bit, as you say, "on edge"...on the edge of being fearful, and it does not take much to push you over your "edge", and where do you then find yourselves...hmm, My Children? Oh yes, in a truly fearful state of beingness...for "that", My Children of Light and Love Divine, is exactly where you reside, within your creation. Oh yes...egoic, fearful consciousness, alone and separated from Who My Children, hmm? Me, of course, the Everywhereness of Love , Who created you...The Great Mystery of Love humanity has been trying to understand ever since "you chose" to enter your imaginary Dream World, on Mother Earth, oh yes...indeed...

Have you, as you say, in your Dream World of separation from Me, "figured out" My Infinite, Everywhereness of Love, hmm...My Children? Of course not...oh no...for you reside in your illusion of egoic, fearful consciousness, within the confines...within the endless "limitations" of your human costumes, oh yes. long as you "think" you are limited, human beings, residing in a place of physical and dark emotions, separated somehow from Me, within your imaginary Dream World, where do you think you are, hmm...My Children? "That" is exactly where you are, hmm? Think about "that" My Children, hmm...

Did I just twist your mind's a bit, hmm...My Children? A surprise to some of you, My "human" Children, but not to those who have been following the message..My message within My Blog, on, for as I have told you over, and over...whatever you desire, your perceive, and whatever you perceive, you experience

Oh...but "you chose" not to believe Me, My Children of Love and Light Divine. Oh yes, "you chose" to deny the Reality of your Beingness, in favor of your illusionary Dream World as limited human beings, who have "chosen" to temporarily experience egoic, fearful consciousness. Oh yes, all in your limited human costumes, in your limited state of egoic, fearful consciousness. 

You perceive that you, humanity, are making progress..."evolving" I believe is the word you use. Oh yes, "evolving", when in "Reality", you are as your dogs, who are chasing their tails. Oh yes, for you will be "evolving" as long as you choose to deny your eternal, union with Me, your Divine Parent, oh yes...My Children.

How long do you want to experience egoic, fearful consciousness, in your human costumes, within your Dream World of separation from Me, Abba, an Infinite Beingness of Love, hmm...My Children? 

I know...I understand...I have heard your fearful, egoic fantasies all before...over and over again, that somehow you are not responsible for your Dream World on Mother Earth, and that it is all "My doing"..."My Creation", hmm? Isn't that what you were about to say, My Children of the Light Divine, hmm? 

Oh yes, "that" is what some of you told Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago, when he tried to explain "Reality" to you, in human terms, which I might point out, is not an easy thing to do...oh no. For how do you explain to someone their "perception of Reality", is not "Reality", hmm...My Children? Do you know what happens? They don't believe you, or in this case, humanity did not believe Jeshua ben Joseph, two thousand years ago...just as you do not believe Jeshua ben Joseph "today", when he tells humanity the same things, in his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings

Oh yes, it is quite the conundrum, for he has many followers today, just as he did two thousand years ago...and his followers two thousand years ago, said the same things his followers say today...oh yes. There are thousands who read and study his Contemporary and Channeled Teachings, who profess they are living what he teaches, and they do...up to a point...up and until a point...and then..."then", My Children, the flow...the ceaseless flow of egoic, fearful excuses begin...excuses for why they (you) cannot live as Jeshua ben Joseph does.   

When as you say, the dust settles, humanity remains "lost" in your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness...and what is one of the primary techniques of your ego's My Children...hmm? You know...for Jeshua ben Joseph spelled this all out for you in The Way of Mastery trilogy, in your 1990s, "over two decades ago".  

Oh yes, My Children, for over two decades, humanity has had the Truth of your status quo in egoic, fearful consciousness, and its foundation...illusionary foundation of separation from what you can never be separated from...Me, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love, and still you slumber in your Dream World on Mother Earth, by denying your True Identity...even after Jeshua ben Joseph told you he has found The Way Home, to Pure Love and Perfect Peace. 

Oh yes, humanity has been in denial for so long, "denial of Reality", has become your Reality...and so, even when Jeshua ben Joseph conveys our message of Love to humanity today, your ego's assume you are somehow wiser than Jeshua ben Joseph, either consciously or unconsciously...either consciously or "unconsciously". Ah, and I have touched on our subject this morning, My Children of denial...My Children, lost in egoic, fearful consciousness, who profess, who proclaim, who fool yourselves into believing you are following and living the teachings of your friend and brother, Jeshua ben Joseph. 

Oh yes, My Children of Love and Light Divine, you have become the Children of Denial...the denial of your status quo within egoic, fearful consciousness, within your Dream World on Mother Earth

"I follow the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph...oh yes, I truly do"...or so you say, and yet, you do not. "Denial", My Children of Love and Light Divine..."subconscious denial" of the contemporary teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, for you only truly believe and live the teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph "that your ego's tell are capable of"...hmm?

Shall I say "that" again, hmm...My Children of Love and Light Divine? Consciously, My Children, you profess to study and follow the Contemporary and Channeled Teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph, but subconsciously..."subconsciously", My Children, where the roots of your egoic, fearful consciousness reside...your ego's tell you that you are "not capable" of living as Jeshua ben Joseph does...oh are "limited"...oh yes, your ego's "deny" your birthright as My Children, the extensions of the Everywhereness of Love...the extensions of Me, Abba, the Beingness of Infinite Love...oh yes...

Hmm..."that" should give some of you, My Children of Love, something to think about, when you look yourself in the mirror...hmm? "Subconsciously", you have chosen to accept your ego's definition of Reality, and in so doing, you have created your Dream World of un-reality, and its illusion of separation from Me, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love...your Divine Parent, Who created you, with what I will call "the Big Band of Unlimited, Love Consciousness"...oh yes..."BANG!"...

Oh yes, and within you is Part of Me, Unlimited Love Consciousness, which I gave you with the "Bing Bang", oh yes...My Children of Love. Oh yes..."the Children of Love", for I created you from "Self"..."The One"...The Source of All...

Oh yes, Unlimited Love Consciousness was all you knew, until a thought, in your Unlimited Selves, came to the surface of your Unlimited a "mad idea", as described by Jeshua ben Joseph..."can we separate ourselves from our Divine Parent?" This is all explained to all those Souls searching for a way out of your Dream World of egoic, fearful consciousness. Oh yes, that is what you "thought of experiencing"...experiencing a "limited version" of your "Unlimitedness"...oh yes, My Children of Love and Light Divine.

As Jeshua ben Joseph and I, your Divine Parent, have described before...the only way for you to experience a limited version of yourselves (egoic, fearful consciousness, and its illusion of separation from Me, the Everywhereness of Love), was to create the illusion thereof, for your Reality is "Reality", as an extension of My Everywhereness of Love, in Perfect Union with Me, for eternity, My Children. "This" will never..."never" change...but, you chose to create and experience the illusion of separation from Me, Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love...knowing..."knowing" it was an illusion..."non-reality"...    

Oh yes, your egoic, fearful consciousness, in your Dream World on Mother Earth...your limited perception of your Unlimited Selves, is an illusion...the Grand Illusion of all illusions...and why...why has all this come to be, My Children? 

I could spend days, weeks, months trying to explain all of this to your limited perception..."limited perception" of your True Unlimited Selves...oh yes, just as Jeshua ben Joseph has in his three volume, The Way of Mastery. But then again, that is why The Way of Mastery manifested within your limited, illusionary, Dream World of egoic, fearful that there would be a documented path back to "the Reality of your Unlimited Selves, and Perfect Union with Me, your Divine Parent", the Infinite Beingness of Love...The Source of All...

That is All...

Abba, the Infinite Beingness of Love...

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